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Modify the Order of graphemes for consonants #31

Closed LinguList closed 3 years ago

LinguList commented 3 years ago

Quoting @cormacanderson:

Seemingly not resolved yet, as replacements in #73 are not compatible with final order agreed above. Note velarisation after aspiration, while we agreed ...'palatalization', 'labialization', 'velarization', 'pharyngealization', 'glottalization', 'breathiness', 'aspiration'... Below the relevant cases:

Raw grapheme pʷˠʰ mapping was replaced from pʷˠʰ to pʷʰˠ.
Raw grapheme pˠʰ mapping was replaced from pˠʰ to pʰˠ.
Raw grapheme pˤʰ mapping was replaced from pˤʰ to pʰˤ.
Raw grapheme qʷˤʰ mapping was replaced from qʷˤʰ to qʷʰˤ.
Raw grapheme qˤʰ mapping was replaced from qˤʰ to qʰˤ.
Raw grapheme tsˤʰ mapping was replaced from tsˤʰ to tsʰˤ.
Raw grapheme t̠ʃˤʰ mapping was replaced from tʃˤʰ to tʃʰˤ.
Raw grapheme t̪ˠʰ mapping was replaced from t̪ˠʰ to t̪ʰˠ.
Raw grapheme t̪ˠʰ|tˠʰ mapping was replaced from to tʰˠ.
Raw grapheme t̪ˤʰ mapping was replaced from t̪ˤʰ to t̪ʰˤ.
Raw grapheme ŋ̥ǃˠˀ mapping was replaced from ŋǃˠˀ to ŋǃˀˠ

This is issue 54 in CLTS-data.