clearlinux / distribution

Placeholder repository to allow filing of general bugs/issues/etc against the Clear Linux OS for Intel Architecture linux distribution
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Plasma session doesn't start #1086

Open Vistaus opened 5 years ago

Vistaus commented 5 years ago

I'm not new to Linux, but I am new to Clear Linux (only just installed it) and I installed the desktop-kde and desktop-kde-apps bundles, but when I select Plasma in SDDM, ksplash just hangs there. No desktop, no nothing. GNOME Shell and Enlightenment run fine, however. And running plasmashell from a terminal window inside GNOME Shell launches Plasma correctly. So it seems like something's wrong with the session. Can anyone assist me in getting the Plasma session up and running?

My laptop has these specs: Processor: Intel Core i5-8250U Graphics adapter: Intel UHD Graphics 620 Memory: 8192 MB Mainboard: Intel Kaby Lake-U

phmccarty commented 5 years ago

Transferring to clearlinux/distribution

Vistaus commented 5 years ago

Not sure if this is related to the session failing to start, but I do see this output:

xprop:  unable to open display ':1'
qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display :1
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: wayland-org.kde.kwin.qpa, eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, wayland-egl, wayland, wayland-xcomposite-egl, wayland-xcomposite-glx, xcb.
Vistaus commented 5 years ago

Updated to the latest OS version using swupd and now it seems to work. Will keep this open a little bit longer until I'm sure it keeps working well.

anselmolsm commented 5 years ago

Hi @Vistaus . Was the issue verified in a wayland or xorg session?

Regarding the output you posted above: Is that the output of sddm.service? Thanks.

Vistaus commented 5 years ago


Was the issue verified in a wayland or xorg session?


Regarding the output you posted above: Is that the output of sddm.service? Thanks.


But the issue really seems to be gone now. Rebooted a few times even, all works as expected now :)

Vistaus commented 5 years ago

The latest updates broke the session again. I understand that GNOME Shell has a higher priority for you, but can't you at least make sure that updates don't break other DE's like Plasma?

Vistaus commented 5 years ago

Current error is :

/usr/bin/ksmserver: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/ undefined symbol: _ZN12ScreenLocker7KSldApp4lockENS_13EstablishLockE

anselmolsm commented 5 years ago

Hi @Vistaus, which CL release?

That's intriguing because the last update of both ksmserver (in plasma-workspace) and kscreenlocker (where the lib that provides such symbol belongs) happened two weeks ago, no new package updates since then. And this specific symbols has been around since the first time kscreenlocker was packaged.

Vistaus commented 5 years ago

The latest, I assume? I installed Clear 10 days ago when I first opened this issue, and I keep it up-to-date (I install updates through swupd every day).

I don't know if that error is all there is to it (and we're not gonna figure that out either as long as no one is willing to help me), but that's what startkde reports when running it from a terminal.

anselmolsm commented 5 years ago

Well, I'm trying to help. I'm writing this from a Plasma session, CL 30740. At first a difference is that it was launched by sddm (but I tried to replicate the issue on another system I have, starting the session without sddm).

that's what startkde reports when running it from a terminal.

Just asking this because you mentioned you're new to Linux: Did you run startkde directly?

Vistaus commented 5 years ago


I use SDDM too, I just launched startkde from a terminal to see it any error messages would pop up since SDDM doesn't show any error messages (unless there's a log somewhere?). And no, I'm not new to Linux, I've been using Linux for several years. However, I am new to Clear Linux and I never had these kind of problems with Plasma before.

anselmolsm commented 5 years ago

since SDDM doesn't show any error messages (unless there's a log somewhere?).

Isn't there anything helpful in journalctl -u sddm.service ?

And no, I'm not new to Linux, I've been using Linux for several years.

Ops, I misread your message. I apologize. The actual reason for that question was to check if you were dealing with xinit (either by using startx or runnign xinit + startkde).

Out of curiosity (but there's a case that can be related to this problem) : what is your default shell?

EDIT: this problem = session hangs

anselmolsm commented 5 years ago

Out of curiosity (but there's a case that can be related to this problem) : what is your default shell?

Nevermind. This login shell problem is not an issue anymore.

anselmolsm commented 5 years ago

Does adding "i915.enable_psr=0" to the kernel command line fix the issue?

Vistaus commented 5 years ago

I gave up on Clear Linux for now, I never had this many issues with a distro, esp. when working from a clean install and I feel like Plasma doesn't get the attention it needs.

ahkok commented 5 years ago

The bug remains and is valid, I believe.You're welcome to unfollow/unsibscribe of course.

DN-debug commented 3 years ago

Its was never an issue with CL. Was searching thru google and found this thread. Its an issue with KDE itself. I am adding my comment to let other people know about it. There isn't any permanent fix for this as of now. Work-around is to rename the plasma's appletsrc in the ~/.config folder or change the lastscreen value within the file itself and then restarting the plasmashell.

This doesn't always work. xcb error itself points toward the missing component btw.