clearlinux / distribution

Placeholder repository to allow filing of general bugs/issues/etc against the Clear Linux OS for Intel Architecture linux distribution
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Incorporate CVE process for Clear Linux Vulnerabilities #1293

Open cberho opened 5 years ago

cberho commented 5 years ago

Per the documentation found on the distribution uses Intel CVA (CVE Numbering Authority) to have CVE publishing. After carefully reviewing and checking advisories; there are non-related to Clear Linux. While the Operating System adheres to the principle of bleeding edge; users and community require a documented reference, in the form of procedure or advisory, for risk mitigation. Connected to previous point, Security tools (scanners) rely on vulnerability databases, which are one support element on the path to remediation.

Reference documentation: CVE IDs and how to get them Key details phrasing - BKM to build descriptions CVE project documentation

Other distros supporting CVE process: RH Security data Suse CVE Debian CVE Ubuntu

ahkok commented 5 years ago

We have the processes in place and they are fully active, but, we are lacking on external communication.

cberho commented 5 years ago


solrac901 commented 5 years ago

@ahkok can you educate me on the process that you are following, please. We scan Clear Linux a couple of weeks ago and we receive a blank report no issues no vulnerabilities. do you have like a vulnerability database that we can check we want to check if the tools that we are testing are working as we expect. Regards.

nesiusra commented 5 years ago

Beyond saying we actively scan for and patch CVEs, and that we constantly iterate on our tooling and processes to make them more effective, there's little we can and should say about the tools we use or our workflows publicly; which is really a pretty common security practice itself.

If there's ever an issue with Clear Linux OS that originates from Intel content or as a result of our integration efforts, then depending on the severity an advisory might appear on the Intel Security Advisory portal in the initial issue description.

I'm happy to hear your scans came up blank. :)

nesiusra commented 5 years ago

Lastly - we do recognize it would be nice to have a Clear specific portal akin to what other distros have. We can keep this issue open for when we have more to share about that.

ahkok commented 5 years ago

We monitor CVE's posted ourselves and patch them aggressively. For now, the only record we have is our release notes and package git commit history. This will hopefully change and that's being worked on.

Secondary, since we also update packages relatively fast, we often update packages before CVE's are even posted.

we want to check if the tools that we are testing are working as we expect

In order to help you with that, I need to know what tools you are using, or alternatively, what API you need in order to do your scans.

ahkok commented 5 years ago

Per the documentation found on the distribution uses Intel CVA (CVE Numbering Authority) to have CVE publishing.

I'm not a doc/web person. What documentation are you referring to here?

ahkok commented 5 years ago

We scan Clear Linux a couple of weeks ago and we receive a blank report no issues no vulnerabilities.

A good way to test your methodology is to download a really old version of clearlinux (e.g. live image) and scan that. :)

anselmolsm commented 5 years ago

We scan Clear Linux a couple of weeks ago and we receive a blank report no issues no vulnerabilities

Can you share the tool used?

cberho commented 5 years ago

@nesiusra agree lets keep it open for now; we understand its a long shot, which also requires to have published a process definition for vulnerability management, eventually something that will land on the project page for Community reference.