cldwalker / debugger

port of ruby-debug that works on 1.9.2 and 1.9.3
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Ruby 2.0 debugger gem install issue with mac mavericks #105

Closed sabajaj closed 10 years ago

sabajaj commented 10 years ago

TestImageMBP:vns-provisioning-portal sabajaj$ sudo gem install debugger Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing debugger: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/bin/ruby extconf.rb

checking for rb_method_entry_t.called_id in method.h... no checking for rb_control_frame_t.method_id in method.h... no checking for rb_method_entry_t.called_id in method.h... no checking for rb_control_frame_t.method_id in method.h... no checking for rb_method_entry_t.called_id in method.h... yes checking for vm_core.h... yes checking for iseq.h... no Makefile creation failed

NOTE: If your headers were not found, try passing --with-ruby-include=PATH_TO_HEADERS

* extconf.rb failed * Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of necessary libraries and/or headers. Check the mkmf.log file for more details. You may need configuration options.

Provided configuration options: --with-opt-dir --without-opt-dir --with-opt-include --without-opt-include=${opt-dir}/include --with-opt-lib --without-opt-lib=${opt-dir}/lib --with-make-prog --without-make-prog --srcdir=. --curdir --ruby=/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/bin/ruby --with-ruby-dir --without-ruby-dir --with-ruby-include --without-ruby-include=${ruby-dir}/include --with-ruby-lib --without-ruby-lib=${ruby-dir}/

Gem files will remain installed in /Users/sabajaj/.bundler/tmp/85774/gems/debugger-1.6.2 for inspection. Results logged to /Users/sabajaj/.bundler/tmp/85774/gems/debugger-1.6.2/ext/ruby_debug/gem_make.out

An error occurred while installing debugger (1.6.2), and Bundler cannot continue. Make sure that gem install debugger -v '1.6.2' succeeds before bundling.

cldwalker commented 10 years ago

Thanks for reporting your issue! This is one of my 21 active issues. Use that link to check how soon your issue will be answered. Don't forget to check your issue against this project's Cheers.

sabajaj commented 10 years ago

Thanks a lot I will keep track.

bendyorke commented 10 years ago

I ran into this issue as well. It seems that Mavericks default headers for ruby 2.0 are out of place. By reinstalling my own version of 2.0.0 through rbenv it worked OOB

paulomcnally commented 10 years ago

@bendyorke what is steep?

I use RVM.


$ \curl -sSL | bash
$ sudo echo '[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # Load RVM function' >> ~/.bash_profile
$ sudo rvm install ruby-2.0.0-p353
$ sudo rvm use 2.0
$ sudo gem install rubygems-bundler
$ sudo gem regenerate_binstubs
$ sudo rvm system
$ sudo rvm gemset export system.gems
$ sudo rvm gemset import system.gems
$ sudo rvm get head && rvm reload
$ sudo chmod +x $rvm_path/hooks/after_cd_bundler
$ sudo bundle install
cldwalker commented 10 years ago

@sabajaj I won't be supporting a default mavericks installation unless you have a pull request. Did you have an issue after installing ruby with rvm or rbenv?

brandonaaskov commented 10 years ago

I'm actually hitting this issue using rbenv, so I don't think this has to do with a default installation: screen shot 2014-01-01 at 10 30 40 pm

brandonaaskov commented 10 years ago

For what it's worth, ditching rbenv in favor of rvm solved this for me.

cldwalker commented 10 years ago

Closing due to lack of response. I can re-open if more info is provided

joshbegin commented 10 years ago

FWIW, I just reinstalled ruby-2.0.0-p247 using rvm and that resolved the issue for me.

patrickespake commented 9 years ago
