Closed arturo-garcia-garcia closed 8 years ago
Have you tried manually running docker pull clearlinux/ciao-webui ?
This looks related to
docker looks for certificates at /etc/ssl/certs which from clearlinux 10910 its a symlink to /var/cache/ca-certs. stops creating the /etc/ssl/certs directory since it was preventing systemd to create the symlink mentioned before.
When trying to download the images from docker-hub, the job fails with this message
` TASK [Check container images have been downloaded] *****
failed: [](item={'_ansible_parsed': True, '_ansible_no_log': False, u'ansible_job_id': u'278039830070.109614', u'started': 1, '_ansible_item_result': True, 'item': u'clearlinux/keystone', u'finished': 0, u'results_file': u'/root/.ansible_async/278039830070.109614'}) => {"ansible_job_id": "278039830070.109614", "changed": false, "failed": true, "finished": 1, "item": {"ansible_job_id": "278039830070.109614", "finished": 0, "item": "clearlinux/keystone", "results_file": "/root/.ansible_async/278039830070.109614", "started": 1}, "msg": "Error pulling clearlinux/keystone - code: None message: Error while pulling image: Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"}
FAILED - RETRYING: TASK: Check container images have been downloaded (1800 retries left).
failed: [](item={'_ansible_parsed': True, '_ansible_no_log': False, u'ansible_job_id': u'838903796424.109649', u'started': 1, '_ansible_item_result': True, 'item': u'clearlinux/ciao-webui', u'finished': 0, u'results_file': u'/root/.ansible_async/838903796424.109649'}) => {"ansible_job_id": "838903796424.109649", "changed": false, "failed": true, "finished": 1, "item": {"ansible_job_id": "838903796424.109649", "finished": 0, "item": "clearlinux/ciao-webui", "results_file": "/root/.ansible_async/838903796424.109649", "started": 1}, "msg": "Error pulling clearlinux/ciao-webui - code: None message: Error while pulling image: Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"}