clayh53 / tufte-jekyll

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Adding a `sidenote` in a list item makes the main column narrow #12

Closed quxiaofeng closed 8 years ago

quxiaofeng commented 8 years ago

For example,

{% math %}{\bf \lambda}^{(t+1)} \leftarrow {\bf \lambda}^{(t)} + \rho({\bf D\beta}^{(t)} - {\bf \gamma}^{(t)}){% endmath %}

Same algorithm applies to a general regularization matrix {%m%}{\bf D}{%em%} (generalized lasso)

## Remarks on ADMM

Related algorithms

+ Split Bregman iteration {% sidenote 1 'Goldstein, T. and Osher, S. (2009). The split Bregman method for l1-regularized problems. SIAM J. Img. Sci., 2:323-343.' %}

+ Dykstra's alternating projection algorithm {% sidenote 2 'Dykstra, R. L. (1983). An algorithm for restricted least squares regression. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 78(384):837-842.' %}

+ Proximal point algorithm applied to the dual

+ Numerous applications in statistics and machine learning: lasso, gen. lasso, graphical lasso, (overlapping) group lasso, ...

+ Embraces distributed computing for big data {% sidenote 3 'Boyd, S., Parikh, N., Chu, E., Peleato, B., and Eckstein, J. (2011). Distributed optimization and statistical learning via the alternating direction method of multipliers. Found. Trends Mach. learn., 3(1):1-122.' %}

is rendered as follows:

qq 20151005111600

The sidenote is rendered in the env of <ul><li><p></p></li></ul>. The width is computed within the <p> env, which is only the main column.

The markdown code can be found in:

The rendered result can be found in:

clayh53 commented 8 years ago

The problem arises when blank lines are separating list items. The Jekyll engine parses them differently. See the discussion here

quxiaofeng commented 8 years ago

In the index page, if the abstract of the post includes a list (<ul><li></li></ul>), the abstract would be still rendered as <ul><li><p></p></li></ul>.