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Cross-Linguistic Transcription Systems
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Non recognized sounds in Lexibank datasets #89

Closed XachaB closed 3 years ago

XachaB commented 3 years ago

While working on sound correspondences, I find many sounds across many datasets that CLTS's BIPA does not recognize.

I had started making specific issues, but the number of datasets with these problems is too high, and I am afraid of cluttering all datasets with the many small issues.

Instead, here is a summary of all the issues I find everywhere, sorted by dataset, with each time two examples of forms with the problematic sound. I also attach a csv with all forms errors I have found so far (extension due to github not accepting csv attachments in issues): errors.txt

Most of these are diphthongs.


Dataset Sound Token ID
abrahammonpa 'pʃ i';'pʃ u' SartangKhoitam-93_four-1;HrusoAkaJamiri-127_long-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
allenbai ai 'a ⁵⁵ + n ai ³³';'tsʰ ai ³¹' Yunlong-161_grandmother-1;Yunlong-354_guess-1
allenbai ao 'x ẽ ⁵⁵ + kʰ ao ³¹';'ɕ õ ³³ + qʰ ao ³¹' Lanping-1_sky-1;Luobenzhuo-10_hail-1
allenbai ou 't ou ³¹';'t ou ³¹ + tsʰ ou ³¹ + ts ɿ ³³' Xiangyun-100_bean-1;Xiangyun-101_pea-1
allenbai ão 'pʰ ão ⁵⁵ + tɕ ĩ ⁴²';'m ão ⁴⁴ + ts ɯ ³³ + k a ⁵⁵' Luobenzhuo-18_wetfield-1;Lanping-181_caphat-1
allenbai õu 'ts õu ³³ + w ẽ ³³';'ts õu ²¹' Heqing-126_face-1;Jianchuan-226_bed-1
allenbai ɔu 'pʰ ɔu ⁴⁴';'ɣ ɔu ²¹ + t ɔ ²¹' Heqing-104_cucumber-1;Heqing-108_walnut-1
allenbai ɔ̃u 'ts ɔ̃u ²¹';'j ĩ ³³ + k ɔ̃u ⁴²' Heqing-147_intestinegut-1;Heqing-182_earring-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
bdpa ae 'd ʁ ae';'tsʰ v ae' German-3_three-1;German-2_two-1
bdpa ai 'ai n + ç a s t';'b ai t ɔ ɫ' ValthermondDr-428_dutchngast-1;KoedijkNH-443_dutchnbeitel-1
bdpa ao 'p ao dz u' LeSentier-698_frenchaupoucelatinpollicechart411-1
bdpa au 'k w ə lʲ ə r au';'k u lʲ ɛ r au' Vernier-674_frenchunecuillereedescuillereeslatincochlearataataschart244-1;Veyrier-674_frenchunecuillereedescuillereeslatincochlearataataschart244-1
bdpa 'h aø s' Dutch-121_house-1
bdpa 'ʃ aĩ n d r ɛ' Montpreveyres-665_frenchdecendreslatincinereschart210-1
bdpa 'aə s ə m' WestTerschellingFr-444_dutchadem-1
bdpa 'ʔ aɪ n tsʰ';'ə + d aɪ f' German-1_one-1;ValthermondDr-422_dutchndief-1
bdpa 'k a n ⁴² m aɯ ⁵⁵' Xiangtan-628_tocatchacold-1
bdpa 'm aʊ θ';'z aʊ t' English-25_mouth-1;Dutch-510_salt-1
bdpa aːi 'ə n + b aːi t ə l';'aːi m + b l a t' ValthermondDr-443_dutchnbeitel-1;ValthermondDr-449_dutchnblad-1
bdpa aːy 'b aːy t ə n';'b aːy t ə' PiershilZH-429_dutchbuiten-1;GouderakZH-429_dutchbuiten-1
bdpa aːə 'f aːə d ə r';'f aːə d ə r' PiershilZH-455_dutchvader-1;GouderakZH-455_dutchvader-1
bdpa a͜i 'ʁ a s a͜i ʁ iː';'p a͜i v ʁ ɔ' Montalchez-659_frenchracererlatinreaciariarechart162-1;Montalchez-662_frenchdupoivrelatinpiperchart194-1
bdpa a͜u 'l ãː ʃ a͜u';'tʃ a͜u' LeSentier-715_frenchlechablelatincataboluchart61-1;Orvin-663_frenchdechoulatincaulechart196-1
bdpa ei 's ei v ə';'z ei v ə n ə' WateringenZH-431_dutchzeven-1;HaamstedeZe-431_dutchzeven-1
bdpa eu 's n eu';'ŋ i t ¹ tʰ eu ¹¹' Dutch-332_snow-1;Meixian-45_sun-1
bdpa 'z eɐ' German-530_sore-1
bdpa 'ə + b eə t ə';'ə + b eə t ə l' KnokkeBeWv-443_dutchnbeitel-1;PoperingeBeWv-443_dutchnbeitel-1
bdpa 'n ə ɱ + b eɛ t ə l ə';'b œ r h ə m eɛ s t r ə' KoekelareBeWv-443_dutchnbeitel-1;KoekelareBeWv-468_dutchnburgemeester-1
bdpa 'tʰ eɪ n';'z eɪ v ə' Dutch-499_toe-1;Dutch-7_seven-1
bdpa eːi 's eːi f ə';'z eːi v ə' PiershilZH-431_dutchzeven-1;WalshoutemBeBr-431_dutchzeven-1
bdpa eːə 'k eːə s';'k eːə s' ScheveningenZH-436_dutchkaas-1;WalshoutemBeBr-436_dutchkaas-1
bdpa ia 'ia ŋ ²⁴ ʂ ʅ ⁵³ tsʰ ɿ';'ia ŋ ⁴² ʂ ʅ ²¹ tsʰ ɿ' Harbin-627_tomato-1;Jinan-627_tomato-1
bdpa ie 'ʦʰ o ¹¹ ȵ ie ¹¹';'m ɛ ⁴⁴ ȵ ie ¹¹' Tunxi-625_yesterday-1;Tunxi-624_tomorrow-1
bdpa iu 'n iu';'n i ²² tʰ iu ⁴⁴' Dutch-405_new-1;Shexian-45_sun-1
bdpa 'f iɐ' German-4_four-1
bdpa 'iɑ ŋ ¹³ s ɿ ³⁵ tsʰ ʌ ʔ ¹³';'iɑ ŋ ⁵¹ s ɿ ²¹³ tsʰ ɿ' Pingyao-627_tomato-1;Urumqi-627_tomato-1
bdpa iɑ̃ 'iɑ̃ ⁵⁵ s ɿ ⁵³ tsʰ ə';'iɑ̃ ⁵³ ʂ ʅ ¹³ tsʰ ɿ ⁵³' Hefei-627_tomato-1;Lanzhou-627_tomato-1
bdpa iɔ̃ 'iɔ̃ ²⁴ s ɿ ²¹³ tsʰ ɿ ⁵³' Xining-627_tomato-1
bdpa 'z iə v ə';'z iə v ə' ZutendaalBeLb-431_dutchzeven-1;BilzenBeLb-431_dutchzeven-1
bdpa iə̃ 'm iə̃ ²⁴ tʰ iã ⁴⁴';'ɕ iə̃ ⁴⁴ ɕ iə̃ ⁴⁴' Xining-624_tomorrow-1;Xining-591_star-2
bdpa 'm i n ²¹³ tʰ iɛ n';'tɕʰ i n ²¹³ tʰ iɛ n' Wuhan-624_tomorrow-1;Wuhan-626_today-1
bdpa 'z o ʔ ¹ ȵ iɪ ʔ ¹';'iɪ d ə' Shanghai-625_yesterday-1;HolwerdFr-440_dutchaarde-1
bdpa iːe 'k iːe s' ZutendaalBeLb-436_dutchkaas-1
bdpa iːi 'n ə n + d iːi f' BilzenBeLb-422_dutchndief-1
bdpa iːə 's p iːə l ə';'tsʰ iːə s' ZutendaalBeLb-426_dutchspelen-1;WestTerschellingFr-436_dutchkaas-1
bdpa iːɛ 'n ə n + d iːɛ f' KoekelareBeWv-422_dutchndief-1
bdpa iᴀ 'ɕ iᴀ ²¹² ɕ iɛ ³¹';'ɕ iᴀ ²¹² i ⁵³' Kunming-332_snow-1;Kunming-497_rain-1
bdpa iẽ 'tɕʰ iẽ ²¹³ tʰ iã ²¹³' Jinan-626_today-1
bdpa ou 'k ou ʃ';'k ou ʃ ɛ' Saviese-700_frenchalacuisselatincoxachart416-1;Ayent-700_frenchalacuisselatincoxachart416-1
bdpa 'ʔ oɐ' German-24_ear-1
bdpa 'ɡ oɑ n ɛ s';'ɡ oɑ n ə s' Assery-545_norwegiangaande-1;Selfors-545_norwegiangaande-1
bdpa 'ə n + ɾ oɔ s' RenkumGl-448_dutchnroos-1
bdpa 's oə n';'ə + ɣ l oə s' WierumFr-431_dutchzeven-1;NazarethBeOv-432_dutchnglas-1
bdpa 'ouɚ/oɚ d ə';'m̩ + b ouɚ/oɚ tʰ' LeermensGn-440_dutchaarde-1;LeermensGn-425_dutchnbaard-1
bdpa 'l oʊ f';'oʊ v ə ɹ' Dutch-490_leaf-1;Dutch-491_over-1
bdpa oːe 'ɡ oːe n ɛ' Fyllingsdalen-545_norwegiangaande-1
bdpa oːi 'b oːi t ə';'b oːi t ə' HumbeekBeBr-429_dutchbuiten-1;MeerbeekBeBr-429_dutchbuiten-1
bdpa oːu 'ə n + r oːu z ə';'ə n + r oːu s' ValthermondDr-448_dutchnroos-1;GouderakZH-448_dutchnroos-1
bdpa oːæ 'ɡ oːæ n ə' Flate-545_norwegiangaande-1
bdpa oːɑ 'ɡ oːɑ n d ə';'ɡ oːɑ n s' Brekke-545_norwegiangaande-1;B-545_norwegiangaande-1
bdpa oːɔ 'ə + ɣ l oːɔ s';'t oːɔ m' ZutendaalBeLb-432_dutchnglas-1;ZutendaalBeLb-466_dutchtam-1
bdpa oːə 'ə m + b l oːə r ə';'x r oːə t' OoikeBeOv-449_dutchnblad-1;AlmkerkNB-461_dutchgroot-1
bdpa ua 'tsʰ ua ʔ ⁴³ tʰ ie ³¹';'k ua t' Hohhot-625_yesterday-1;HolwerdFr-463_dutchkort-1
bdpa ui 'k ui tsʰ ɨ k ɨ r u r i';'k ui tsʰ u k u' Amami-533_bite-1;Hachijo-533_bite-1
bdpa uo 'tsʰ uo ²¹³ ɯ';'tsʰ uo ²⁴ tʰ ia n ⁴⁴' Wuhan-625_yesterday-1;Harbin-625_yesterday-1
bdpa uoː 'ɣ r uoː t' HumbeekBeBr-461_dutchgroot-1
bdpa 'x r uɑ t' SchinnenLb-461_dutchgroot-1
bdpa 't uɒ l ə f';'t uɒ l ə f' AmeideZH-430_dutchtwaalf-1;RenkumGl-430_dutchtwaalf-1
bdpa 'h r uɔ t';'ɣ r uɔ t' ZuydcooteFrVl-461_dutchgroot-1;WalshoutemBeBr-461_dutchgroot-1
bdpa 'h r uə t';'h r uə' MoorsledeBeWv-461_dutchgroot-1;KortrijkBeWv-461_dutchgroot-1
bdpa uə̃ 'ɕ i ⁴⁴ x uə̃ ²⁴ s ɿ ²¹³' Xining-627_tomato-2
bdpa 'l ɔ ⁴² s uɛ ²⁴';'l ɔ ⁴² s uɛ ²⁴' Jianou-332_snow-1;Jianou-332_snow-2
bdpa 'tsʰ uɤ ⁵¹ tʰ ia n' Urumqi-625_yesterday-1
bdpa uːɔ 'h r uːɔ t';'ɣ r uːɔ t' KoekelareBeWv-461_dutchgroot-1;MeerbeekBeBr-461_dutchgroot-1
bdpa uːə 'f uːə ¹¹ k ɔ ¹¹';'ɣ uːə t' Tunxi-627_tomato-1;LiesFr-459_dutchgoed-1
bdpa ye 'n o ³¹ ɕ ye ³¹';'l ɔ ²² ɕ ye ʔ ²¹' Chengdu-332_snow-2;Shexian-332_snow-1
bdpa 'ɸ a n ³³ d yɒ ¹²' Xiangtan-627_tomato-1
bdpa 'x a ⁴⁵ ɕ yə ʔ ²';'ɣ r yə t' Taiyuan-332_snow-1;NazarethBeOv-461_dutchgroot-1
bdpa 'x a ²¹³ ɕ yɤ ²¹³' Urumqi-332_snow-1
bdpa 'l ɔ ʔ ² ɕ yɵ ʔ ⁵';'l ɔ ʔ ² ɕ yɵ ʔ ⁵' Nanchang-332_snow-1;Nanchang-332_snow-2
bdpa 'x ɑ ³⁵ ɕ yʌ ʔ ¹³' Pingyao-332_snow-1
bdpa yːə 'ə n + r yːə z ə' OoikeBeOv-448_dutchnroos-1
bdpa ãɔ̃ 'p ɥ ãɔ̃' AvrysurMatran-683_frenchilspeuventlatinpotuntchart295-1
bdpa æi 'ə m + b æi t l̩';'b æi t l̩' HolwerdFr-443_dutchnbeitel-1;OudeschootFr-443_dutchnbeitel-1
bdpa æu 'ɲ æu' Charnex-679_frenchdenudslatinnodoschart267-1
bdpa æø 'm æø s' Dutch-512_mouse-1
bdpa æə 'ə + ɣ æə n s' IngenGl-427_dutchngans-1
bdpa æɪ 'b l æɪ';'f æɪ f' Fyresdal-551_norwegianvart-1;Dutch-5_five-1
bdpa æʏ 'æʏ t' Dutch-482_out-1
bdpa æ̃ĩ 'f æ̃ĩ n d r ɛ' LeSentier-665_frenchdecendreslatincinereschart210-1
bdpa æ͜u 'tsʰ e ç æ͜u';'dz ɛ n æ͜u' Charnex-705_frenchlechasseurlatincaptiatorechart447-1;Charnex-697_frenchaugenoulatingenucluchart408-1
bdpa øi 'tsʰ a ç øi';'ð øi' Ayent-705_frenchlechasseurlatincaptiatorechart447-1;Collex-653_frenchunjouglatinjuguchart121-1
bdpa øy 'z øy v ə';'s øy ʋ ə n' DenHoornNH-431_dutchzeven-1;AbbekerkNH-431_dutchzeven-1
bdpa øə 's øə v ə';'s p øə l ə' IngenGl-431_dutchzeven-1;IngenGl-426_dutchspelen-1
bdpa øːy 's øːy v ə n' SchagenNH-431_dutchzeven-1
bdpa øːə 's øːə v ə';'z øːə v ə' ScheveningenZH-431_dutchzeven-1;GouderakZH-431_dutchzeven-1
bdpa œi 'k œi ʃ';'ɔ kʰ œi' Orvin-700_frenchalacuisselatincoxachart416-1;Sombeval-694_frenchaujourdhuilatinhodiechart3-1
bdpa œu 'd ɛ t r œu';'tsʰ a ç œu' Longirod-660_frenchlahachelatinhappiaittachart163-1;Fully-705_frenchlechasseurlatincaptiatorechart447-1
bdpa œy 'b œy t ə n';'b œy t ə n' CallantsoogNH-429_dutchbuiten-1;SchagenNH-429_dutchbuiten-1
bdpa œə 'b œə r h ə m iə s t ə r ə';'k œə r t' NazarethBeOv-468_dutchnburgemeester-1;NazarethBeOv-463_dutchkort-1
bdpa œːi 'b r œːi r' MusselGn-465_dutchnbroer-1
bdpa œːə 'ə m + b r œːiə/œːə r' ValthermondDr-465_dutchnbroer-1
bdpa œː˞ə 'm̩ + b r œː˞ə r' AduardGn-465_dutchnbroer-1
bdpa ɐu 'j i t ² tʰ ɐu ²¹';'j ɐ t ²² tʰ ɐu ²¹' Guangzhou-45_sun-1;Nanning-45_sun-1
bdpa ɑi 'b ɑi t ə ɫ';'m̩ + b ɑi t l̩' WierumFr-443_dutchnbeitel-1;AduardGn-443_dutchnbeitel-1
bdpa ɑo 'm̩ + b l ɑo m' LeermensGn-452_dutchnbloem-1
bdpa ɑu 's ɑu v ɔ̃';'s ɑu v ã' Veyrier-686_frenchnesaventpaslatinsapuntchart314-1;Hermance-686_frenchnesaventpaslatinsapuntchart314-1
bdpa ɑə 'ə ŋ + ɣ ɑə s t';'n̩ + b ɑə t l̩' IngenGl-428_dutchngast-1;SintAnnenGn-443_dutchnbeitel-1
bdpa ɑːi 'ɣ r ɑːi s';'ɣ r ɑːi s' HumbeekBeBr-460_dutchgrijs-1;MeerbeekBeBr-460_dutchgrijs-1
bdpa ɑːɑ 'm ɑːɑ n' Fyllingsdalen-558_norwegianmannen-1
bdpa ɒi 'm̩ + b ɒi t ə ɫ';'n + d ɒi f' AbbekerkNH-443_dutchnbeitel-1;KantensGn-422_dutchndief-1
bdpa ɒə 't ʋ ɒə f' KantensGn-430_dutchtwaalf-1
bdpa ɒɪ 'ə n + b l ɒɪ t j ə' RenkumGl-450_dutchblaadje-1
bdpa ɒʊ 'h ɒʊ f t' Dutch-112_head-1
bdpa ɒːə 's ɒːə n' OudeschootFr-431_dutchzeven-1
bdpa ɔi 'ɔi + b ɑi d l̩';'m ɔi dz o' KantensGn-443_dutchnbeitel-1;Charnex-693_frenchlemedecinlatinmedicuchart388-1
bdpa ɔo 'k a ŋ ²¹² m ɔo ⁴⁴' Nanjing-628_tocatchacold-1
bdpa ɔu 'k w i lʲ ɛ r ɔu';'ɔu v' Hermance-674_frenchunecuillereedescuillereeslatincochlearataataschart244-1;Orvin-672_frenchleaulatinaquachart236-1
bdpa ɔə 's ɔə n';'v ɔə d ə r' HolwerdFr-431_dutchzeven-1;PoperingeBeWv-455_dutchvader-1
bdpa ɔəː 'ə + b ɔəː r t' PoperingeBeWv-425_dutchnbaard-1
bdpa ɔɪ 'ə + ʋ ɔɪ f' CallantsoogNH-456_dutchnwijf-1
bdpa ɔʏ 'n ɔʏ';'n ɔʏ n' German-405_new-1;German-9_nine-1
bdpa ɔːɑ 'ɡ ɔːɑ n e s';'ɡ ɔːɑ n ɛ' Bjrnevatn-545_norwegiangaande-1;Bryne-545_norwegiangaande-1
bdpa ɔːɔ 's t ɔːɔ p ə ɫ';'x r ɔːɔ b m̩' LeermensGn-451_dutchnstapel-1;LeermensGn-433_dutchgraven-1
bdpa ɔːə 'ə n + ɔːə r ə m';'n ə n + ɔːə r m' KnokkeBeWv-458_dutchnarm-1;KoekelareBeWv-458_dutchnarm-1
bdpa əi 'f ə n əi h r a';'s əi' Charnex-719_frenchlafenetrelatinfenestrachart95-1;Charnex-688_frenchjesaislatinsapiochart343-1
bdpa əu 'ɕ ĩ ŋ ³¹ ɕ i/j əu ⁵⁵';'ɕ ĩ ⁴⁴ ɕ i/j əu ²¹²' Hohhot-591_star-1;Kunming-591_star-1
bdpa əɯ 'i ²⁴ d əɯ ¹²' Xiangtan-45_sun-1
bdpa əʊ 'tʰ əʊ';'s n əʊ' English-499_toe-1;English-332_snow-1
bdpa ɛi 'ɣ ə l ɛi s';'x l ɛi s' LiesFr-432_dutchnglas-1;WestTerschellingFr-432_dutchnglas-1
bdpa ɛiː 'x l ɛiː s';'ɾ ɛiː n' OosterendFr-432_dutchnglas-1;OosterendFr-446_dutchregen-1
bdpa ɛĩ 'm ɛĩ t i' Murist-671_frenchlesdeuxmoitieslatinduasmedietateschart227-1
bdpa ɛɐ 'ʔ ɛɐ d ə';'h ɛɐ tsʰ' German-90_earth-1;German-36_heart-1
bdpa ɛɑ 'm ɛɑ k' LeermensGn-442_dutchmelk-1
bdpa ɛə 'ə ŋ + g l ɛə s';'ə m + b l ɛə t' HolwerdFr-432_dutchnglas-1;HolwerdFr-449_dutchnblad-1
bdpa ɛɪ 'ə m + b ɛɪ t ɔ h';'b ɵ r ɣ ə m ɛɪ s t r̩' CallantsoogNH-443_dutchnbeitel-1;LiesFr-468_dutchnburgemeester-1
bdpa ɛːi 'b ɛːi t ə ɫ';'ɣ r ɛːi s' PiershilZH-443_dutchnbeitel-1;WalshoutemBeBr-460_dutchgrijs-1
bdpa ɛːə 'm ɛːə l k';'ə m + b ɛːə t ə ɫ' ValthermondDr-442_dutchmelk-1;ScheveningenZH-443_dutchnbeitel-1
bdpa ɛ̃i 'v ɛ̃i' LeSentier-694_frenchaujourdhuilatinhodiechart3-1
bdpa ɛ̃ĩ 'ʃ ɛ̃ĩ n d r ɛ';'f ɛ̃ĩ d r ɛ' Chevroux-665_frenchdecendreslatincinereschart210-1;Longirod-665_frenchdecendreslatincinereschart210-1
bdpa ɜu 'tsʰ a s j ɜu';'tʃ a ʃ ç ɜu' Orsieres-705_frenchlechasseurlatincaptiatorechart447-1;Nendaz-705_frenchlechasseurlatincaptiatorechart447-1
bdpa ɤu 'ȵ i ²¹³ d ɤu';'ȵ i ²¹³ d ɤu ³¹ v ai ²¹³' Wenzhou-45_sun-1;Wenzhou-45_sun-2
bdpa ɪe 'k ɪe s' DenHoornNH-436_dutchkaas-1
bdpa ɪi 's ɪi';'n ɪi' English-513_tosee-1;English-346_knee-1
bdpa ɪə 'k ɪə s';'b ɵ r ə h ə m ɪə s t ə r' SchinnenLb-436_dutchkaas-1;BrouwershavenZe-468_dutchnburgemeester-1
bdpa ɪə˞ 'b ɪə˞ t' LiesFr-425_dutchnbaard-1
bdpa ɪːə 'k ɪːə s';'ɪːə r ə m' MidslandFr-436_dutchkaas-1;WierumFr-458_dutchnarm-1
bdpa ɰ̥ 'f ø ɰ̥ s' Kristiansand-555_norwegianfrst-1
bdpa ɵə 'b ɵə x ə m eː s t ə r';'ɣ r ɵə t' ValthermondDr-468_dutchnburgemeester-1;HolwerdFr-461_dutchgroot-1
bdpa ɵːɔ 'ɣ ʀ ɵːɔ t';'ə n + ʀ ɵːɔ s' BilzenBeLb-461_dutchgroot-1;BilzenBeLb-448_dutchnroos-1
bdpa ʊu 's t ʊu ɫ';'n j ʊu' English-474_stool-1;English-405_new-1
bdpa ʊɐ 'ʃ t ʊɐ m' German-476_storm-1
bdpa ʊə 'x r ʊə t';'r ʊə s' DenHoornNH-461_dutchgroot-1;HolwerdFr-448_dutchnroos-1
bdpa ʌi 'b ʌi d l̩';'b ʌi t ə l' TerApelGn-443_dutchnbeitel-1;AlmkerkNB-443_dutchnbeitel-1
bdpa ʌiː 'b ʌiː n';'b r ʌiː f' TerApelGn-439_dutchnbeen-1;TerApelGn-462_dutchnbrief-1
bdpa ʌu 'b l ʌu m p i';'x ʌu tʰ' TerApelGn-453_dutchbloempje-1;TerApelGn-459_dutchgoed-1
bdpa ʌy 'b ʌy t ə' WateringenZH-429_dutchbuiten-1
bdpa ʌːə 'b ʌːə t ə' ScheveningenZH-429_dutchbuiten-1
bdpa ẽĩ 'f ẽĩ d r ɛ';'ç l ẽĩ d r ə' Orsieres-665_frenchdecendreslatincinereschart210-1;Lourtier-665_frenchdecendreslatincinereschart210-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
beidasinitic ae 'u/w ae ²¹²' Hefei-719_bend-1
beidasinitic ai 's a ⁴⁴ + z ai ¹² + ȵ i/j ai ¹² + ɦ a ³¹ + ɕ y ⁴⁴';'ŋ ai ¹²' Wenzhou-48_chinesenewyearseve-1;Meixian-806_ifirstpersonsingular-1
beidasinitic au 's a n ³³ + s ɿ ²⁴ + u/w a n ⁴¹ + s au ²¹';'l i ³³ + l i/j au ⁵⁵/⁵¹ + m ĩ ²⁴' Changsha-48_chinesenewyearseve-1;Xiamen-48_chinesenewyearseve-1
beidasinitic 'm a ŋ ³¹/⁵² + m aɔ ⁴⁴' Fuzhou-43_evening-1
beidasinitic 't aə n ³³ + u ⁴¹';'tsʰ ɿ ²¹² + t aə ⁰' Changsha-40_noon-1;Hefei-330_stairsladder-1
beidasinitic ei 's a ŋ ⁴⁴ + n ei ʔ ⁴ + m a ŋ ⁴⁴/⁵² + m u/w ɔ ⁴⁴';'ʂ ɔ ²¹³ + u/w ei ⁵⁵' Fuzhou-48_chinesenewyearseve-1;Jinan-882_alittle-1
beidasinitic eu 'n eu ⁴⁴';'t eu ⁵²' Fuzhou-511_lickwithtongue-2;Fuzhou-607_mix-1
beidasinitic eɿ 'tʰ i ⁴² + t eɿ ⁰';'l u/w ə ⁴² + t eɿ ⁰' Jinan-126_hoof-1;Jinan-90_mule-1
beidasinitic iu 'j iu ⁴²';'j iu ⁴²' Meixian-887_again-1;Meixian-699_fine-1
beidasinitic 't ɑ ⁵⁵ + l iĩ/ĩ ³⁴ + iɪ ⁵⁵';'ȵ iɪ ²²/²⁴ + s ᴇ/ɛ ⁴⁴ + s ɤ ʔ ²¹' Yangzhou-48_chinesenewyearseve-2;Suzhou-48_chinesenewyearseve-1
beidasinitic oi 'k oi ʔ ⁴/²¹ + h j ũ ⁵⁵';'i/j ə m ²³/³³ + k oi ³³' Chaozhou-223_jiaaocostume-1;Chaozhou-94_capon-1
beidasinitic ou 's ou ŋ ⁴⁴/²¹³ + m u/w a ŋ ⁵²';'x ou ⁵¹ + p a n ⁰ + ʂ */a ŋ ²¹⁴' Fuzhou-312_abacus-1;Beijing-41_afternoon-1
beidasinitic ãi 'h w ãi ³³/²⁴ + t i t ³²/⁵';'pʰ ãi ⁵¹' Xiamen-890_anyhow-1;Xiamen-751_bad-1
beidasinitic ãu 'n j ãu ⁵⁵';'n j ãu ⁵⁵/⁵¹ + ã ⁵¹' Xiamen-92_cat-1;Xiamen-127_claw-1
beidasinitic õi 'm u ŋ ²¹³/⁵⁵ + t õi ³⁵';'m̩ ¹²/¹¹ + õi ⁵⁵' Chaozhou-253_buckettrap-1;Chaozhou-773_busy-1
beidasinitic õu 'ŋ e ²¹/³⁵ + h õu ⁵³' Chaozhou-892_certainly-1
beidasinitic øi 'k ɔ ʔ ³¹/²³ + n øi ŋ ⁵²';'k øi ŋ ²⁴²' Fuzhou-813_alleverybody-2;Fuzhou-904_and-1
beidasinitic ũi 'm ũi ²⁴';'tsʰ ɯ ŋ ²¹³/⁵⁵ + k ũi ¹¹' Xiamen-56_coal-1;Chaozhou-265_desk-2
beidasinitic ɐi 'n a p ⁴⁵⁴ + tʃ ɐi ²¹';'h ɐi ⁴⁵⁴ + n ɐ ŋ ²¹ + i/j + i/j ɛ ŋ ⁴⁵⁴' Yangjiang-223_jiaaocostume-1;Yangjiang-882_alittle-1
beidasinitic ɐu 'h a ²² + tʃ ɐu ³³';'i/j ɐu ²²' Guangzhou-41_afternoon-1;Guangzhou-887_again-1
beidasinitic ɑo 'i/j ɑo ²⁴ + y ²⁴' XiAn-152_potato-1
beidasinitic ɑu 'tɕ i/j a ²¹ + ŋ ɑu ⁵³';'s ɑu ⁵³ + v ei ²⁴' XiAn-223_jiaaocostume-1;XiAn-882_alittle-1
beidasinitic ɔi 'tʃ ɔi ³³';'p ɔi ⁴² + h ɛu ⁴⁴' Guangzhou-888_again-1;Meixian-468_backbackside-1
beidasinitic ɔu 'k ɔu ⁴² + tɕʰ i n ³¹';'l ɔ ²¹ + l ɔu ²¹ + pʰ ɔ ⁴⁴³' Nanchang-740_clean-1;Yangjiang-637_marryofaman-1
beidasinitic əi 's ɔ ³¹ + u/w əi ³⁴';'pʰ əi ³⁴' Yangzhou-882_alittle-1;Yangzhou-627_accompany-1
beidasinitic əu 'd əu ²²/³¹ + ȵ iɪ ³³/²⁴ + i/j ɒ ²¹/⁵¹³';'ŋ əu ³¹' Suzhou-48_chinesenewyearseve-2;Suzhou-806_ifirstpersonsingular-1
beidasinitic ɛa 'k i m ⁴⁴ + ȵ i/j ɛa ¹²' Meixian-23_thisyear-1
beidasinitic ɛu 'h a ⁴⁴ + ts u ⁴² + tʰ ɛu ¹²';'k i/j ɛu ⁴⁵⁴ + n i/j ɛ ŋ ⁴⁴³' Meixian-41_afternoon-1;Yangjiang-437_auntmotherssister-1
beidasinitic ɤɯ 'i/j ɤɯ ⁵⁵';'tɕ i/j ɤɯ ⁴²' Yangzhou-887_again-1;Yangzhou-213_alcoholicbeverage-1
beidasinitic ɵy 'x ɵy ŋ ²¹³';'s i ⁵²/²¹³ + k ɵy ʔ ²³' Fuzhou-358_alleylane-1;Fuzhou-708_angularhavingtheformofasquare-2


Dataset Sound Token ID
bodtkhobwa ai 'h ai';'h ai' Khispi-74_burnvi-1;Duhumbi-74_burnvi-1
bodtkhobwa au 'ɲ au';'ɲ au' Rupa-11_afternoon-1;Shergaon-11_afternoon-1
bodtkhobwa ei 'm ei';'a l ej~i/ei' Khispi-29_bamboo-1;Khispi-68_brotherinlaw-1
bodtkhobwa ou 'm ou';'tɕʰ ə tɕʰ ou' Rahung-87_chest-1;Rahung-471_squirrelflying-1
bodtkhobwa ui 'w ui';'h ui' Khispi-5_3sg-1;Khispi-50_blood-1
bodtkhobwa ɔi 'w ɔi';'kʰ ɔi t a m p a' Duhumbi-5_3sg-1;Duhumbi-259_khoitampeople-1
bodtkhobwa ɔu 'd ɔu l a';'ʨʰ ɔu' Duhumbi-32_bastard-1;Duhumbi-588_boil-1
bodtkhobwa ɛi 'm ɛi';'l ɛi s i' Duhumbi-29_bamboo-1;Duhumbi-30_banana-1
bodtkhobwa ɛ̃ĩ 's ɛ̃ĩ';'s ɛ̃ĩ' Khoina-253_iron-1;Jerigaon-253_iron-1
bodtkhobwa ɛ̃ĩː 'h ə r ɛ̃ĩː' Jerigaon-392_rib-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
cals dʒ̥ 'p a n dʒ̥' Tnavdi1-five-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
castrosui ai 'p ai ¹/¹';'m ai ⁴/¹' BanliangYangAn-21_fire-1;ShuigenCentralSandong-38_tree-1
castrosui au 'ˀm au ⁵/¹';'ˀm au ⁵/¹' ShuigenCentralSandong-36_hill-1;ZhongheCentralSandong-36_hill-1
castrosui aːi 'ⁿd aːi ⁵/¹';'ˀm a ¹/¹ + p o ³/¹ + tsʰ aːi ¹/¹' ShuigenCentralSandong-68_land-1;ShuigenCentralSandong-74_spinach-1
castrosui aːu 'j aːu ¹/¹';'j aːu ¹/¹' ShuigenCentralSandong-44_vine-1;ZhongheCentralSandong-44_vine-1
castrosui ei 'ˀm a ¹/¹ + z u/w ei ¹/¹' JiuqianSouthernSandong-76_coriander-1
castrosui eu 'ȶ eu ²/¹';'ɕ i/j eu ¹/¹' AntangWesternSandong-75_chinesechives-1;ZhongheCentralSandong-83_pricklyash-1
castrosui eːu 'm eːu ⁴/¹';'j eːu ²/¹' DujiangEasternSandong-101_cat-1;DujiangEasternSandong-237_tile-1
castrosui oi 'ʔ oi ³/¹';'ʔ oi ³/¹' TingpaiWesternSandong-59_sugarcane-1;JiuqianSouthernSandong-59_sugarcane-1
castrosui ui 'ˀn ui ¹/¹';'ˀn ui ¹/¹' ShuigenCentralSandong-7_snow-1;ZhongheCentralSandong-7_snow-1
castrosui õi 'ʔ õi ⁴/¹' TangnianYangAn-59_sugarcane-1
castrosui ũi 'ʔ ũi ⁴/¹' BanliangYangAn-59_sugarcane-1
castrosui əi 'ⁿb əi ¹/¹';'ⁿd əi ¹/¹' TangzhouWesternSandong-12_year-1;TangzhouWesternSandong-33_sand-1
castrosui əu 'h i/j əu ¹/¹';'l i/j əu ⁴/¹' Pandong-83_pricklyash-1;Pandong-412_completet-1
castrosui ɛu 's ɛu ³/¹' TangnianYangAn-424_tofry-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
castroyi ai 'l a̠/a ²¹ + ts ai ²¹';'ʔ i ⁵⁵ + g u ³³ + n n̩ ²¹ + d ai ²¹' MoguangLaizisi-128_arm-1;DaqingZibusi-460_ashamed-1
castroyi ei 'l ei ²¹ + tɕ i ⁵⁵';'s ei ⁵⁵' Kuamasi-210_liquor-1;Kuamasi-441_new-1
castroyi iɛ̃ 'tɕ i ²¹ + pʰ iɛ̃ ³³' XinfengSonaga-215_hoe-1
castroyi ou 'b ou ²¹ + l ou ³³';'h ɯ ⁵⁵ + tsʰ ou ³³' DaqingZibusi-65_ant-1;DaqingZibusi-214_axe-1
castroyi ãi 'ts ãi ⁵⁵' XinfengSonaga-316_tohidething-1
castroyi ɑu 'h ɑu ²¹ + tsʰ ɯ̃ ²¹';'b ɑu ⁵⁵' XinfengSonaga-462_angry-1;DaqingZibusi-509_armspanmeasure-1
castroyi ɔu 'tʰ j ɔu ²¹' Kuamasi-318_tochoose-1
castroyi ɛi 'k a ⁵⁵ + b ɛi ⁵⁵';'x w ɛi ³³' DaqingZibusi-143_back-1;HedongKuaNsi-436_bad-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
chaconarawakan tt 'í/i i tt a';'m ee tt á/a t a' Baniwa-9_black-1;Baniwa-23_dryn-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
chaconcolumbian ai 'k ai k u tʃ i';'k ai k u tʃ i' Carijona-54_leonpuma-1;Carijona-112_tigre-1
chaconcolumbian au 'm au r u' Carijona-7_algodon-1
chaconcolumbian ei 'n ei w ɨ';'a r i b ei m ɯ' Ika-6_aji-1;Carijona-10_caiman-1
chaconcolumbian ou 'k ə n ou w a';'m ou g a' Ika-15_canoa-1;Ika-32_dos-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
chenhmongmien ai 'ʔ a ⁵³ + n ai ⁴⁴';'s e n ¹³ + ts ai ⁰/⁴' ZaoMin-2_sun-1;Bana-4_star-1
chenhmongmien au 'n̥ i ²¹ + t au ³¹';'h au ¹³' BiaoMin-2_sun-1;SouthernQiandong-5_cloud-1
chenhmongmien 'h aɯ ⁵⁵ + p o ¹¹';'zʰ aɯ ³⁵' NortheastYunnanChuanqiandian-5_cloud-1;NortheastYunnanChuanqiandian-6_rainbow-1
chenhmongmien aːi 's aːi ⁵³';'ʃ aːi ⁵¹' Mien-15_ash-1;KimMun-15_ash-1
chenhmongmien aːu 'tʃ aːu ⁵⁵';'ʔ aːu ⁵¹' KimMun-9_wind-1;KimMun-80_wife-1
chenhmongmien ei 'p j a ⁵³ + v ei ³¹';'qʰ a ³⁵ + n̥ ei ⁵³' EasternXiangxi-469_day-1;EasternXiangxi-2_sun-1
chenhmongmien eu 'ʔ eu ²⁴ + ʑ i n ²²';'v u ŋ ²² + h eu ³⁵ + ʔ eu ²⁴' EasternQiandong-5_cloud-1;EasternQiandong-6_rainbow-1
chenhmongmien ey 'd ey ³³';'ⁿtɕʰ ey ⁵⁵' NortheastYunnanChuanqiandian-14_fire-1;NortheastYunnanChuanqiandian-17_dust-1
chenhmongmien iːu 'd iːu ³³' KimMun-842_wakeup-2
chenhmongmien oi 's oi ²⁴';'d oi ⁵³' ZaoMin-15_ash-1;ZaoMin-21_river-1
chenhmongmien oːi 'p u ³¹ + n̥ oːi ³³';'p e ⁵¹ + n oːi ¹¹' Mien-2_sun-1;KimMun-2_sun-1
chenhmongmien oːu 'ˀp oːu ⁵¹';'dʒ oːu ⁵⁵' KimMun-336_axe-1;KimMun-340_saw-1
chenhmongmien ui 'l ui ³¹';'s o ŋ ⁴⁴ + s ui ⁵⁴' BiaoMin-7_thunder-1;Younuo-12_dew-1
chenhmongmien uːi 'p uːi ³¹';'ŋ uːi ⁴² + ʔ u/w oː m ³⁵' KimMun-33_coal-1;KimMun-128_tears-1
chenhmongmien uːo 'ʔ uːo m ³⁵ + b ei ⁵⁵' KimMun-287_boiledwater-1
chenhmongmien æɯ 'ȵʱ u ³⁵ + vʱ æɯ ³⁵' NortheastYunnanChuanqiandian-132_cattlebostaurus-1
chenhmongmien øe 's øe ³¹';'ʔ øe ³³' Numao-339_chisel-1;Numao-429_two-1
chenhmongmien ɑu 't ə ⁰/² + p l ɑu ⁵⁵';'ʔ ə ⁰/² + ⁿb l ɑu ³¹' WesternLuobuohe-116_heart-1;WesternLuobuohe-334_whip-1
chenhmongmien ɒi 'tʃ ɒi ⁴⁴';'tʃ a ³¹ + tʃ ɒi ³⁵' Jiongnai-94_shoulder-1;Jiongnai-106_nail-1
chenhmongmien ɔi 'k ɔ ⁴² + d ɔi ³⁵';'d ɔi ³¹' BiaoMin-140_tail-1;BiaoMin-238_sweetpotato-1
chenhmongmien əi 'd əi ³³';'t əi ⁴²' BiaoMin-18_ground-1;BiaoMin-27_field-1
chenhmongmien əu 'ˀl əu ³³ + l i ¹³';'m əu ²¹' Nunu-4_star-1;Mien-5_cloud-1
chenhmongmien əɯ 'y n ³¹ + t əɯ ⁵³';'s əɯ ⁵³' EasternXiangxi-5_cloud-1;EasternXiangxi-7_thunder-1
chenhmongmien ɛu 'ɕ ɛu ³⁵';'ʑ ɛu ³¹' BiaoMin-528_small-1;BiaoMin-847_shakehead-1
chenhmongmien ɯa 'v ɯa ³⁵';'m ɯa ²²' Nunu-5_cloud-1;Nunu-763_grindflour-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
chindialectsurvey ai 'tʰ a ŋ l̥ ai';'kʰ ai h j o' HyowLaituGhungurumukParainBandarban-A-41_cave-1;HyowLaituGhungurumukParainBandarban-A-140_head-1
chindialectsurvey au 'ʔ ɑ + l u + χ au k';'sʰ au ŋ' WakungAwaPyin-A-142_brain-1;EkaiDaletYwaHaung-D-1-194_person-1
chindialectsurvey ei 'ʔ + p ei';'p ei + l u + d u' LonpawKhoimalaung-U-9-371_all-1;MinkyaChi-U-10-371_all-1
chindialectsurvey 'i mʃ ɔ' HyowLaituGhungurumukParainBandarban-A-284_tosing-1
chindialectsurvey oi 'k r oi a h o';'ɓ i + s ɑ + k oi' HyowLaituGhungurumukParainBandarban-A-251_arrow-1;MroKhimiAreong10KyaGaungvillageMrokhami-A-245_ashes-1
chindialectsurvey ou 'sʰ ou + k j e';'sʰ ou + kʰ o' KhamawLakeKone-D-2-170_arpit-1;SaingbongAyoTaung-D-3-170_arpit-1
chindialectsurvey 'ʔ + w̥ ɛ n' MinkyaChi-U-10-88_bear-1
chindialectsurvey ɑi 'k ɑi';'k ɑi' DaaiKalim-A-444_i-1;MroKhimiAreong10KyaGaungvillageMrokhami-A-444_i-1
chindialectsurvey ɑu 'j̊ ɑu + kʰ o';'tʃʰ ɑu + kʰ o' AshoKokanTan-A-1-170_arpit-1;AshoLinde-A-11-170_arpit-1
chindialectsurvey ɔi 'p ɔi + d ɔ ʔ + d w ɑ ŋ';'p ɔi + d ɔ' AshoKokanTan-A-1-371_all-1;AshoLinde-A-11-371_all-1
chindialectsurvey ɔu 'kʰ ɔ l ɔu';'ɔ tʰ ɔu' HyowLaituGhungurumukParainBandarban-A-85_animal-1;HyowLaituGhungurumukParainBandarban-A-216_boat-1
chindialectsurvey ɛi 'a h a l ɛi h j o';'ɨ h ɨ m ɛi' HyowLaituGhungurumukParainBandarban-A-157_chin-1;HyowLaituGhungurumukParainBandarban-A-70_dryfield-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
deepadungpalaung ai 's ai ʔ';'t ai ʔ' NanSang-29_louse-1;NanSang-42_hand-1
deepadungpalaung au 'j̊ au ʔ' XiangZhaiTang-34_ear-1
deepadungpalaung ei 'b l ei + n ɔ x' XiangZhaiTang-39_heart-1
deepadungpalaung ia 'b l a ŋ + g ia r';'m ə + g ia n' MengDan-2_moon-1;XiangZhaiTang-2_moon-1
deepadungpalaung io 'p io ŋ';'p io ŋ' GuangKa-46_fat-1;MangBang-46_fat-1
deepadungpalaung oi 'm oi ʔ';'m oi ʔ' MengDan-35_mouth-1;XiangZhaiTang-35_mouth-1
deepadungpalaung ou 'b ou ʔ';'d ou ʔ' XiangZhaiTang-67_scratch-1;XiangZhaiTang-76_burn-1
deepadungpalaung ua 'm + pʰ ua n' XiangZhaiTang-82_four-1
deepadungpalaung ɔi 'b l i + n ɔi h';'ɲ ɔi ʔ' MengDan-39_heart-1;GuangKa-57_smell-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
dunnielex ae 'k ae ɾ' spanish-42_fall-1
dunnielex ai 'v ai l';'b ai s n̩' german-10_because-1;german-14_bite-1
dunnielex aiː 'w aiː ʈ';'aiː' marathi-8_bad-1;marathi-103_mother-1
dunnielex au 'au r';'cʰ au r' bihari-3_and-1;bihari-5_ashes-1
dunnielex auː 'p auː s' marathi-121_rain-1
dunnielex 'aĩ kʰ';'p aĩ kʰ' bihari-41_eye-1;bihari-47_feather-1
dunnielex 'b aɪ t';'tʃ aɪ l d' english-14_bite-1;english-22_child-1
dunnielex aɪ̯ 'm aɪ̯ ɾ' armenianmod-103_mother-1
dunnielex 'k l aʊ d';'k aʊ n t' english-23_cloud-1;english-26_count-1
dunnielex ea 'p e l ea ɾ';'ɡ o l p ea ɾ' spanish-49_fight-1;spanish-77_hit-1
dunnielex eaː 'oː ts eaː n' german-136_sea-3
dunnielex ei 'g o ɖ ei b a';'r ei ɾ' oriya-81_hunt-2;spanish-90_laugh-1
dunnielex eu 'eu';'d eu' portuguesest-1_i-1;bretonst-124_rightside-1
dunnielex 'a eə b';'kʰ a eə b' bihari-25_come-1;bihari-39_eat-1
dunnielex 'd eɪ';'n eɪ l' english-28_day-1;english-50_fingernail-1
dunnielex eːə 'v eːə n';'z eːə n' german-17_blow-1;german-137_see-1
dunnielex e̞a 'k r e̞a s' greekmod-101_meat-1
dunnielex e̞o̞ 'a n a p n e̞o̞';'c e̞o̞' greekmod-20_breathe-1;greekmod-21_burn-1
dunnielex oa 'oa ɳ iː' marathi-188_water-1
dunnielex oe 'ʒ ɨ v o t n oe' russian-4_animal-1
dunnielex oi 'oi ɾ';'d oi ʃ' spanish-73_hear-1;portuguesest-183_two-1
dunnielex ou 'b ou' oriya-103_mother-2
dunnielex 'bʱ ɔ s m oɔ' oriya-5_ashes-1
dunnielex 'n oə n' danish-153_some-1
dunnielex oʊ̯ 'k oʊ̯ s a t';'f oʊ̯ k a t' czech-14_bite-1;czech-17_blow-1
dunnielex ue 'p ue j ɾ ɐ';'n ɨ v ue j ɾ u' portuguesest-36_dust-1;portuguesest-58_fog-1
dunnielex ui 'f l ui ɾ';'f l ui r e' spanish-55_flow-1;italian-55_flow-3
dunnielex uo̞ 'a k uo̞' greekmod-73_hear-1
dunnielex 'l ĩ g uɐ' portuguesest-179_tongue-1
dunnielex uɐ̃ 'k uɐ̃ ð u' portuguesest-192_when-1
dunnielex 'kʰ uə b' bihari-30_dig-1
dunnielex 'p l uɛ n' bretonst-47_feather-1
dunnielex uɪ̯ 's ɑ r uɪ̯ tsʰ' armenianmod-83_ice-1
dunnielex ye 'b ye k t i' bihari-117_person-1
dunnielex ãũ 'm ãũ s' marathi-101_meat-1
dunnielex ĩy 'b a r h ĩy ã' bihari-65_good-2
dunnielex ĩã 'n ĩã' oriya-51_fire-1
dunnielex œi 'b œy/œi k';'v œy/œi l' dutchlist-11_belly-1;dutchlist-31_dirty-1
dunnielex ũa 'dʱ ũa' bihari-149_smoke-1
dunnielex ũi 'dʱ ũi n' bihari-58_fog-1
dunnielex ũã 'dʱ ũã' oriya-149_smoke-1
dunnielex ũĩ 'bʱ ũĩ' oriya-38_earth-1
dunnielex ɐi 'k ɐi ɾ';'p ɐi ʃ ɨ' portuguesest-42_fall-1;portuguesest-52_fish-1
dunnielex ɐ̃i 'm ɐ̃i' portuguesest-103_mother-1
dunnielex ɐ̃u 'm ɐ̃u' portuguesest-70_hand-1
dunnielex ɐ̃uː 'k ɐ̃uː';'n ɐ̃uː' portuguesest-32_dog-1;portuguesest-113_not-1
dunnielex ɑu 'k ɑu t';'h ɑu d ə n' dutchlist-24_cold-1;dutchlist-78_hold-1
dunnielex ɑuː 'p ɑuː' urdu-59_foot-1
dunnielex ɑɪ̯ 'ɑɪ̯ ɾ v ɛ l';'h ɑɪ̯ ɾ' armenianmod-21_burn-1;armenianmod-45_father-1
dunnielex ɔi 'n ɔi';'m ɔi ɭ a' catalan-22_child-3;oriya-31_dirty-2
dunnielex ɔo 'p ɔ tʰ ɔ r ɔo' oriya-161_stone-1
dunnielex ɔu 'ɔu';'n ɔu w' catalan-40_egg-1;catalan-110_new-1
dunnielex ɔy 'f ɔy ɐ';'n ɔy' german-51_fire-1;german-110_new-1
dunnielex əi 'c i r əi';'c əi r' bihari-13_bird-1;bihari-60_four-1
dunnielex əuː 'm əuː' marathi-150_smooth-1
dunnielex əy 'k əy ə + k ə r ə b' bihari-184_vomit-1
dunnielex əʊ 'b l əʊ';'b əʊ n' english-17_blow-1;english-18_bone-1
dunnielex ɛi 'b ɛi t ə n';'s n ɛi d ə n' dutchlist-14_bite-1;dutchlist-27_cut-1
dunnielex ɛu 'p ɛu w';'ʒ ɛu ɾ ə' catalan-59_foot-1;catalan-94_lie-3
dunnielex ɛĩ 'r ɛĩ';'s k ɛĩ' bretonst-64_give-1;bretonst-77_hit-1
dunnielex ɛə 'h ɛə';'ð ɛə' english-69_hair-1;english-169_there-1
dunnielex ɛɪ 'ð ɛɪ' english-170_they-1
dunnielex ɪ̯u 'ɑ ɾ ɪ̯u n';'j ɛ ʁ dʒ ɪ̯u ɾ' armenianmod-16_blood-1;armenianmod-79_horn-1
dunnielex ɪ̯ɑ 'l ɪ̯ɑ r tʰ' armenianmod-96_liver-1
dunnielex ẽu 'k ẽu ʈʰ i k i' oriya-193_where-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
gerarditupi ae 'j ae ʔ o';'ʃ i r ae' Kamayura-42_cry-1;Siriono-193_stingray-1
gerarditupi ai 'h ai t ɨ';'z ai ʔ o' Mawe-167_rope-1;Guajajara-42_cry-1
gerarditupi ao 'j ao';'ʒ ao t i' Wayampi-42_cry-1;AvaCanoeiro-223_turtle-1
gerarditupi au 'z au ʃ i p e h o';'ʒ au b i' Guajajara-223_turtle-1;Xeta-84_goup-1
gerarditupi 'kʷ a r aɨ' Wayampi-198_sun-1
gerarditupi ei 'w ei t a' Mawe-18_bird-1
gerarditupi ei̯ 't ɨ w ei̯';'p ei̯ u' Wayampi-199_sweep-1;AvaCanoeiro-21_blow-1
gerarditupi eo 'eo p i n';'j a t eo' Asurini-84_goup-1;Wayampi-216_tick-1
gerarditupi eu 's eu p i r';'k a t eu g' Surui-84_goup-1;Surui-216_tick-1
gerarditupi 'eɨ n i r';'j e w eɨ r' Guajajara-181_sister-1;UrubuKaapor-193_stingray-1
gerarditupi ia 's a t e β o g ia';'t a w a s ia' Apiaka-216_tick-1;Apiaka-223_turtle-1
gerarditupi io 't͡ʃ ã w a t͡ʃ io' Tapirape-223_turtle-1
gerarditupi iu 'j a ʃ iu' Nheengatu-42_cry-1
gerarditupi 'b e r a s iã k ia';'k iã ŋ e' Yuki-130_medicine-1;Siriono-22_bone-1
gerarditupi 'n a t iũ' Tupi-134_mosquito-1
gerarditupi mb 'm e mb ɨ t';'mb o h a p ɨ r a' Aweti-188_son-1;Amonda-212_three-1
gerarditupi mp 'm e mp ɨ t';'m e mp ɨ' Mawe-188_son-1;Mawe-193_stingray-1
gerarditupi nd 'kʷ a nd u';'ɲ a nd e' Guajajara-100_hedgehog-1;Amonda-238_weincl-1
gerarditupi oa 'm oa ŋ';'m oa p ɨ t' Kamayura-130_medicine-1;Kamayura-212_three-1
gerarditupi oi 'e n oi';'i t i ŋ w oi' Parakana-96_hearlisten-1;Surui-171_salt-1
gerarditupi 'p oã' GuaraniMbya-130_medicine-1
gerarditupi 'p oɨ' Chiriguano-99_heavy-1
gerarditupi ua 'm ua ŋ a';'u r u w ua' Kayabi-130_medicine-1;Kayabi-231_vulture-1
gerarditupi ui 'dʒ ui j a' Guayaki-117_laugh-1
gerarditupi 'i p uã' Emerillon-130_medicine-1
gerarditupi uẽ 'p ɨ t uẽ' Guarayo-26_breathe-1
gerarditupi õa 'p õa' Chiriguano-130_medicine-1
gerarditupi ũe 'p ɨ t ũe' Chiriguano-26_breathe-1
gerarditupi ũi 'm u k ũi' Arawete-224_two-1
gerarditupi ɨi 'j a w e w ɨi';'j a v e v ɨi' Wayampi-193_stingray-1;GuaraniParaguay-193_stingray-1
gerarditupi ɨo 'h e ʔ ɨ t͡ʃ ɨo' Parakana-212_three-1
gerarditupi ɨ̃i 'j ɨ a p ɨ̃i' Kayabi-5_axe-1
gerarditupi ɪu̯ 't ɪu̯ ɪ' Omagua-171_salt-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
halenepal 'ẘ a k + ʔ o';'ẘ a k + m aː + l o' Chepang-1542_intelligent-1;Chepang-1543_ignorant-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
hantganbangime ai 'n ai w u + d e';'b ai l o' Fulfulde-2_age-1;Fulfulde-21_blacksmith-1
hantganbangime aːi 'm aːi + d e' Fulfulde-58_die-1
hantganbangime ei 'éy/ei + j é/e' Bankan_Tey-232_sit-1
hantganbangime oi 'k oi n + g a l';'h oi + d e' Fulfulde-100_footorleg-1;Fulfulde-152_lightweight-1
hantganbangime ui 'm ui + n i + n d e';'m ui n u + d e' Fulfulde-184_nurse-1;Fulfulde-254_suck-1
hantganbangime ãu 'm ãu w̃' Bankan_Tey-68_dry-1
hantganbangime õu 'n õu' Bambara-81_far-1
hantganbangime ɛĩ 'j ɛ̌yⁿ/ɛĩ' Yorno_So-128_honey-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
hattorijaponic bz 'bz ɨː';'j u bz ɨ' Miyako-68_sit-1;Miyako-189_suck-1
hattorijaponic ps 'ps ɨ g i';'k a n u ps ɨ t u' Miyako-37_hair-1;Miyako-102_he-1
hattorijaponic ui 't ui';'t ui' Miyako-20_bird-1;Shuri-20_bird-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
houchinese əu 'ɕ i ¹¹ + ɕ j ə w i əu ⁴⁵';'ɕ ĩ ⁴⁴ + ɕ j ə w i əu ²¹²' Taiyuan-3_star-1;Kunming-3_star-1
houchinese ɛu 'l ɛ n ²¹ + t ɑ w ⁰²/¹² + l j ɛ w i ɛu ⁰²/¹²';'pʰ j ɛ w i ɛu ²⁴ + k j ɛ n ⁰⁴/¹⁴' Nanchang-9_freeze-2;Nanchang-88_spoon-2


Dataset Sound Token ID
hubercolumbian ai 's a b ai n i n ə';'k ai k u tʃ i' Bari-218_good-1;Carijona-98_jaguar-1
hubercolumbian au 'm au r u' Carijona-166_cotton-1
hubercolumbian ei 'a r i b ei m ɯ';'tʃ ei r w a' Carijona-111_cayman-1;Ika-38_man-1
hubercolumbian ou 's a g d ou r ə';'k o k d ou n ə' Bari-339_oldman-1;Bari-71_rainbow-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
ivanisuansu ddʒ 'a ddʒ u e';'a ddʒ u e' Suansu-1406_far-1;Suansu-1408_tohear-1
ivanisuansu ddʰ 'a ddʰ a e' Suansu-2112_oldofperson-1
ivanisuansu oi 'a dʑː oi' Suansu-1741_above-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
johanssonsoundsymbolic !kxʼ 't z a m a !kxʼ u i' Juhoan-72_feather-1
johanssonsoundsymbolic d̪ʒ 'd̪ʒ e̞';'d̪ʒ u r̪ i g a' Nara-140_mountain-1;Nara-190_seven-1
johanssonsoundsymbolic 'x ɬ wh/w̥ a iː t';'t ɬ i m i n a wh/w̥ u t' Chinook-120_laugh-1;Chinook-124_liedown-1
johanssonsoundsymbolic ǃkxʼ 'gǃ a ǃkxʼ ui' Juhoan-42_cloud-1
johanssonsoundsymbolic ǃq 'ǃq a ũ' Taa-193_sharp-1
johanssonsoundsymbolic ǃqʰ 'ǃqʰ aː';'ǃqʰ u m' Taa-42_cloud-1;Taa-47_crooked-1
johanssonsoundsymbolic ǃx 'ǃx o m';'ǃx u i' Juhoan-174_river-1;Juhoan-221_tail-1
johanssonsoundsymbolic ǃxʰ 'ǃxʰ a i';'ǃxʰ a e b' Nama-43_cold-1;Nama-50_dark-1
johanssonsoundsymbolic ǃxʼ 'ǃxʼ u i';'ǃxʼ a' Juhoan-96_hair-1;Juhoan-104_heart-1
johanssonsoundsymbolic ǃʔ 'ǃʔ u ph/pʰ a';'ǃʔ o ⁿǃ a n g' Sandawe-11_ashes-1;Juhoan-18_behind-1
johanssonsoundsymbolic ǃʔʰ 'ǃʔʰ a n';'ǃʔʰ o a n' Juhoan-119_know-1;Juhoan-135_man-1
johanssonsoundsymbolic ɟ̊ 's i ɟh/ɟ̊ a g i n' Nivkh-151_nothing-1
johanssonsoundsymbolic ⁿǂh 'ⁿǂh a o';'ⁿǂh a i h' Juhoan-69_fall-1;Juhoan-205_sneeze-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
joophonosemantic dtʰ 'dtʰ a l i' NorthwesternKung-6_tongue-1
joophonosemantic gb 'a gb a';'gb ɔ' Yoruba-74_old-1;Yoruba-62_tohear-1
joophonosemantic gǃx 'gǃx o a' NorthwesternKung-59_knee-1
joophonosemantic 'ŋ iə n';'ɓ iə t' Vietnamese-100_tocrushgrind-1;Vietnamese-58_toknow-1
joophonosemantic kp 'a kp a' Yoruba-19_armhand-1
joophonosemantic 't o kʔ a χ';'l a kʔ e' WichiLhamtesVejoz-5_mouth-1;WichiLhamtesVejoz-55_toburnintr-1
joophonosemantic mb 'n ɑ mb ɑ';'e mb ɑ' Enga-14_1sgpronoun-1;Enga-9_2sgpronoun-1
joophonosemantic nd 'ɑ nd ɑ k e';'ɽ o nd ɑ t i' Enga-32_big-1;Enga-24_far-1
joophonosemantic ndz 'ts i ndz';'ndz i ts' Paez-47_back-1;Paez-52_egg-1
joophonosemantic ndʒ 'm i ndʒ u';'ndʒ ə l i p' Enga-18_fleshmeat-1;Ambulas-69_tosuck-1
joophonosemantic ndʲ 'a ndʲ';'i ndʲ' Paez-14_1sgpronoun-1;Paez-9_2sgpronoun-1
joophonosemantic 't o pʔ u ɬ a q' WichiLhamtesVejoz-59_knee-1
joophonosemantic 'tʔ a t e';'tʔ i s a n' WichiLhamtesVejoz-12_breast-1;WichiLhamtesVejoz-18_fleshmeat-1
joophonosemantic ue 'k ue' PeripheralMongolian-56_not-1
joophonosemantic 'z uə j';'m uə j' Vietnamese-20_fly-1;Vietnamese-94_salt-1
joophonosemantic 't o w̥ u' WichiLhamtesVejoz-47_back-1
joophonosemantic yi 'k yi' PeripheralMongolian-81_torun-1
joophonosemantic ŋg 'k i ŋg i';'ɲ ə ŋg i' Enga-19_armhand-1;Ambulas-28_bitter-1
joophonosemantic ŋgʷ 'a k ã ɾ a ŋgʷ e';'a p ɨ ŋgʷ a' ParaguayanGuarani-31_hair-1;ParaguayanGuarani-2_nose-1
joophonosemantic ǀʔ 'ǀʔ e e';'h ĩ ǀʔ ã' Sandawe-89_tosee-1;Sandawe-88_totie-1
joophonosemantic ǀχ 'ǀχ a ɾ i' Khoekhoe-95_small-1
joophonosemantic ǁx 'ǁx o e' NorthwesternKung-85_tail-1
joophonosemantic ǁxˀ 'ǁxˀ a o' NorthwesternKung-99_hard-1
joophonosemantic ǂχ 'ǂχ o o';'ǂχ o n' Khoekhoe-8_bone-1;Khoekhoe-90_sweet-1
joophonosemantic ǃxˀ 'ǃxˀ u i' NorthwesternKung-31_hair-1
joophonosemantic ǃʔ 'ǃʔ u';'ǃʔ a' NorthwesternKung-8_bone-1;NorthwesternKung-24_far-1
joophonosemantic ǃχ 'ǃχ o e' Khoekhoe-81_torun-1
joophonosemantic ɨ̥ 't ʃ ɨ̥ t t i';'p u n s ɨ̥' AwaCuaiquer-19_armhand-1;AwaCuaiquer-47_back-1
joophonosemantic ɯə 's ɯə ŋ';'l ɯə' Vietnamese-8_bone-1;Vietnamese-1_fire-1
joophonosemantic ʏɪ 'ʏɪ l' PeripheralMongolian-87_tocryweep-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
kesslersignificance ae 'k ae l o' Latin-142_sky-1
kesslersignificance ai 'v ai l';'b ai t' German-9_because-1;English-13_bite-1
kesslersignificance au 'b au x';'k l au ə' German-10_belly-1;German-22_claw-1
kesslersignificance ay 'ʔ ay ɬ ts o';'n ay ɣ a h' Navajo-1_all-1;Navajo-6_back-1
kesslersignificance oi 'f oi ə r';'n oi' German-48_fire-1;German-109_new-1
kesslersignificance ɪi 's p l ɪi t' English-152_split-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
leekoreanic d͈ʑ 'n ə l + d͈ʑ u n +';'ø n + d͈ʑ a t' NGyeongsang-169_tofall-1;Gyeonggi-73_left-1
leekoreanic t͈ɕ 't͈ɕ o + ɾ ɨ +';'o + ɾ ɨ n + t͈ɕ o k' Jeju-120_short-1;SJeolla-107_right-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
lieberherrkhobwa ae 'b ae' Chayangtajo-31_fire-1
lieberherrkhobwa ai 'ə + s ai';'ə + l ai' Dikhyang-11_black-1;Dikhyang-43_heavy-1
lieberherrkhobwa ao 'dʒ ao' Kojo_Rojo-76_tosit-1
lieberherrkhobwa au 'dʑ au';'d i + j au' Rupa-76_tosit-1;Rupa-100_yesterday-1
lieberherrkhobwa ei 'e + b ei';'a + l ɛː + k ə + p ei ʔ' Namphri-33_fleshmeat-1;Bulu-49_knee-1
lieberherrkhobwa eoː 'ɲ eoː';'ɲ eoː' Dikhyang-14_breast-1;Singchung-14_breast-1
lieberherrkhobwa ia 's ia m';'c ia k ⁵³' Dikhyang-58_mouth-1;Eastern_Puroik_Sun-18_tocryweep-1
lieberherrkhobwa ie 'p ie ³³';'a ³³ + s ie t ³³' Eastern_Puroik_Sun-34_tofly-1;Eastern_Puroik_Sun-40_hard-1
lieberherrkhobwa ieː 'h aː + b ieː' Dikhyang-57_moon-1
lieberherrkhobwa io 'r iᵒ/io';'r iᵒ/io' Wangho-81_stand-1;Bichom-81_stand-1
lieberherrkhobwa iu 'iu';'a ³¹ + dʑ iu ⁵³' Namphri-79_small-1;Eastern_Puroik_Li-10_bitter-1
lieberherrkhobwa 'ə + r iɔ ŋ' Dikhyang-46_horn-1
lieberherrkhobwa 's ə + pʰ iə';'ts iə' Dikhyang-6_ash-1;Dikhyang-25_eat-1
lieberherrkhobwa 'm iɛ k';'h aː + pʰ iɛ' Dikhyang-27_eye-1;Dikhyang-68_rain-1
lieberherrkhobwa oa 'tʃ oa + pʰ a';'tʃ oa + pʰ a' Bichom-18_tocryweep-1;Kaspi-18_tocryweep-1
lieberherrkhobwa oe 'oe';'oe' Singchung-3_3sg-1;Namphri-3_3sg-1
lieberherrkhobwa oi 'dʒ oi';'a + tʃ oi' Kaspi-81_stand-1;Bulu-28_far-1
lieberherrkhobwa ou 'ə + j ou';'ə + kʰ l a + b ou' Dikhyang-29_fat-1;Dikhyang-88_thick-1
lieberherrkhobwa 'l oɛ' Dikhyang-53_legfoot-1
lieberherrkhobwa oːɛ 'b oːɛ' Dikhyang-31_fire-1
lieberherrkhobwa ua 'r ɛ ʔ ɛ + r ua ŋ';'ə + t i + d ua' Dikhyang-28_far-1;Dikhyang-79_small-1
lieberherrkhobwa ue 'l uᵉ/ue';'l uᵉ/ue' Wangho-53_legfoot-1;Bichom-53_legfoot-1
lieberherrkhobwa ui 'b u + r ui';'ə + ɲ ui' Dikhyang-60_navel-1;Dikhyang-86_tail-1
lieberherrkhobwa 'f uə';'w uə' Dikhyang-8_bird-1;Dikhyang-37_togo-1
lieberherrkhobwa 'ə + f uɛ';'r uɛ' Dikhyang-12_blood-1;Chayangtajo-51_tolaugh-1
lieberherrkhobwa uːə 'uːə' Dikhyang-45_tokill-1
lieberherrkhobwa 'w̥ a';'w̥ a' Duhumbi-8_bird-1;Khispi-8_bird-1
lieberherrkhobwa yi 'r yi';'t yi' Dikhyang-90_tongue-1;Bulu-66_one-1
lieberherrkhobwa õa 'h õa + m u';'h õa + m ua' Kaspi-98_woman-1;Namphri-98_woman-1
lieberherrkhobwa õu 'm õᵘ/õu' Kaspi-94_white-1
lieberherrkhobwa õːe 'h õːe' Dikhyang-15_toburnit-1
lieberherrkhobwa ũə 'ũə' Dikhyang-32_fish-1
lieberherrkhobwa ūa 'ūa';'ūa' Singchung-32_fish-1;Wangho-32_fish-1
lieberherrkhobwa ɔi 'tɕ ɔi';'j ɔi' Dikhyang-21_dog-1;Dikhyang-42_tohear-1
lieberherrkhobwa əo 'm + v əo';'v əo + pʰ a' Kaspi-62_new-1;Namphri-37_togo-1
lieberherrkhobwa əu 'f əu';'dʒ əu' Bulu-72_salt-1;Kojo_Rojo-15_toburnit-1
lieberherrkhobwa ɛi 'h aː + n ɛi ŋ';'n j ɛi' Dikhyang-84_sun-1;Rawa-14_breast-1
lieberherrkhobwa ɛ̃i 'a + h j ɛĩ/ɛ̃i' Rawa-11_black-1
lieberherrkhobwa ẽi 'a + h j eĩ/ẽi' Kojo_Rojo-11_black-1
lieberherrkhobwa ẽu 'ẽeᵘ/ẽu' Singchung-79_small-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
lundgrenomagoa mb 'mb o a p ɨ';'mb o β ɨ ɾ' Tupinamba-1119_none-14;Tupinamba-2_afewtimes-1
lundgrenomagoa mbʷ 'e ʔ o mbʷ e ɾ a' Tupinamba-301_cadavercorpse-1
lundgrenomagoa nd 'k a n i nd é';'ɲ a nd ɨ' Tupinamba-1119_none-1;Tupinamba-18_ajipepper-1
lundgrenomagoa ŋg 'm o ŋg e t á';'m o ŋg e t á' Tupinamba-59_askforrequest-1;Tupinamba-380_conversetrans-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
mannburmish ai 'k r ai';'s ai ³⁵ + j a ŋ ⁵³ + k a n ²' WrittenBurmese-4_star-1;Achang-8_rainbow-1
mannburmish au 'm au ³⁴ + kʰ o ŋ ³²';'m au ⁵²' Achang-1_sky-1;Bela-1_sky-1
mannburmish aːu 't aːu';'s a ŋ + h b aːu' WrittenBurmese-37_forest-1;WrittenBurmese-58_papaya-1
mannburmish a̰i 'ʃ o ⁵ + kʰ a̰i ʔ ⁵¹';'s a̰i ʔ ⁴²' Lashi-314_hunt-1;Lashi-315_kill-1
mannburmish a̰u 'pʰ ə ⁵ + l a̰u ⁵¹';'k a̰u ʔ ⁵⁴' Achang-28_dust-1;Maru-40_bark-1
mannburmish ei 'n j ei ⁴⁵';'dʒ ei ⁴²' Achang-13_day-1;Achang-23_water-1
mannburmish euˀ 'pʰ r euˀ' WrittenBurmese-248_answer-1
mannburmish 'm eɪ ³¹' Phon-12_night-1
mannburmish oa 'tʃʰ oa p ⁵¹' Achang-200_sew-1
mannburmish oe 's oe ³';'b oe ʔ ³' Lashi-258_count-1;Lashi-290_wipe-1
mannburmish oi 'ŋ oi ⁴²';'h ø ⁵ + s oi n ⁴² + pʰ j u ²¹' Maru-33_silver-1;Lashi-65_garlic-1
mannburmish o̰i 'l a̰ ³ + m o̰i ³²';'n o̰i ʔ ⁵²' Maru-102_snake-1;Lashi-130_mouth-1
mannburmish ãɪ 'ŋ ãɪ ³';'tʰ ãɪ ⁵²' Lashi-6_mist-1;Lashi-192_mat-1
mannburmish æu 'ŋ o ʔ ³ + m j æu ʔ ³²';'m j æu ʔ ³¹' Maru-57_banana-1;Maru-76_monkey-1
mannburmish ɔə 'm ɔə t ⁴¹' Achang-206_ladle-1
mannburmish ɛɪ 'ʃ ɛɪ ³¹' Phon-111_termite-1
mannburmish ɨu 'tsʰ ɨu ³';'d ɨu ⁴³' Achang-162_fat-1;Achang-282_throw-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
marrisonnaga ai 'mh/m̥ ai';'b ai j e k i' KhonomaAngami-246_fastquick-1;KhonomaAngami-878_winter-1
marrisonnaga au 'k e n i au';'h au' KhonomaAngami-635_secondadj-1;KhonomaAngami-779_thisadj-1
marrisonnaga ei 'u + t ei + kʰ i e';'u + l ei + kʰ i' KohimaAngami-287_forehead-1;KohimaAngami-351_hip-1
marrisonnaga 'wh/w̥ e';'g a wh/w̥ t a w n' KohimaAngami-162_tocover-1;Jingpho-359_tohop-1
marrisonnaga əu 's əu a';'k e r əu i' KhonomaAngami-619_torub-1;KohimaAngami-167_crooked-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
mitterhoferbena ms 'ms a g a';'ms a k a' Ikuna-84_walkingstick-1;Ujindile-84_walkingstick-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
naganorgyalrongic 'ˊk/k ə + w̥ sʰ ɔ';'ˉɬ/ɬ s o + q ə + ˊg/g e + w̥ tɕ i' NyagrongMinyag-381_chasevt-1;NyagrongMinyag-574_showitv-1
naganorgyalrongic ə̥ 'j ə k o m o s kʰ ə̥ c i t̚' JinchuanErkairGyalrong-1256_look-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
northeuralex ai 's ai tʃ a';'tʃ ai' gld-236_sign-1;gld-362_tea-1
northeuralex 'k aɔ k ã n';'aɔ d ã n' gld-16_throat-2;gld-92_meadow-1
northeuralex 'b ɔ g aɪ l';'b r aɪ χ' cym-22_navel-1;cym-26_arm-1
northeuralex 'ɬ aʊ';'s aʊ d l' cym-28_hand-1;cym-35_heel-1
northeuralex 'k ʊ ɔ v dʃ ɑ';'v ʊ ɔ r ɑ dʃ ɑ s' sme-141_bear-1;sme-157_crow-1
northeuralex 'ɾ eɪ';'eɪ p a k e' ain-230_name-1;ain-272_fringe-1
northeuralex ia 'm ia w ã n';'b ia' gld-46_heart-1;gld-58_moon-1
northeuralex ie 'ie d e s';'e n ie' sah-8_cheek-1;sah-99_slope-1
northeuralex iu 'n iu l ə tʃ ə';'s iu n + t ɔ k ɔ n i' gld-370_paint-1;gld-452_noon-1
northeuralex 's iã n';'g iã n' gld-2_ear-1;gld-15_jaw-1
northeuralex 's iũ n' gld-57_sun-1
northeuralex 'g iɔ l';'x a r ɪ tʃ iɔ r i' gld-288_oar-1;gld-309_stove-3
northeuralex 'ə n iə';'dʲ ə u n g iə' gld-203_mother-1;gld-576_left-1
northeuralex iə̃ 'ə r iə̃ n';'m u ɣ ə r g iə̃ n' gld-49_breath-1;gld-259_circle-1
northeuralex 'b iɛ lː j ɛ';'n iɛ rː ɑ' smj-2_ear-1;smj-8_cheek-1
northeuralex tpʼ 'ɑ i tsʰ tpʼ o r';'ɑ n k’ʲ e tpʼ i' abk-261_line-1;abk-565_former-1
northeuralex ui 'g ui tʃ ə';'ui tʃ ə' gld-321_roof-1;gld-369_knot-1
northeuralex uo 'uo s';'uo s + b ɯ t ɯ g a' sah-7_lip-1;sah-12_moustache-1
northeuralex 'd uĩ n' gld-656_four-1
northeuralex 'n j ʊ uɔ v tʃ ɑ v';'m ʊ uɔ h t uɔ' smj-6_tongue-1;smj-9_face-1
northeuralex 'b uʊ qʼ';'z uʊ d ə r ɪ ɪ n + n ə q ə' che-20_back-1;che-23_bosom-1
northeuralex 'k yø m e j';'t yø s' sah-16_throat-2;sah-24_breast-1
northeuralex ɔɪ 'b ə s + t r ɔɪ d';'t r ɔɪ d' cym-33_toe-1;cym-34_foot-1
northeuralex ɔʊ 't r ɔʊ s ɪ s';'ɪ ɔʊ x ō' cym-375_trousers-1;che-81_heat-1
northeuralex əi 't əi m b u r i';'x ə z əi + b uː w u r i' gld-744_relax-1;gld-901_promise-2
northeuralex əʊ 't əʊ ɪ ð';'t əʊ ɔ d' cym-73_weather-1;cym-191_sand-1
northeuralex ɛɪ 'd ɛɪ g r ɪ n';'b r ɛɪ ð ʊɪ d' cym-51_tear-1;cym-55_dream-1
northeuralex ɛʊ 'b l ɛʊ';'ɛʊ ɪ n' cym-11_hair-1;cym-31_fingernail-1
northeuralex ɪʊ 'n ɪʊ l';'b ɪʊ χ' cym-74_fog-1;cym-134_cow-1
northeuralex ɯa 'b ɯa ɾ';'t ɯa l' sah-48_liver-1;sah-61_wind-1
northeuralex ɯi 'n ɯi';'k ɯ n m ɯi l' kor-207_sister-1;kor-455_week-1
northeuralex ʊɪ 't r ʊɪ n';'ʊɪ n ɛ b' cym-3_nose-1;cym-9_face-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
peirosaustroasiatic ae 'ae ɭ a';'kʰ ae' Juang-53_meat-1;Didra-54_moon-1
peirosaustroasiatic ai 'p ai + t ǔ/u r';'g â/a k ⁵⁵ + h âi/ai ⁴¹' Deang-1_all-1;Rumai-3_bark-1
peirosaustroasiatic ao 'b ao h';'dʰ ao m' Khmer-4_belly-1;Khmer-5_big-1
peirosaustroasiatic au 'ɲ au ʔ';'s au ³³' Wa-2_ashes-1;Bugan-6_bird-1
peirosaustroasiatic 'bʰ l aə ŋ';'h aə r' Khmer-28_fire-1;Khmer-30_flyv-1
peirosaustroasiatic 'ɲ aɨ ³¹' Mang-100_yellow-1
peirosaustroasiatic ea 'k l ea T/¹⁵';'m ə h ea m T/¹⁵' Sedang-4_belly-1;Sedang-9_blood-1
peirosaustroasiatic ei 'd y p ei';'k ə n + h j ei h' Khasi-2_ashes-1;Chrau-13_clawnail-1
peirosaustroasiatic ia 't o c + ʔ ŋ ia ʔ';'d ia ŋ ⁴¹²' Jru-1_all-1;Rumai-5_big-1
peirosaustroasiatic ie 'k ə s ie ŋ B/²';'sʰ ie ŋ' Halang-10_bone-1;Khasi-10_bone-1
peirosaustroasiatic iu 'h ə ŋ iu T/¹⁵';'cʰ iu ⁵⁵' Sedang-15_cold-1;Bugan-20_dry-1
peirosaustroasiatic 'ɲ c iə m ¹';'pʰ l iə t ²' Nyakur-6_bird-1;Nyakur-8_black-1
peirosaustroasiatic 'k u t iɛ k T/¹⁵';'ɲ iɛ ⁵¹' Pakoh-22_earth-1;Mang-28_fire-1
peirosaustroasiatic ks 'ks e ŋ L/⁵⁵';'ks e w' Didra-10_bone-1;Khasi-18_dog-1
peirosaustroasiatic nh 'l a nh';'d a ʔ + nh a + cʰ i' Vietnamese-15_cold-1;KahoChil-35_green-1
peirosaustroasiatic ns 'ns ɔ r';'ns ɛ ŋ' Bonda-20_dry-1;Pakoh-26_fatn-1
peirosaustroasiatic oa 'k ə m oa L/⁵⁵';'d oa n' Sedang-3_bark-1;Didra-21_ear-1
peirosaustroasiatic oe 't o r oe ʔ';'g oe ʔ' Mundari-2_ashes-1;Mundari-43_kill-1
peirosaustroasiatic oi 's a b r oi';'h oi k' Juang-1_all-1;Wa-16_come-1
peirosaustroasiatic ou 'l ou ³¹';'c ou' Bugan-15_cold-1;Jeh-18_dog-1
peirosaustroasiatic 'n a m + l oɔ ŋ F/⁵¹';'l oɔ m ²' Thavung-47_lie-1;Ruc-48_liver-1
peirosaustroasiatic ps 'ps ɛ ɲ' KSurin-78_smoke-1
peirosaustroasiatic ua 'm p ua ʔ B/²';'h ua' Kui-3_bark-1;Mundari-7_bite-1
peirosaustroasiatic ui 'p a ʔ ui t';'kʰ ɔ m A/³⁴ + ʔ ui k A/¹' Mon-1_all-1;Wa-1_all-1
peirosaustroasiatic uo 'l uo k';'m uo k' Halang-2_ashes-1;Halang-3_bark-1
peirosaustroasiatic 'ŋ k uə r';'p uə h' Nyakur-3_bark-1;KSurin-4_belly-1
peirosaustroasiatic ɔa 'c ɔa' Tri-23_eat-1
peirosaustroasiatic ɔi 'c ɔi T/¹⁵';'s u l ɔi' Sedang-2_ashes-1;Bonda-4_belly-1
peirosaustroasiatic əa 'm əa m ²';'m əa t' Ruc-5_big-1;Tri-25_eye-1
peirosaustroasiatic əi 'k əi ⁵²ˀ/⁵²';'h əi ¹⁴' Malieng-36_hair-1;Malieng-45_know-1
peirosaustroasiatic əʌ 'k əʌ m ⁴';'m əʌ t ⁴' Ruc-7_bite-1;Ruc-25_eye-1
peirosaustroasiatic ɛi 'n t ɛi ŋ';'t ɛi h' Tempuan-10_bone-1;Tempuan-22_earth-1
peirosaustroasiatic ɛə 'n t r ɛə l' Tri-24_egg-1
peirosaustroasiatic ɨa 'b ə ³¹ + j ɨa ⁵⁵³';'t r ɨa c' Mang-2_ashes-1;LaoKatu-7_bite-1
peirosaustroasiatic ɨə 'p ɨə ŋ + h a m';'g r ɨə ŋ' Arak-9_blood-1;Nhaheun-10_bone-1
peirosaustroasiatic ɨə̯ 'x ɨə̯ n g';'ɗ ɨə̯ n g + ɗ i' Vietnamese-10_bone-1;Vietnamese-67_road-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
pharaocoracholaztecan ai 'ai ʂ ɨ a';'w ai' Huichol-10-good-1;Huichol-29-meat-1
pharaocoracholaztecan au 't au' Huichol-73-sun-1
pharaocoracholaztecan ei 'ʂ ei j a' Huichol-59-see-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
sagartst ai 'ai n';'v ai' Limbu-220_today-1;OldBurmese-114_left-1
sagartst au 'dz au m o';'l au ʔ ³¹ t a ŋ ³¹' Thulung-32_thedaughter-1;Bola-203_thestoneapieceof-1
sagartst ei 'a w/u r̥ l ei';'ei' Hakha-161_right-1;Lushai-46_toeat-1
sagartst ie 'l̥ ə l̥ ie' Tangut-191_smooth-1
sagartst iu 'k i n ⁴⁵/³⁵ tʰ iu ²¹';'ʂ a ʔ ⁵ tʰ iu ²¹' Xingning-180_theshoulder-1;Xingning-203_thestoneapieceof-1
sagartst 'e ⁵⁵ pʰ iɛ ³¹';'n iɛ ³⁵' Lisu-112_theleaf-1;Lisu-12_thebird-1
sagartst kk 'm i kk a n g o';'dʰ ə kk aː' Garo-70_thefrontfrontside-1;Rongpo-155_topush-1
sagartst oi 'k e tʰ oi + tʰ e ng/ŋ b aː t';'m e + x oi' Mikir-68_thefox-1;Rabha-201_tosteal-1
sagartst 'dʰ oɔ j p ɛ';'s ʌ pʰ r oɔ p' Khaling-204_straight-1;Khaling-122_thelung-1
sagartst oɔ̄ 'gʰ oɔ̄ l p ɛ';'n oɔ̄ m' Khaling-11_big-1;Khaling-205_thesun-1
sagartst oːi 'l a ng/ŋ r oːi';'i ng/ŋ d oːi' Mikir-162_theriver-1;Mikir-155_topush-1
sagartst ui 'i ng/ŋ t ùi/ui';'j ùi/ui' Mikir-90_hightall-1;Mikir-153_toplay-1
sagartst ɑu 'tɕ ɑu ʔ ⁴' Rangoon-203_thestoneapieceof-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
sohartmannchin ai 'p ɣʰ u ʔ p ɣʰ aⁱ/ai';'ɣ aⁱ/ai ʔ' Daai-83_fish-1;Daai-127_laugh-1
sohartmannchin au 'j aᵘ/au';'l o k ɗ aᵘ/au k' Daai-267_wide-1;Chinbon-148_mud-1
sohartmannchin aːi 'p aːⁱ/aːi + p aːⁱ/aːi';'aːⁱ/aːi s á/a' Daai-88_flower-1;Daai-166_pig-1
sohartmannchin aːu 'tʰ aːu';'sʰ aːu' Daai-75_fat-1;Daai-136_long-1
sohartmannchin ei 'ŋ m eⁱ/ei';'ˀtʰ eⁱ/ei ʔ' Daai-37_cloud-1;Daai-94_fruit-1
sohartmannchin eu 'n a ŋ k ᵊ/ə l eᵘ/eu ŋ';'p ᵊ/ə l eᵘ/eu ŋ' Khumi-13_back-1;Khumi-108_heart-1
sohartmannchin eːi 'ŋ̍ sʰ eːⁱ/eːi';'ˀs eːⁱ/eːi' Daai-58_drum-2;Nyhmoye-218_spear-1
sohartmannchin iu 't ᵊ/ə r iᵘ/iu ʔ' Khumi-206_six-1
sohartmannchin 'ḁ/a s iᵋ/iɛ n';'t ʃ iᵋ/iɛ' Nyhmoye-236_that-1;Mkaang-2_elsist-1
sohartmannchin iːa 'h iːa';'k iːa' Matu-110_here-1;Matu-237_there-1
sohartmannchin oi 'ŋ l oⁱ/oi';'ḁ/a t oⁱ/oi' Ngmuun-232_tail-1;Chinbon-200_short-1
sohartmannchin ou 'tʰ ou';'ɓ oᵘ/ou' Daai-224_stand-2;Nyhmoye-221_split-1
sohartmannchin ui 't ui';'t ui n u' Daai-258_water-1;Daai-181_river-1
sohartmannchin uːi 'm uːⁱ/uːi';'m̩ p uːⁱ/uːi' Daai-175_rattan-1;Nyhmoye-69_elephant-1
sohartmannchin ɔi 'l ɛ + l ɔⁱ/ɔi';'ŋ̊ ɔi + l á/a m' Ngmuun-55_dirty-1;Ngmuun-180_rightside-1
sohartmannchin ɔu 'm̩ k ɔᵘ/ɔu kˠ aː ŋ';'ɓ ɔᵘ/ɔu' Daai-144_mosquito-1;Daai-221_split-1
sohartmannchin ɔʌ 'v ɔᶺ/ɔʌ m + v a';'k ɔᶺ/ɔʌ k' Nyhmoye-219_spider-1;Nyhmoye-245_throw-1
sohartmannchin ɔːi 't ɔːⁱ/ɔːi';'s ɔːⁱ/ɔːi' Daai-200_short-1;Daai-261_wet-1
sohartmannchin əi 'ŋ̍ + ə́ⁱ/əi';'ˀkˠʰ əⁱ/əi ʔ' Daai-204_sing-1;Daai-30_buy-1
sohartmannchin əu 'm̩ p ɣ əᵘ/əu k';'ŋ̍ j əᵘ/əu k' Daai-247_tiger-1;Ngmuun-86_float-1
sohartmannchin əːi 'n əːⁱ/əːi';'a ŋ ʃʰ əːⁱ/əːi' Daai-145_mother-1;Ngmuun-136_long-1
sohartmannchin ɛi 'ŋ + m ɛi';'ɬ ï/ɨ + ɛⁱ/ɛi' Nyhmoye-232_tail-1;Nyhmoye-256_want-1
sohartmannchin ɛu 'd ɛ ŋ + k ɛᵘ/ɛu ŋ';'k ə ʃ ɛᵘ/ɛu ŋ + p aᵘ/au ʔ' Khumi-250_tree-1;Khumi-88_flower-1
sohartmannchin ɛʌ 's ɛᶺ/ɛʌ k ɔ l a k';'l ɛᶺ/ɛʌ' Nyhmoye-275_worm-1;Nyhmoye-22_black-1
sohartmannchin ɨi 'x ïⁱ/ɨi';'m̩ p ɣ ïⁱ/ɨi' Daai-97_gold-1;Daai-59_drunk-1
sohartmannchin ɨːi 'ŋ̍ ɗ ïːⁱ/ɨːi ʔ';'ŋ̍ ɗ ïːⁱ/ɨːi ʔ' Daai-224_stand-1;Nyhmoye-224_stand-1
sohartmannchin ẽi 't ẽⁱ/ẽi ŋ';'k a l ẽⁱ/ẽi n' Khumi-179_right-1;Wakung-176_red-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
starostinpie ai 'b ai s ə n';'ai' german-7_bite-1;german-24_egg-1
starostinpie aiː 'f r aiː' icelandic-73_seed-1
starostinpie au 'b au x';'au ɡ ə' german-4_belly-1;german-25_eye-1
starostinpie auː 'h auː r';'m auː n ɪ' icelandic-36_hair-1;icelandic-54_moon-2
starostinpie 'b aɪ t';'d aɪ' english-7_bite-1;english-17_die-1
starostinpie 'k l aʊ d';'l aʊ s' english-14_cloud-1;english-50_louse-1
starostinpie ei 'ei n̥';'s t ei n̥' icelandic-63_one-1;icelandic-81_stone-1
starostinpie eiː 'p eiː n';'t eiː j a' icelandic-10_bone-1;icelandic-17_die-1
starostinpie eo 'c eo';'n eo s' greek-12_burntr-1;greek-59_new-1
starostinpie 'ɡ r eɪ t';'n eɪ l' english-5_big-2;english-13_clawnail-1
starostinpie ks 'ks e r o s';'ks e r o' greek-20_dry-1;greek-45_know-1
starostinpie oi 'd oi ʃ';'b oi' portuguese-91_two-1;spanish-92_walkgo-2
starostinpie ou 'b̥ r j ou s d̥';'n ouʰ/ou t' icelandic-11_breast-1;icelandic-60_night-1
starostinpie ouː 's t ouː r';'p l ouː θ' icelandic-5_big-1;icelandic-9_blood-1
starostinpie ps 'ps i x r o s';'ps a r i' greek-15_cold-1;greek-29_fish-1
starostinpie øyː 'øyː ɣ a';'l øyː v' icelandic-25_eye-1;icelandic-46_leaf-2
starostinpie œy 'b œy k';'l œy s' dutch-4_belly-1;dutch-50_louse-1
starostinpie ɑu 'k ɑu t';'v r ɑu ʋ' dutch-15_cold-1;dutch-99_woman-1
starostinpie ɑɪ 'ɑɪ ɾ v ɛ l';'ɑɪ s' armenian-12_burntr-1;armenian-86_this-1
starostinpie ɑɪ̯ 'ɑɪ̯ n' armenian-85_that-1
starostinpie ɔy 'f ɔy ə r';'n ɔy' german-28_fire-1;german-59_new-1
starostinpie əi 'j əi ts ɛ' bulgarian-24_egg-1
starostinpie əʊ 'b əʊ n';'k əʊ l d' english-10_bone-1;english-15_cold-1
starostinpie ɛɪ 'b ɛɪ t ə';'ɛɪ' dutch-7_bite-1;dutch-24_egg-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
suntb 'tʰ o ŋ + gɕ o l' WrittenTibetan-414_plough-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
transnewguineaorg d̪z 'd̪z æ m u n';'ɑ ɽ ɛ d̪z ɔ n' nakai-urine-1;nakai-bow-1
transnewguineaorg d̪ʒ 'd̪ʒ ɔ n';'ⁿg ɾ ɔ d̪ʒ ɑ' nakai-leg-1;komyandaret-tall-1
transnewguineaorg ɽ̥ 'm a ŋ g i ɽ̥';'k u β ə ɽ̥' lembena-yariba-rat-1;lembena-yariba-many-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
tryonsolomon ə̥ 'r a n ə̥';'r aː ɣ ə̥' vaghua-139_day-1;vaghua-146_dust-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
walworthpolynesian mh 'mh a' VaeakauTaumako-60_father-1
walworthpolynesian nt 'k a + nt u a' Nukuria-13_back-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
wold ai 's o ⁵⁵ + l ai ²¹³';'s o ⁵⁵ + ⁿtʃ ai ¹¹' WhiteHmong-43_thelightning-1;WhiteHmong-43_thelightning-2
wold au 'p lu/lʷ a ³³ + tʃʰ au ³⁴';'n j n au' WhiteHmong-4_thedust-2;MandarinChinese-5_themud-3
wold 'aɪ l ə n d';'ɗ ại/aɪ _ l ụ/u kp' English-11_theisland-1;Vietnamese-12_themainland-1
wold 'd e ⁵³ + ⁿp l aɯ ²¹³';'qʰ o ³⁴ + d e ⁵³ + tsʰ aɯ ³⁴' WhiteHmong-18_rough2-1;WhiteHmong-32_thespringorwell-2
wold 'm aʊ n t ɪ n';'ɗ ảo/aʊ' English-7_themountainorhill-1;Vietnamese-11_theisland-1
wold dh 'w æ dh ɔ́/ɔ';'w æ dh ɔ́/ɔ' Hup-40_thesun-1;Hup-41_themoon-1
wold 'p l eɪ n';'m eɪ n l ə n d' English-9_theplain-1;English-12_themainland-1
wold gb 'gb a n i n í/i';'a gb a p á/a u' Saramaccan-185_theeagle-1;Saramaccan-264_thejaw-1
wold ia 'm ia';'ʔ aː c ia n' Thai-84_thewife-3;Thai-337_tovomit-1
wold 'ɗ ịa/iə _ ɗ ộ/ʌ̃ʊ̃ ŋ m';'ɗ ĩa/iə' Vietnamese-38_theearthquake-1;Vietnamese-414_thedish-1
wold 's w iɪ t';'p iɪ s k' LowerSorbian-1_theworld-1;LowerSorbian-6_thesand-1
wold 'ô/o l iʊ';'z ìu/iʊ' Vietnamese-452_theolive-1;Vietnamese-656_theaxeax-1
wold kk 'l ûu/uː kk h ə̌ə/əː j';'l ûu/uː kk h ə̌ə/əː j' Thai-126_thesoninlawofaman-1;Thai-127_thesoninlawofawoman-1
wold kp 'a h a l a kp á/a kp a';'a s á/a kp á/a a' Saramaccan-221_thecockroach-1;Saramaccan-302_thethigh-1
wold ks 'l ûu/uː ks ǎ/a a w';'l ûu/uː ks a pʰ á/a j' Thai-94_thedaughter-1;Thai-128_thedaughterinlawofaman-1
wold kɬ’ʷ 'b a b kɬ’ʷ' Archi-323_theintestinesorguts-1
wold 'ʃ i l ə kʃ ə';'t u kʃ u' Oroqen-51_thedew-1;Oroqen-54_thecloud-1
wold mb 's ó/o mb a';'s ë/ɛ mb ë/ɛ' Saramaccan-50_theshadeorshadow-1;Saramaccan-72_theperson-1
wold mh 'mh ə̃ m' CeqWong-250_theblood-1
wold nd 's á/a nd u';'t á/a m ú/u nd ú/u f ó/o o' Saramaccan-6_thesand-1;Saramaccan-230_thesandflyormidgeorgnat-1
wold ns 'h ǐ/i ns ǒ/o o kʰ r ôo/oː k';'l ǎ/a a ns ǎ/a a w' Thai-24_thereef-2;Thai-110_thegranddaughter-1
wold 'ɗ ồi/oɪ';'s i ɲ _ ɗ ôi/oɪ' Vietnamese-7_themountainorhill-2;Vietnamese-104_thetwins-1
wold 'h ồ/oʊ';'ɣ ỗ/oʊ' Vietnamese-21_thelake-1;Vietnamese-36_thewood-1
wold tt 'θ i a ʒ ə tt';'ʔ ì/i tt h ǐ/i i' TarifiytBerber-64_theembers-1;Thai-74_thewoman-4
wold ua 'kʰ ɔ̂ɔ/ɔː p kʰ r ua';'kʰ ua' Thai-138_thefamily-1;Thai-138_thefamily-2
wold 'z ùa/uə';'s â/ʌ n ɗ ậ/ʌ p l úa/uə' Vietnamese-241_theturtle-1;Vietnamese-591_thethreshingfloor-1
wold 'ɓ ụi/uɪ';'n úi/uɪ' Vietnamese-4_thedust-1;Vietnamese-7_themountainorhill-1
wold 'v ậ/ʌ t _ n uɵ i';'c uồ/uɵ ŋ' Vietnamese-150_thelivestock-1;Vietnamese-153_thestableorstall-1
wold 'l a w̥ o j';'t a w̥ a j e j' Wichi-59_theweather-1;Wichi-85_tomarry-1
wold ŋg 'b e ŋg a';'g a á/a ŋg á/a d u' Saramaccan-8_theclifforprecipice-1;Saramaccan-39_thesky-1
wold ŋh 'j a ŋh ə y' CeqWong-1025_light2-1
wold ŋk 'a ŋk o h ò/o n a n a';'s o f i ŋk a z a ɳ ɖ r à/a n o' Malagasy-138_thefamily-2;Malagasy-201_thegill-1
wold ŋqʷ 'm a ŋqʷ a r é/e ʔ' Iraqw-1423_themilletorsorghum-1
wold ŋs 'n ɔ́ɔ/ɔː ŋs ǎ/a a w';'n ɔ́ɔ/ɔː ŋs ǎ/a a w' Thai-100_thesister-2;Thai-102_theyoungersister-1
wold œy 's x œy m';'d œy s t ə r n ɪ s' Dutch-19_thefoam-1;Dutch-49_thedarkness-1
wold ɐɪ 'ɗ ố/o t _ c áy/ɐɪ';'c áy/ɐɪ' Vietnamese-65_toburn1-1;Vietnamese-66_toburn2-1
wold ɐʊ 'c áu/ɐʊ ʈʂ aɪ';'c áu/ɐʊ g ái/aɪ' Vietnamese-109_thegrandson-1;Vietnamese-110_thegranddaughter-1
wold ɐ̃ʊ̃ 's ó/ɐ̃ʊ̃ ŋ m';'z ò/ɐ̃ʊ̃ ŋ m n ư/ɯ ớ/ɤ k s ɔ áy/ɐɪ' Vietnamese-26_thewave-1;Vietnamese-31_thewhirlpool-1
wold ɑu 'ʋ ɑu t';'h ɑu t' Dutch-35_thewoodsorforest-2;Dutch-36_thewood-1
wold ɔɪ 's ɔɪ l';'b ɔɪ' English-3_thesoil-1;English-77_theboy-1
wold əʊ 'f əʊ m';'əʊ ʃ n̩' English-19_thefoam-1;English-20_theocean-1
wold ɛi 'v ɑ l ɛi';'ɛi l ɑ n t' Dutch-10_thevalley-1;Dutch-11_theisland-1
wold ɛə 'ɛə ɹ';'p ɛə r ə n t' English-52_theair-1;English-90_theparents-1
wold ɛʊ 'k á/a h ɛʊ m ỏ/ɔ';'m èo/ɛʊ' Vietnamese-95_theporpoiseordolphin-1;Vietnamese-195_thecat-1
wold ɤɪ 'tʰ ế/e _ z ới/ɤɪ';'ʈʂ ời/ɤɪ' Vietnamese-1_theworld-1;Vietnamese-39_thesky-1
wold ɤɯ 'ɓ ờ/ɤɯ';'v ợ/ɤɯ' Vietnamese-13_theshore-1;Vietnamese-84_thewife-1
wold ɪi 'ɗ ầ/ʌ m _ l ầ/ʌ y/ɪi';'m â/ʌ y/ɪi' Vietnamese-33_theswamp-1;Vietnamese-54_thecloud-1
wold ɪə 'd ɪə ɹ';'b ɪə d' English-211_thedeer-1;English-246_thebeard-1
wold ɯə 'm ưa/ɯə';'l ửa/ɯə' Vietnamese-56_therain-1;Vietnamese-60_thefire-1
wold ɯɪ 'x u ŋ m k ửi/ɯɪ z ệ/e t _ v ải/aɪ';'ɣ ửi/ɯɪ' Vietnamese-485_theloom-1;Vietnamese-765_tosend-1
wold ɲɟ 's ú/u ɲɟ u';'b u ɲɟ i' Saramaccan-4_thedust-2;Saramaccan-55_thefog-1
wold ʉa 'd ʉa n';'p ʉa j' Thai-41_themoon-2;Thai-390_naked-1
wold ʊə 'j ʊə r ɪ n eɪ t';'k j ʊə r eɪ' English-346_topiss-2;English-377_tocure-1
wold ʌʊ 'ɗ ộ/ʌʊ kp';'ɣ ố/ʌʊ kp' Vietnamese-380_thepoison-1;Vietnamese-619_thetreestump-1
wold ʌ̃ʊ̃ 'ɗ ồ/ʌ̃ʊ̃ ŋ m ɓ ằ/ɐ ŋ';'x ô/ʌ̃ʊ̃ ŋ m n ổi/oɪ _ s ó/ɐ̃ʊ̃ ŋ m' Vietnamese-9_theplain-1;Vietnamese-17_calm-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
yanglalo ai 'a ²⁴ + t u̠ ³¹ + x ə ³³ + ai ²¹';'tsʰ ai ⁵⁵ + d o ⁴¹' Yijiacun-738_smoke-1;Yangliu-281_navel-1
yanglalo ao 'tsʰ ao ²¹ + j ɛ̃ n ³³';'ɕ i/j a ŋ ³³ + tɕ i/j ao ³³' Shuizhuping-191_tobacco-1;Qingyun-189_banana-1
yanglalo au 'tʰ i/j au ²¹ + p ʉ m ²¹';'tʰ i/j au ²¹ + ts ɿ ⁵⁵' Qingyun-493_book-1;Qingyun-490_wordwritten-1
yanglalo a̠i 'l ɛ̠ ²¹ + k u/w ai̠/a̠i ²¹ + ts ʐ̩ ³³';'a ⁵⁵ + kʰ ai̠/a̠i ²¹' Qingyun-253_elbow-1;Qingyun-392_door-1
yanglalo a̠o 'tɕ a̠o ²¹ + s a ³³' Qingyun-448_awl-1
yanglalo ei 'l ei ⁴² + g ɤ̪/ɤ ²⁴';'l ei ⁵⁵ + g o ³³' Diaocao-408_bracelet-1;Yangliu-408_bracelet-1
yanglalo eo 't eo ²¹' Qingyun-821_steep-1
yanglalo 'x eĩ ⁵⁵ + ŋ̩ ²¹ + tʰ ei ²¹';'w eĩ ⁴⁴' Diaocao-387_roof-1;Shuizhuping-1000_beforetemporal-1
yanglalo e̤i 'pʰ a̤ ²¹ + tʰ u/w e̤i ²¹';'b eʲ/e̤i ²¹' Qingyun-264_thigh-1;Qingyun-983_side-1
yanglalo oi 'l i ³³ + p oʲ/oi ⁴² + j o ³¹';'l i ²¹ + m oʲ/oi ³³ + j o ³¹' Yijiacun-369_sonsson-1;Yijiacun-370_sonsdaughter-1
yanglalo ou 't ou ⁵⁵ + ŋ a ³³';'t ou ⁵⁵ + ŋ a ³³' Yangliu-676_meetcomeacross-1;Yangliu-676_meetcomeacross-2
yanglalo ui 'a ²⁴ + ts u ⁵⁵ + kʰ uʲ/ui ⁵⁵ + j o ³¹';'s o ²⁴ + m uʲ/ui ⁵⁵ + j o ³¹' Yijiacun-458_hammer-1;Yijiacun-425_flour-1
yanglalo 'a ⁵⁵ + pʰ y̥ ²¹' Qingyun-175_melon-1
yanglalo əɪ 'b əɪ ŋ ²⁴' Mangdi-744_collapsetoppledown-1
yanglalo ɛi 'l ɛi ³³ + g v̩˞/v̩ ²⁴';'kʰ a ³³ + p ɛi ³³' Xuzhang-408_bracelet-1;Xuzhang-235_mouth-1
yanglalo ɛo 'ˀn ɛo ⁵³';'m ɛo ³³' Qingyun-407_earring-1;Yijiacun-660_getobtain-1
yanglalo ɛ̠i 's ɛi̠/ɛ̠i ³³';'a ³³ + v ɛi̠/ɛ̠i ³²' Xuzhang-618_kill-1;Xuzhang-78_pig-1
yanglalo ɨi 'b ɨi ⁵³ + t a ²¹ + t i/j o ⁵³';'a ³³ + pʷ ɨʲ/ɨi ⁵⁵ + j o ³¹' Yijiacun-265_calfofleg-1;Yijiacun-119_bat-1
yanglalo ɨ̥ 'a ⁵⁵ + kʰ ɨ̥ ²¹';'kʰ ɨ̥ ²¹' Qingyun-86_dog-1;Qingyun-481_manurefertilizer-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
zgraggenmadang ai 'ai' gal-2_woman-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
zhaobai ou 'm j ou ⁴⁴';'l j ou ⁴⁴' ZhaozhuangBai-122_straight-1;ZhaozhuangBai-150_tothrow-1


Dataset Sound Token ID
zhivlovobugrian ai 'm ai t';'s ai r i ŋ' tavdamansi-48_liver-1;pelymkamansi-97_white-1
zhivlovobugrian ou 'ɲ ou l';'ɲ ou l' middlelozvamansi-53_meat-1;kondamansi-53_meat-1
zhivlovobugrian 'oɔ m p';'oɔ m p' middlelozvamansi-18_dog-1;pelymkamansi-18_dog-1
zhivlovobugrian ɔi 'qʷ ɔi sʲ ə' kondamansi-49_long-1
zhivlovobugrian ɔu 't ɔu l ə ŋ u j';'m ɔu l' middlelozvamansi-6_bird-1;kondamansi-11_breast-1
zhivlovobugrian əi 'w əi' pelymkamansi-72_see-1
XachaB commented 3 years ago

Small issues I had started with the same problems are:

tresoldi commented 3 years ago

Closing the issue, we are checking the reason.