clearlinux / clr-installer

Clear Linux* OS Installer
GNU General Public License v3.0
92 stars 42 forks source link

Installation failure (f2fs) #769

Closed nobodyatandnothing closed 2 years ago

nobodyatandnothing commented 2 years ago


#generated by clr-installer:2.7.3
#generated on: 2022-02-22_04:26:22_UTC
- name: nvme0n1
  path: /dev/nvme0n1
  model: Micron 2300 NVMe 256GB
  majMin: "259:0"
  serial: 21162E4B62F7
  size: "256060514304"
  ro: "false"
  rm: "false"
  type: disk
  state: live
  - name: nvme0n1p1
    path: /dev/nvme0n1p1
    majMin: "259:1"
    fstype: vfat
    uuid: 6707-38B7
    mountpoint: /boot
    size: "524288000"
    ro: "false"
    rm: "false"
    type: part
  - name: nvme0n1p2
    path: /dev/nvme0n1p2
    majMin: "259:2"
    fstype: swap
    uuid: 1e2b6c62-0cfc-42e7-8318-8985c0742af1
    size: "8388608000"
    ro: "false"
    rm: "false"
    type: part
  - name: nvme0n1p3
    path: /dev/nvme0n1p3
    majMin: "259:3"
    fstype: f2fs
    uuid: 0ba80197-0fac-4c07-b02c-713e7638bcee
    mountpoint: /
    size: "247146217472"
    ro: "false"
    rm: "false"
    type: part
keyboard: us
language: en_US.UTF-8
bundles: [c-basic, desktop-autostart, git, openssh-server, os-core, os-core-update,
telemetry: false
timezone: America/New_York
users: [{login: gorn, password: $6$AvuklA41VEnPr1vs$3dLYd0YB2smvG1Fh4MADMQrC1w.FrwN2SHjNvXOnA/jycnNa/73.H/eyF3ZhqK13ZHZyyekAnZY0wPJ2GYb5r0,
    admin: true}]
kernel: kernel-native
hostname: nekrins
autoUpdate: true
copyNetwork: true
copySwupd: true
keepImage: true


2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] Log Level set to LogLevelDebug (4)
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [INF] clr-installer: 2.7.3, built on 2022-02-14_19:08:28_UTC
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] Loading config file: /var/lib/clr-installer/clr-installer.yaml
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [INF] Querying Clear Linux version
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] PrivateIP: Found IP:, Private IP?: false
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] PrivateIP: Found IP:, Private IP?: false
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] localectl list-keymaps --no-pager
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] timedatectl list-timezones
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] locale -a
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'agr_PE.UTF-8'
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'ayc_PE.UTF-8'
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'ber_DZ.UTF-8'
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'ber_MA.UTF-8'
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'bhb_IN.UTF-8'
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'hne_IN.UTF-8'
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'miq_NI.UTF-8'
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'mjw_IN.UTF-8'
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'mnw_MM.UTF-8'
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'nhn_MX.UTF-8'
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'shs_CA.UTF-8'
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'the_NP.UTF-8'
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'unm_US.UTF-8'
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] Unable to use language locale 'yuw_PG.UTF-8'
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] dmesg --console-off
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] partprobe -s
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:23:49 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] Warning: Partition(s) 1 on /dev/sda have been written, but we have been unable to inform the kernel of the change, probably because it/they are in use.  As a result, the old partition(s) will remain in use.  You should reboot now before making further changes.
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] /dev/sda: msdos partitions 2
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] /dev/sdb: gpt partitions 1
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] /dev/nvme0n1: gpt partitions 1 2 3
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] udevadm settle --timeout 10
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] lsblk --exclude 1,2,11 -J -b -O
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] parted --machine --script -- /dev/nvme0n1 unit B print free
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "BYT"
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "/dev/nvme0n1:256060514304B:nvme:512:512:gpt:Micron 2300 NVMe 256GB:"
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "1:17408B:1048575B:1031168B:free"
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "1:1048576B:525336575B:524288000B:fat32:CLR_BOOT:boot, esp"
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "2:525336576B:8913944575B:8388608000B:linux-swap(v1):CLR_SWAP:swap"
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "3:8913944576B:256060162047B:247146217472B:f2fs:CLR_ROOT:"
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "1:256060162048B:256060497407B:335360B:free"
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is ""
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] buildMediaLists: Set DefaultSwapFileSize: 64MiB
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] FindSafeInstallTargets: Media nvme0n1 does not have enough unallocated space minSize 3.9GiB
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] FindAllInstallTargets: found whole disk nvme0n1
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] FindAdvancedInstallTargets: Found partition nvme0n1p1 with name CLR_BOOT
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] FindAdvancedInstallTargets: Partition label contains clr nvme0n1p1
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] FindAdvancedInstallTargets: Boot is nvme0n1p1
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] FindAdvancedInstallTargets: Found partition nvme0n1p2 with name CLR_SWAP
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] FindAdvancedInstallTargets: Swap on nvme0n1p2
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] FindAdvancedInstallTargets: Found partition nvme0n1p3 with name CLR_ROOT
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] FindAdvancedInstallTargets: Root is nvme0n1p3
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] FindAdvancedInstallTargets: child: &{Name:nvme0n1p1 MappedName: Path:/dev/nvme0n1p1 Model: MajorMinor:259:1 PtType: FsType:vfat UUID:6707-38B7 Serial: MountPoint:/boot Label: PartitionLabel:CLR_BOOT Size:524288000 Type:part State: ReadOnly:false RemovableDevice:false Children:[] UserDefined:false MakePartition:false FormatPartition:false LabeledAdvanced:true Options: available:false partition:0 PartTable:[]}
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] FindAdvancedInstallTargets: child: &{Name:nvme0n1p2 MappedName: Path:/dev/nvme0n1p2 Model: MajorMinor:259:2 PtType: FsType:swap UUID:1e2b6c62-0cfc-42e7-8318-8985c0742af1 Serial: MountPoint: Label: PartitionLabel:CLR_SWAP Size:8388608000 Type:part State: ReadOnly:false RemovableDevice:false Children:[] UserDefined:false MakePartition:false FormatPartition:false LabeledAdvanced:true Options: available:false partition:0 PartTable:[]}
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] FindAdvancedInstallTargets: child: &{Name:nvme0n1p3 MappedName: Path:/dev/nvme0n1p3 Model: MajorMinor:259:3 PtType: FsType:f2fs UUID:0ba80197-0fac-4c07-b02c-713e7638bcee Serial: MountPoint:/ Label: PartitionLabel:CLR_ROOT Size:247146217472 Type:part State: ReadOnly:false RemovableDevice:false Children:[] UserDefined:false MakePartition:false FormatPartition:false LabeledAdvanced:true Options: available:false partition:0 PartTable:[]}
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] AddTargetMedia &{Name:nvme0n1 MappedName: Path:/dev/nvme0n1 Model:Micron 2300 NVMe 256GB MajorMinor:259:0 PtType: FsType: UUID: Serial:21162E4B62F7 MountPoint: Label: PartitionLabel: Size:256060514304 Type:disk State:live ReadOnly:false RemovableDevice:false Children:[0xc00023af00 0xc00023b040 0xc00023b180] UserDefined:false MakePartition:false FormatPartition:false LabeledAdvanced:false Options: available:true partition:0 PartTable:[0xc00007a280 0xc00007a320 0xc00007a370 0xc00007a3c0 0xc00007a410]}
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] HasAdvancedSwap: true
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] buildMediaLists: Reset DefaultSwapFileSize: 
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] Found Advanced partitions
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p1 with name CLR_BOOT
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p2 with name CLR_SWAP
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p3 with name CLR_ROOT
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p1 with name CLR_BOOT
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p2 with name CLR_SWAP
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p3 with name CLR_ROOT
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p1 with name CLR_BOOT
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p2 with name CLR_SWAP
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p3 with name CLR_ROOT
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip route show
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip -j route show dev eno2
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] resolvectl --no-pager status eno2
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] Could not parse DNS Server nor Domain for eno2
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip route show
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip -j route show dev wlo1
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] resolvectl --no-pager status wlo1
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [INF] Running system compatibility checks.
2022/02/22 04:23:50 [INF] Success: System is compatible
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p1 with name CLR_BOOT
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p2 with name CLR_SWAP
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p3 with name CLR_ROOT
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip route show
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip -j route show dev eno2
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] resolvectl --no-pager status eno2
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] Could not parse DNS Server nor Domain for eno2
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip route show
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip -j route show dev wlo1
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] resolvectl --no-pager status wlo1
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:24:05 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p1 with name CLR_BOOT
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p2 with name CLR_SWAP
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p3 with name CLR_ROOT
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip route show
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip -j route show dev eno2
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] resolvectl --no-pager status eno2
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] Could not parse DNS Server nor Domain for eno2
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip route show
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip -j route show dev wlo1
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] resolvectl --no-pager status wlo1
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:24:21 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:25:00 [DBG] /usr/bin/cracklib-check
2022/02/22 04:25:00 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:25:00 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:25:00 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:25:01 [DBG] /usr/bin/cracklib-check
2022/02/22 04:25:01 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:25:01 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:25:01 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:25:01 [DBG] /usr/bin/cracklib-check
2022/02/22 04:25:01 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:25:01 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:25:01 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:25:01 [DBG] /usr/bin/cracklib-check
2022/02/22 04:25:01 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:25:01 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:25:01 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:25:01 [DBG] /usr/bin/cracklib-check
2022/02/22 04:25:01 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:25:01 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:25:01 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:25:01 [DBG] /usr/bin/cracklib-check
2022/02/22 04:25:01 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:25:01 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:25:01 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:25:02 [DBG] /usr/bin/cracklib-check
2022/02/22 04:25:02 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:25:02 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:25:02 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:25:02 [DBG] /usr/bin/cracklib-check
2022/02/22 04:25:02 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:25:02 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:25:02 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:25:02 [DBG] /usr/bin/cracklib-check
2022/02/22 04:25:02 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:25:02 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:25:02 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:25:02 [DBG] /usr/bin/cracklib-check
2022/02/22 04:25:02 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:25:02 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:25:02 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p1 with name CLR_BOOT
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p2 with name CLR_SWAP
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p3 with name CLR_ROOT
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip route show
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip -j route show dev eno2
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] resolvectl --no-pager status eno2
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] Could not parse DNS Server nor Domain for eno2
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip route show
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip -j route show dev wlo1
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] resolvectl --no-pager status wlo1
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:25:19 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p1 with name CLR_BOOT
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p2 with name CLR_SWAP
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p3 with name CLR_ROOT
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip route show
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip -j route show dev eno2
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] resolvectl --no-pager status eno2
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] Could not parse DNS Server nor Domain for eno2
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip route show
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip -j route show dev wlo1
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] resolvectl --no-pager status wlo1
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:25:23 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p1 with name CLR_BOOT
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p2 with name CLR_SWAP
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] validateAdvancedPartitions: Found partition nvme0n1p3 with name CLR_ROOT
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip route show
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip -j route show dev eno2
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] resolvectl --no-pager status eno2
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] Could not parse DNS Server nor Domain for eno2
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip route show
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] /usr/bin/ip -j route show dev wlo1
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] resolvectl --no-pager status wlo1
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:26:03 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:19 [DBG] Partitions before sorting:
2022/02/22 04:26:19 [DBG] nvme0n1p1: fsType=vfat, mount=/boot, size=524288000, type=part
2022/02/22 04:26:19 [DBG] nvme0n1p2: fsType=swap, mount=, size=8388608000, type=part
2022/02/22 04:26:19 [DBG] nvme0n1p3: fsType=f2fs, mount=/, size=247146217472, type=part
2022/02/22 04:26:19 [DBG] Partitions after sorting:
2022/02/22 04:26:19 [DBG] nvme0n1p1: fsType=vfat, mount=/boot, size=524288000, type=part
2022/02/22 04:26:19 [DBG] nvme0n1p2: fsType=swap, mount=, size=8388608000, type=part
2022/02/22 04:26:19 [DBG] nvme0n1p3: fsType=f2fs, mount=/, size=247146217472, type=part
2022/02/22 04:26:19 [DBG] parted --machine --script -- /dev/nvme0n1 unit B print
2022/02/22 04:26:19 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:26:19 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:26:19 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:19 [DBG] MediaChange: nvme0n1: Selected media will be used for installation.
2022/02/22 04:26:19 [DBG] MediaChange: nvme0n1p1: Use existing partition. [/boot]
2022/02/22 04:26:19 [DBG] MediaChange: nvme0n1p2: Use existing partition. (swap)
2022/02/22 04:26:19 [DBG] MediaChange: nvme0n1p3: Use existing partition. [/]
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] timeout --kill-after=30s 30s curl --no-sessionid -o /tmp/clr-installer-yaml-892681350 -s -f
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [INF] Running pre-install hooks
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] Clear Linux OS version: latest
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] WritePartitionTable: partial disk, skipping mklabel for nvme0n1
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [INF] Updating partition table for: nvme0n1
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] Partitions before sorting:
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] nvme0n1p1: fsType=vfat, mount=/boot, size=524288000, type=part
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] nvme0n1p2: fsType=swap, mount=, size=8388608000, type=part
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] nvme0n1p3: fsType=f2fs, mount=/, size=247146217472, type=part
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] Partitions after sorting:
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] nvme0n1p1: fsType=vfat, mount=/boot, size=524288000, type=part
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] nvme0n1p2: fsType=swap, mount=, size=8388608000, type=part
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] nvme0n1p3: fsType=f2fs, mount=/, size=247146217472, type=part
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] parted --machine --script -- /dev/nvme0n1 unit B print
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] WritePartitionTable: processing child: &{nvme0n1p1  /dev/nvme0n1p1  259:1  vfat 6707-38B7  /boot  CLR_BOOT 524288000 part  false false [] false false false true  false 1 []}
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] WritePartitionTable: skipping partition nvme0n1p1
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] WritePartitionTable: processing child: &{nvme0n1p2  /dev/nvme0n1p2  259:2  swap 1e2b6c62-0cfc-42e7-8318-8985c0742af1    CLR_SWAP 8388608000 part  false false [] false false false true  false 2 []}
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] WritePartitionTable: skipping partition nvme0n1p2
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] WritePartitionTable: processing child: &{nvme0n1p3  /dev/nvme0n1p3  259:3  f2fs 0ba80197-0fac-4c07-b02c-713e7638bcee  /  CLR_ROOT 247146217472 part  false false [] false false false true  false 3 []}
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] WritePartitionTable: skipping partition nvme0n1p3
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [INF] Setting GUIDs for device: /dev/nvme0n1
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] sgdisk /dev/nvme0n1 --typecode=1:C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:26:22 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:23 [DBG] Pre-Installation has no message content
2022/02/22 04:26:23 [DBG] The operation has completed successfully.
2022/02/22 04:26:23 [DBG] sgdisk /dev/nvme0n1 --typecode=2:0657FD6D-A4AB-43C4-84E5-0933C84B4F4F
2022/02/22 04:26:23 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:26:23 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:26:23 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:25 [DBG] The operation has completed successfully.
2022/02/22 04:26:25 [DBG] sgdisk /dev/nvme0n1 --typecode=3:4F68BCE3-E8CD-4DB1-96E7-FBCAF984B709
2022/02/22 04:26:25 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:26:25 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:26:25 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:26 [DBG] The operation has completed successfully.
2022/02/22 04:26:26 [INF] Setting boot partition: nvme0n1p1 [boot]
2022/02/22 04:26:26 [DBG] parted /dev/nvme0n1 set 1 boot on
2022/02/22 04:26:26 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:26:26 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:26:26 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:26 [DBG] Information: You may need to update /etc/fstab.
2022/02/22 04:26:26 [DBG] 

2022/02/22 04:26:28 [DBG] partprobe /dev/nvme0n1
2022/02/22 04:26:28 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:26:28 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:26:28 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:32 [DBG] Skipping new file system for nvme0n1p1
2022/02/22 04:26:32 [DBG] Skipping new file system for nvme0n1p2
2022/02/22 04:26:32 [DBG] Skipping new file system for nvme0n1p3
2022/02/22 04:26:32 [DBG] partprobe -s
2022/02/22 04:26:32 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:26:32 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:26:32 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] Warning: Partition(s) 1 on /dev/sda have been written, but we have been unable to inform the kernel of the change, probably because it/they are in use.  As a result, the old partition(s) will remain in use.  You should reboot now before making further changes.
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] /dev/sda: msdos partitions 2
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] /dev/sdb: gpt partitions 1
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] /dev/nvme0n1: gpt partitions 1 2 3
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] udevadm settle --timeout 10
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] lsblk --exclude 1,2,11 -J -b -O
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] parted --machine --script -- /dev/loop0 unit B print free
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [WRN] getPartitionTable() had an error reading partition table "Error: /dev/loop0: unrecognised disk label\nBYT;\n/dev/loop0:3675115520B:loopback:512:512:unknown:Loopback device:;\n"
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is ""
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] parted --machine --script -- /dev/sda unit B print free
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "BYT"
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "/dev/sda:128320801792B:scsi:512:512:msdos:Samsung Type-C:"
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "1:1024B:69631B:68608B:free"
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "2:69632B:130093055B:130023424B:fat16::esp"
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "1:130093056B:128320801791B:128190708736B:free"
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is ""
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] parted --machine --script -- /dev/sdb unit B print free
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "BYT"
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "/dev/sdb:62026416128B:scsi:512:512:gpt: USB DISK 3.0:"
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "1:17408B:1048575B:1031168B:free"
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "1:1048576B:62025367551B:62024318976B:fat32::msftdata"
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "1:62025367552B:62026399231B:1031680B:free"
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is ""
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] parted --machine --script -- /dev/nvme0n1 unit B print free
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "BYT"
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "/dev/nvme0n1:256060514304B:nvme:512:512:gpt:Micron 2300 NVMe 256GB:"
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "1:17408B:1048575B:1031168B:free"
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "1:1048576B:525336575B:524288000B:fat32:CLR_BOOT:boot, esp"
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "2:525336576B:8913944575B:8388608000B:linux-swap(v1):CLR_SWAP:swap"
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "3:8913944576B:256060162047B:247146217472B:f2fs:CLR_ROOT:"
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is "1:256060162048B:256060497407B:335360B:free"
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] setPartitionTable() line is ""
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [INF] Mounting: /
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [INF] Running post-image hooks
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [INF] Installation Steps Complete
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [ERR] 

Error Trace:
 mount /dev/nvme0n1p3 /tmp/install-306243843 f2fs: no such file or directory
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [WRN] Telemetry is not present in the installer, skip record generation
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] dmesg --console-on
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] Using default shellProxy.DefaultGetProxyValue
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] [Previous line repeated 4 times]
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [DBG] cmd.Env: []
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [WRN] Telemetry is not present in the installer, skip record generation
2022/02/22 04:26:34 [ERR] mount /dev/nvme0n1p3 /tmp/install-306243843 f2fs: no such file or directory

Error Trace: