clearlinux / clr-boot-manager

Kernel & Boot Loader Management
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Commit breaks LUKS on Solus #134

Open Girtablulu opened 5 years ago

Girtablulu commented 5 years ago

We had an issue update clr-boot-manger on Solus which broke installs which used LUKS after the system run clr-boot-manager update.

I looked into it and found the commit which is causing this problem on solus

commit ef77136

after I patched this one out, I could update and use v3.1.0 and have no issues sofar on my LUKS test system. (Gonna keep an eye on it, @DataDrake is aware of it)

Another small thing I found was running clr-boot-manager list-kernels on a UEFI system I get an error

[FATAL] cbm (../src/bootloaders/systemd-class.c:L507): sd_class_get_default_kernel Unable to parse loader config

Which does not happen on a GRUB install

bryteise commented 5 years ago

Ah you might be hitting things that #129 resolves on listing kernels but that looks different so I'll have to try and bootup a Solus install and try that out. I'm really not sure what is going on with the LUKS breakage right now and I'll need to look into that because this does work for Clear Linux LUKS installs.

Girtablulu commented 5 years ago

Ah okay, didn't see the PR sorry about that.

DataDrake didn't had time yet to look into it and figure out exactly why this happens, I just confirmed his suspicion that this commit is causing it.

astrolemonade commented 5 years ago

The sudo clr-boot-manager list-kernels command still shows the error, any fix ?

bryteise commented 5 years ago

@cata0309 Not yet sorry X(. Any chance you could paste a copy of the config that is showing the error?

astrolemonade commented 5 years ago

It is a fresh install, not a personalized config

bryteise commented 5 years ago

Hrm I seem to having the iso installer crash when running in a VM. Will need to poke at this more X(.

circlenaut commented 4 years ago

Hey guys, might my issue be related to this?

bvdlingen commented 4 years ago

Same error here, not using LUKS

Looks scary but everything works fine.

dorileo commented 4 years ago

Please can you confirm this is still any issue. Can you please check with a more recent version (not sure the version Solus is shipping these days).

silkeh commented 3 years ago

I can confirm this is still an issue. The cause seems to be that the glob in the linked commit has the wrong order:

$ ls -1 /sys/block/dm-2/slaves/*{,/slaves/*}/dev

The glob should probably be: /sys/block/dm-2/slaves/*{/slaves/*,}/dev

Edit: I have tested CBM with this patch, and it works on both LVM on LUKS and just plain LUKS.