clbr / fifth

Fifth is a Linux-exclusive browser that carries the best features from Opera, as well as a few unique features that are likely to please Linux power users. It's based on a custom Webkit port to FLTK and comes licensed under the GPLv3.
GNU General Public License v3.0
106 stars 7 forks source link

add easier install option #11

Open zabbal opened 9 years ago

zabbal commented 9 years ago

It would ease adoption and greatly increase user base if there would be a way to easily install fifth via distro repos (for example ppa, copr etc). The first step would be to include easier way to build packages right from the git checkout - debian/ directory etc. After all, the way to ensure world domination is by getting into distro repositories :)

clbr commented 9 years ago

On Mon, 04 May 2015 07:26:43 -0700 zabbal wrote:

It would ease adoption and greatly increase user base if there would be a way to easily install fifth via distro repos (for example ppa, copr etc). The first step would be to include easier way to build packages right from the git checkout - debian/ directory etc. After all, the way to ensure world domination is by getting into distro repositories :)

Quite agreed, but the only distro I'm involved with (TinyCore) already has Fifth packaged. I don't use Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, etc. It is up to packagers of those distros, or in the case of Ubuntu ppas volunteers.

I think I've already gone further than many upstreams by offering portable Linux binaries. Trying to package for N distros myself would be a sisyphean task.

You could help - if you can do a ppa/etc package, please do; if you can't, please request someone else package it for your distro. A few distros already have packages/scripts (AUR, some smaller ones).

cb88 commented 9 years ago

This was the main reason I requested being able to build liburlmatch statically.... haven't had time to grok the makefiles to get that working though.

Its also a problem for netsurf as well... whenever they enable a new library it tends to not be one that is already packaged... so the packages lag thier releases a few months when that happens while people get around to adding the packages . You are better off to use the firefox option and bundle the libraries... by default but allow overriding with system versions.

clbr commented 9 years ago

liburlmatch is very simple to build though, pure C with no dependencies?