Currently goes from array-like -> numpy array -> python list -> rust vec -> rust type -> rust vec -> python list -> numpy array, which is a lot of copies and changing type information; plus vec-of-vec isn't an efficient data structure (although we don't index into the top vec so maybe it's not so bad).
Don't want to copy the array more than necessary, but we may need to clone it on the rust side to prevent releasing/mutating the original memory if we were to use Into.
Currently goes from array-like -> numpy array -> python list -> rust vec -> rust type -> rust vec -> python list -> numpy array, which is a lot of copies and changing type information; plus vec-of-vec isn't an efficient data structure (although we don't index into the top vec so maybe it's not so bad).
Don't want to copy the array more than necessary, but we may need to clone it on the rust side to prevent releasing/mutating the original memory if we were to use