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sen2cor version #79

Open usamahzaheer6 opened 3 years ago

usamahzaheer6 commented 3 years ago

The issue with sen2cor v2.8 for processing new images from S2 which are dated after 30th March 2021.

sen2cor should be upgraded to a higher version v2.9 in order to be working with new images.

I figured out there is s part of the code in (#def get_sen2cor_version), which may need some edit regarding acquiring the version of sen2cor being used (if upgraded to v2.9) .

See below (modified),

`version_regex = r"Version: (\d+.\d+.\d+)" match =, help_string) if match: return else: version_regex = r"Sen2Cor (\d+.\d+.\d+)" match =, help_string) if match: return else: raise FileNotFoundError("Version information not found; please check your sen2cor path.")


Thingus commented 3 years ago

Hi usamahzaheer6, I don't have access to Sen2Cor 2.9 right now; could you post a copy of the help string (run sen2cor --help) so I can update the regex?

usamahzaheer6 commented 3 years ago

(pyeo_env) [uz6@spectre12 bin]$ /scratch/satburn/uz6/scratch_new/Sen2Cor-02.09.00-Linux64/bin/L2A_Process --help usage: [-h] [--mode MODE] [--resolution {10,20,60}] [--datastrip DATASTRIP] [--tile TILE] [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--work_dir WORK_DIR] [--img_database_dir IMG_DATABASE_DIR] [--res_database_dir RES_DATABASE_DIR] [--processing_centre PROCESSING_CENTRE] [--archiving_centre ARCHIVING_CENTRE] [--processing_baseline PROCESSING_BASELINE] [--raw] [--tif] [--sc_only] [--cr_only] [--debug] [--GIP_L2A GIP_L2A] [--GIP_L2A_SC GIP_L2A_SC] [--GIP_L2A_AC GIP_L2A_AC] [--GIP_L2A_PB GIP_L2A_PB] input_dir

Sen2Cor 2.9.0, created: 2020.11.30, supporting Level-1C product version 14.2 - 14.6.

positional arguments: input_dir Directory of Level-1C input

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --mode MODE Mode: generate_datastrip, process_tile --resolution {10,20,60} Target resolution, can be 10, 20 or 60m. If omitted, only 20 and 10m resolutions will be processed --datastrip DATASTRIP Datastrip folder --tile TILE Tile folder --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR Output directory --work_dir WORK_DIR Work directory --img_database_dir IMG_DATABASE_DIR Database directory for L1C input images --res_database_dir RES_DATABASE_DIR Database directory for results and temporary products --processing_centre PROCESSINGCENTRE Processing centre as regex: ^[A-Z]{4}$, e.g "SGS_" --archiving_centre ARCHIVINGCENTRE Archiving centre as regex: ^[A-Z]{4}$, e.g. "SGS_" --processing_baseline PROCESSING_BASELINE Processing baseline in the format: "dd.dd", where d=[0:9] --raw Export raw images in rawl format with ENVI hdr --tif Export raw images in TIFF format instead of JPEG-2000 --sc_only Performs only the scene classification at 60 or 20m resolution --cr_only Performs only the creation of the L2A product tree, no processing --debug Performs in debug mode --GIP_L2A GIP_L2A Select the user GIPP --GIP_L2A_SC GIP_L2A_SC Select the scene classification GIPP --GIP_L2A_AC GIP_L2A_AC Select the atmospheric correction GIPP --GIP_L2A_PB GIP_L2A_PB Select the processing baseline GIPP

Thingus commented 3 years ago

OK; your patch looks good, can you compose it into a pull request?

usamahzaheer6 commented 3 years ago

Thanks. Pull request created.