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Error when setting up Infiniband through NetworkManager #1095

Open matthewa150 opened 4 years ago

matthewa150 commented 4 years ago

I am testing out Clear Linux on an HPC as a replacement to CentOS. Off of a fresh install I have tried setting up Infiniband through NetworkManager but have encountered an error I haven't been able to find much on. After trying to start the connection I get (nmcli con up id IB_HPC):

Error: Connection activation failed: The device could not be readied for configuration

When I check journalctl I see the following warnings:

device (ibp4s0): Activation: failed for connection 'IB_HPC'
device (ibp4s0): mtu: failure to set IPv6 MTU
device (ibp4s0): mtu: failure to set IPv6 MTU

I've set the MTU (connected mode, 65520) for Infiniband, so I'm not sure as to why it isn't being set for IPv6 (Link-Local Only, IPv4 is manual).

EDIT: I should add, ultimately the end goal is to have IBoIP setup. I've checked the OFED drivers and there isn't a version which supports clear (nor is the source available to build it). This is something I just wanted to note in case it changes anything with the issue at hand.

valentijnvenus commented 1 year ago

@tessalatedSapote thanks for following this through, and congrats your submit is now accepted! Now Infiniband in connected-mode can be set on Clear Linux, may you share your NetworkManager config please?