cleanlab / examples

Notebooks demonstrating example applications of the cleanlab library
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Add huggingface-keras example notebook #20

Closed huiwengoh closed 2 years ago

huiwengoh commented 2 years ago

Add notebook showcasing the use of KerasWrapperModel (added in that makes Keras models compatible with CleanLearning.

Adapted from the example code of this comment in issue:

jwmueller commented 2 years ago

Re ordering: Let's have this example appear right before the current Amazon Reviews FastText one? I feel like this one is really nice now thanks to you, and highly related to that one.

jwmueller commented 2 years ago

Just for reference, here was the original version of this code back when CleanLearning only supported array datasets:

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
import numpy as np
from cleanlab.classification import CleanLearning
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, TFAutoModel
import os
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score


def build_model(model_name:str, max_len:int, n_classes:int):
    # 1 - Input ids and attention mask as input to NN
    input_ids = tf.keras.layers.Input(
        shape=(max_len,), dtype='int32', name='input_ids')
    attention_mask = tf.keras.layers.Input(
        shape=(max_len,), dtype='int32', name='attention_mask')

    # 2 - Get bert Main layer and add it to the NN, passing input ids and attention mask as inputs
    bert_layer = TFAutoModel.from_pretrained(model_name)

    layer = bert_layer(input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask)[1]
    # embeddings = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(30_522 + 1, 128)(input_ids)
    # flatten = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()(embeddings)
    output_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(
      n_classes, activation='sigmoid')(layer)

    # model instance
    model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=[input_ids, attention_mask], outputs=output_layer)
    return model

MODEL_NAME = "bert-base-uncased"
train = tfds.load('imdb_reviews', split='train', shuffle_files=True)
val = tfds.load('imdb_reviews', split='test', shuffle_files=True)
train_df = tfds.as_dataframe(train)[0:1000]
train_df['text'] = train_df['text'].apply(lambda x: x.decode('utf-8'))
val_df = tfds.as_dataframe(val)[0:1000]
val_df['text'] = val_df['text'].apply(lambda x: x.decode('utf-8'))
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME)

train_input = tokenizer(

val_input = tokenizer(

early_stopping = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(
        monitor='val_accuracy', mode='max', verbose=1, patience=3, restore_best_weights=True)

val_dataset =

model = HuggingfaceKerasClassifier(
    # --- model function parameters ---
    # --- HuggingfaceKerasClassifier Parameters ---
    #   --- TF training Parameters ---

print('Model Created.')
lnl = CleanLearning(clf=model, cv_n_folds=3)

print('Training CleanLearning model...')
training_ids = np.array(list(range(len(train_input['input_ids']))))

# Note that the validation dataset provided in the clf_kwargs is not related 
# to the validation set used internally by cleanlab. In this case, the validation 
# set is required by the early stopping callback used during the trainings., np.array(train_df['label']), clf_kwargs={'validation_data': val_dataset})
print('Model trained.')

predictions = lnl.predict(test_input = val_input)
print('Accuracy on val data: ', accuracy_score(val_df['label'], predictions)) 

where the old HuggingfaceKerasClassifier class looked like this:

from typing import Dict
from scikeras.wrappers import KerasClassifier
from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

class HuggingfaceKerasClassifier(KerasClassifier):
    def __init__(self, train_input: Dict, seq_len: int, **kwargs):
        Basic scikeras/scikeras does not directly provide the option of having
        a multi-input model, i.e the input must be in the form (num_samples, feature_size).
        In our case, the multiple inputs are:
        - token ids (input_ids);
        - indices specifying what tokens to attend to (attention_mask).
        Here we work around the aforementioned problem by adding the `feature_encoder` property to our class
        which extends Scikit-learn's BaseEstimator.
        Example of use:
        * ``model = HuggingfaceKerasClassifier(``
        * ``    # --- model function parameters ---``
        * ``    model=model_fn,``
        * ``    n_classes=2,``
        * ``    # --- HuggingfaceKerasClassifier Parameters ---``
        * ``    train_input=dict(train_input),``
        * ``    seq_len=20,``
        * ``    #   --- TF training Parameters ---``
        * ``    optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(2e-5),``
        * ``    loss=tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(),``
        * ``    metrics=['accuracy'],``
        * ``    epochs=10,``
        * ``    batch_size=64,``
        * ``    shuffle=True,``
        * ``    callbacks=[early_stopping],``
        * ``    verbose=True``
        * ``)``
        * `` ``
        * ``lnl = CleanLearning(clf=model, cv_n_folds=3)``
        * ``, train_labels, clf_kwargs={'validation_data': val_dataset})``
        * ``predictions = lnl.predict(test_input = test_input)``
        * ``print('Accuracy on test data: ', (predictions == test_y).sum() / len(test_y))``
        train_input : dictionary or pandas DataFrame,
        Tokenized input data. Must contains the following keys/columns (For a more detailed explanation refers to `Huggingface documentation <>`):
        - `input_ids`: a list or tensorflow tensor of token ids to be fed to the model. Shape = (num_sample, sequence_len).
        - `attention_mask` a list or tensorflow tensor of indices specifying which tokens should be attended to by the model. Shape = (num_sample, sequence_len).
        sequence_len : int,
        Tokenized sentences length.
        kwargs : optional,
        Optional arguments useful to fit a `Tensorflow model`. Refers to Tensorflow documentation for a detailed list of attributes `<>`
        self.train_input = train_input
        self.seq_len = seq_len

    def split_input(self, X):
        splitted_X = [
            X[:, : self.seq_len],  # input_ids
            X[:, self.seq_len :],  # attention_mask
        return splitted_X

    def feature_encoder(self):
        return FunctionTransformer(

    def _get_tf_input(self, ids, train_input):
        indexed_input_ids = np.array(tf.gather(train_input["input_ids"], indices=ids))

        indexed_attention_mask = np.array(tf.gather(train_input["attention_mask"], indices=ids))

        return np.hstack([indexed_input_ids, indexed_attention_mask])

    def fit(self, ids, y, sample_weight=None, **kwargs):
        Constructs and fit a new model using the given data.
        ids : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
            Ids of training samples to be used to train the model.
        y : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
            True labels.
        sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None
            Array of weights that are assigned to individual samples.
            If not provided, then each sample is given unit weight.
        **kwargs : Dict[str, Any]
            Extra arguments to route to Tensorflow ``.
        X = self._get_tf_input(ids, self.train_input)
        return super().fit(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight, **kwargs)

    def predict_proba(self, ids=None, test_input=None, **kwargs):
        Returns class probability estimates for a particular set of examples.
        ids: optional array-like of shape (n_samples,).
            Indices of training examples for which to produce predictions.
            One of `ids` or `test_input` must be provided.
        test_input: optional Dict or pandas Dataframe.
            Tokenized test data for which to produce predictions.
            Must be of the same format as `train_input`.
            One of `ids` or `test_input` must be provided.
        **kwargs : Dict[str, Any]
            Additional arguments to route to Tensorflow ``Model.predict``.

        if ids is not None and test_input is not None:
            raise ValueError("One of ids or test_input must be None")
        if ids is not None:
            X = self._get_tf_input(ids, self.train_input)
        elif test_input is not None:
            X = self._get_tf_input(np.arange(len(test_input["input_ids"])), test_input)
            raise ValueError("Both ids and test_input cannot be None")
        return super().predict_proba(X, **kwargs)

    def predict(self, ids=None, test_input=None, **kwargs):
        Returns predictions for a particular set of examples.
        ids : array-like of shape (n_samples,).
            Indices of training examples for which to produce predictions.
                    One of `ids` or `test_input` must be provided.
        test_input: optional Dict or pandas Dataframe.
            Tokenized test data for which to produce predictions.
            Must be of the same format as `train_input`.
            One of `ids` or `test_input` must be provided.
        **kwargs : Dict[str, Any]
            Additional arguments to route to Tensorflow `Model.predict`.
        if ids is not None and test_input is not None:
            raise ValueError("One of ids or test_input must be None")
        if ids is not None:
            X = self._get_tf_input(ids, self.train_input)
        elif test_input is not None:
            X = self._get_tf_input(np.arange(len(test_input["input_ids"])), test_input)
            raise ValueError("Both ids and test_input cannot be None")
        return super().predict(X, **kwargs)