clbarnes / ncollpyde

Mesh containment and line segment intersection queries in Python (over rust)
MIT License
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Intermittent testing failures #13

Open clbarnes opened 4 years ago

clbarnes commented 4 years ago

test_ncollpyde_contains test fails randomly on CI; count of points in the mesh differs by 1.

clbarnes commented 4 years ago

This is probably due to randomly selecting the rays for containment checks. As of the seed is consistent (but can be made random).

clbarnes commented 4 years ago

Deterministic rays do not solve this issue.

clbarnes commented 3 years ago

"Resolved" in that I've added a tolerance to the one benchmark which was failing... Not ideal, so I'll leave this open for now.

clbarnes commented 3 years ago

This may be resolved by the rebase on parry and the use of parry's enhanced-determinism feature.