clearlinux / clr-installer

Clear Linux* OS Installer
GNU General Public License v3.0
92 stars 42 forks source link

Fail to install #768

Closed nobodyatandnothing closed 2 years ago

nobodyatandnothing commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug

$ clr-installer --config custom-clr-install.yaml
Cleaning disk /dev/nvme0n1
Writing partition table to: nvme0n1
Updating partition table for: nvme0n1
ERROR: Installation has failed!
Please report this crash using GitHub Issues:

Include the following as attachments to enable diagnosis:

You may need to remove any personal data of concern from the attachments.
The Installer will now exit.
exit status 1

Error Trace:


#generated by clr-installer:2.7.2-2-g9eac32df5b82
#generated on: 2022-02-21_23:11:38_UTC
- name: nvme0n1
  size: "0"
  ro: "false"
  rm: "false"
  type: disk
  - name: nvme0n1p1
    fstype: vfat
    mountpoint: /boot
    size: "157286400"
    ro: "false"
    rm: "false"
    type: part
  - name: /dev/nvme01p2
    fstype: swap
    size: "8589934592"
    ro: "false"
    rm: "false"
    type: part
  - name: /dev/nvm0n1p3
    fstype: f2fs
    mountpoint: /
    size: "0"
    ro: "false"
    rm: "false"
    type: part
keyboard: us
language: en_US.UTF-8
bundles: [os-core, os-core-update, NetworkManager, neovim, man-pages]
telemetry: false
timezone: America/New_York
users: [{login: user, password: passwd, admin: true}]
kernel: kernel-native
postReboot: true
swupdSkipOptional: true
postArchive: true
hostname: nekrins
autoUpdate: true
version: 35920
keepImage: true


2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Log Level set to LogLevelDebug (4)
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [INF] clr-installer: 2.7.2-2-g9eac32df5b82, built on 2021-08-05_20:03:59_UTC
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Loading config file: custom-clr-install.yaml
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [INF] Querying Clear Linux version
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] PrivateIP: Found IP:, Private IP?: false
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] PrivateIP: Found IP:, Private IP?: false
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] localectl list-keymaps --no-pager
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] timedatectl list-timezones
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] locale -a
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'agr_PE.UTF-8'
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'ayc_PE.UTF-8'
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'ber_DZ.UTF-8'
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'ber_MA.UTF-8'
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'bhb_IN.UTF-8'
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'hne_IN.UTF-8'
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'miq_NI.UTF-8'
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'mjw_IN.UTF-8'
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'mnw_MM.UTF-8'
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'nhn_MX.UTF-8'
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'shs_CA.UTF-8'
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'the_NP.UTF-8'
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'unm_US.UTF-8'
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'yuw_PG.UTF-8'
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Mass installer using defined media in YAML
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [WRN] validatePartitions: Skipping /boot size check due to skipSize
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [WRN] validatePartitions: Skipping swap size check due to skipSize
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [WRN] validatePartitions: Skipping / (root) size check due to zero size
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Starting install
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [INF] Running pre-install hooks
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Clear Linux OS version: 35920
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [WRN] validatePartitions: Skipping /boot size check due to skipSize
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [WRN] validatePartitions: Skipping swap size check due to skipSize
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [WRN] validatePartitions: Skipping / (root) size check due to zero size
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] lsblk --exclude 1,2,11 -J -b -O /dev/nvme0n1
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [INF] Cleaning disk(action): /dev/nvme0n1 with ForceDestructive: false
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] lsblk --exclude 1,2,11 -J -b -O /dev/nvme0n1
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] removePart: Found parent: /dev/nvme0n1 for child: /dev/nvme0n1p1
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [WRN] Deleting part: nvme0n1p1 from disk: nvme0n1
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] parted /dev/nvme0n1 --script -- rm 1
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [INF] Writing partition table to: nvme0n1
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] parted -s /dev/nvme0n1 mklabel gpt
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [INF] Updating partition table for: nvme0n1
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Partitions before sorting:
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] nvme0n1p1: fsType=vfat, mount=/boot, size=157286400, type=part
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] /dev/nvme01p2: fsType=swap, mount=, size=8589934592, type=part
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] /dev/nvm0n1p3: fsType=f2fs, mount=/, size=0, type=part
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Partitions after sorting:
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] /dev/nvm0n1p3: fsType=f2fs, mount=/, size=0, type=part
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] /dev/nvme01p2: fsType=swap, mount=, size=8589934592, type=part
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] nvme0n1p1: fsType=vfat, mount=/boot, size=157286400, type=part
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] parted --machine --script -- /dev/nvme0n1 unit B print
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] WritePartitionTable: processing child: &{/dev/nvm0n1p3      f2fs   /   0 part  false false [] false true true false  false 3 []}
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] WritePartitionTable: WholeDisk mode
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] WritePartitionTable: start: 0, end: 0
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] WritePartitionTable: mkPartCmd: mkpart / 0% -1
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] parted -a optimal /dev/nvme0n1 unit MB --script -- mkpart / 0% -1
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] parted --machine --script -- /dev/nvme0n1 unit B print
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] WritePartitionTable: processing child: &{/dev/nvme01p2      swap      8589934592 part  false false [] false true true false  false 2 []}
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] WritePartitionTable: WholeDisk mode
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] WritePartitionTable: start: 0, end: 8589934592
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] WritePartitionTable: mkPartCmd: mkpart linux-swap 0% 8589M
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] parted -a optimal /dev/nvme0n1 unit MB --script -- mkpart linux-swap 0% 8589M
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Error: You requested a partition from 0.00MB to 8589MB (sectors 0..16775390).
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] The closest location we can manage is 0.02MB to 1.05MB (sectors 34..2047).
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] WritePartitionTable: mkPartCmd: mkpart linux-swap 1M 8589M
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] parted -a optimal /dev/nvme0n1 unit MB --script -- mkpart linux-swap 1M 8589M
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Error: You requested a partition from 1.00MB to 8589MB (sectors 1953..16775390).
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] The closest location we can manage is 1.05MB to 1.05MB (sectors 2047..2047).
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] WritePartitionTable: mkPartCmd: mkpart linux-swap 2M 8589M
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] parted -a optimal /dev/nvme0n1 unit MB --script -- mkpart linux-swap 2M 8589M
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Error: You requested a partition from 2.00MB to 8589MB (sectors 3906..16775390).
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] The closest location we can manage is 256059MB to 256059MB (sectors 500115456..500115456).
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] WritePartitionTable: mkPartCmd: mkpart linux-swap 3M 8589M
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] parted -a optimal /dev/nvme0n1 unit MB --script -- mkpart linux-swap 3M 8589M
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Error: You requested a partition from 3.00MB to 8589MB (sectors 5859..16775390).
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] The closest location we can manage is 256059MB to 256059MB (sectors 500115456..500115456).
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [WRN] PrepareInstallationMedia: exit status 1

Error Trace:

2022/02/21 23:11:38 [INF] Running post-image hooks
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [INF] Installation Steps Complete
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] telem-record-gen --severity 3 --class org.clearlinux/clr-installer/massinstall --no-post --echo --event-id 55171c09b3fa5f11f190847bc7403cbf --payload version=2.7.2-2-g9eac32df5b82
exit status 1

Error Trace:

2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/21 23:11:38 [ERR] exit status 1

Error Trace: