clear-code / redmine_full_text_search

Full text search for Redmine
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Improve full_text_search:synchronize for Chupa Text searver change and down #93

Open ioio000 opened 4 years ago

ioio000 commented 4 years ago

I ran the sync after setting the Chupa Text Server URL, but I had the same issue as Issue #92. I couldn't search in doc, xls, pdf, eml files. The newly added file will be searched. Also, files attached while Chupa Text Server was stopped were not included in the search even after synchronization after startup. production.log

Environment: bitnami-redmine-4.1.1-2-windows-x64 mariadb-10.4.12-with-mroonga-10.02-winx64 full_text_search 1.0.4 chupa-text-docker on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Added gem "chupa-text-decomposer-mail" to Gemfile.local file.

kou commented 4 years ago

Do you want to say the followings?

ioio000 commented 4 years ago

Yes, pretty much.

kou commented 4 years ago

Workaround: bin/rails full_text_search:reload

ioio000 commented 4 years ago

It worked with the bin/rails full_text_search:target:reload command. However, it takes a lot of time when there are many files.