clayh53 / tufte-jekyll

Minimal Jekyll blog styled to resemble the look and layout of Edward Tufte's books
MIT License
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`newthought` tag is not recognised by Github Pages (personal) #43

Closed mobius-eng closed 8 years ago

mobius-eng commented 8 years ago


I'm trying to use the theme (great theme by the way!) to build my blog. Locally, everything is good. But when I pushed things to Github, it complained bout newthought Liquid tag:

The tag newthought on line 3 in _posts/2016-03-29-floating-point-numbers.markdown/#excerpt is not a recognized Liquid tag.

I couldn't find any reference to what might be the cause of this, I also don't know how to get any extra info from github build failure.

Reference to the repository with the site

mobius-eng commented 8 years ago

OK, I figured: GitHub does not use local plugins. I need to publish locally generated site. I've amended Rakefile from slightly changed UploadToGithub.Rakefile to work with personal pages (master branch is now for publishing the site and writing branch is for actual authoring).