clayh53 / tufte-jekyll

Minimal Jekyll blog styled to resemble the look and layout of Edward Tufte's books
MIT License
620 stars 206 forks source link

GitHub Pages website published successfully but theme not shown #83

Closed lordobscured closed 2 years ago

lordobscured commented 2 years ago

Dear clayh53, thanks for this amazing theme. I am a bit of a noob, so please bear with me. I have created a clean repository, correctly named, downloaded the theme, modified to my pleasure, run jekyll buildand uploaded the _site folder to a new branch (gh-pages).

The issue is that when I access the page is showing but the theme layout and style is totally missing. Moreover, if I try to open any link, it returns a 404.

I tried adding the _config.yml file, adding remote_theme: tufte or remote_theme: tufte-jekyll on a new line to no avail. On the same note, it weirdly adds at the end of the URL.

It all worked on local jekyll serve.

What am I doing wrong?

I would greatly appreciate your help. Lord Obscured

clayh53 commented 2 years ago

Hmmm. Not sure exactly what is going on, but if theme is not showing up, either the links to the CSS files are wrong or have not been loaded. Can you tell me the name of the base repository this sits in? I can take a look at it and the gh-pages branch

lordobscured commented 2 years ago

it's lordobscured/, it's all public.

the main branch has all the files, the gh-pages contains only _site which is the result of jekyll build

lordobscured commented 2 years ago

Just an additional note. I did not choose any theme from the HitHugb Pages options as I am trying to use your theme. But probably this is unrelated.. Screenshot 2021-10-24 at 22 13 50

lordobscured commented 2 years ago

Ok, solved. Basically, the links to the CSS, images and pages were wrong, as you said. I changed the settings and now it works fine. Thank you