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[BBT][perl-basic]missing modules after update #1528

Open arturo-garcia-garcia opened 4 years ago

arturo-garcia-garcia commented 4 years ago

In build 31750, we have several regression in perl-basic related to missing modules These are the errors

# (in test file bat-perl-basic-perl-use_parallel.t, line 4241)
#   `perl  -MTest::Specio -e 1' failed with status 2
# Can't locate Test/ in @INC (you may need to install the Test::Fatal module) 
# (in test file bat-perl-basic-perl-use_parallel.t, line 5141)
#   `perl  -MAnyEvent::Impl::EV -e 1' failed with status 2
# Can't locate in @INC (you may need to install the EV module)6_64-linux-t
# (in test file bat-perl-basic-perl-use_parallel.t, line 5147)
#   `perl  -MAnyEvent::Impl::Event -e 1' failed with status 2
# Can't locate in @INC (you may need to install the Event module)
# # (in test file bat-perl-basic-perl-use_parallel.t, line 5153)
#   `perl  -MAnyEvent::Impl::EventLib -e 1' failed with status 2
# Can't locate Event/ in @INC (you may need to install the Event::Lib module)
# # (in test file bat-perl-basic-perl-use_parallel.t, line 5159)
#   `perl  -MAnyEvent::Impl::Glib -e 1' failed with status 2
# Can't locate in @INC (you may need to install the Glib module) 
# # (in test file bat-perl-basic-perl-use_parallel.t, line 5165)
#   `perl  -MAnyEvent::Impl::IOAsync -e 1' failed with status 2
# Can't locate IO/Async/ in @INC (you may need to install the IO::Async::Loop module)
## (in test file bat-perl-basic-perl-use_parallel.t, line 5177)
#   `perl  -MAnyEvent::Impl::POE -e 1' failed with status 2
# Can't locate in @INC (you may need to install the POE module)
# # (in test file bat-perl-basic-perl-use_parallel.t, line 5285)
#   `perl  -MCoro::EV -e 1' failed with status 2
# Can't locate in @INC (you may need to install the EV module)
# (in test file bat-perl-basic-perl-use_parallel.t, line 5291)
#   `perl  -MCoro::Event -e 1' failed with status 2
# Can't locate in @INC (you may need to install the Event module)

This seems to be the root casue

Updated packages:
     perl-EV                             4.28-2          -> 4.30-3         
     perl-IO-Async                       0.74-16         -> 0.75-17        

Changes in package perl-EV (from 4.28-2 to 4.30-3):
     Brett T. Warden - perl-EV: Autospec creation for update from version 4.28 to version 4.30

Changes in package perl-IO-Async (from 0.74-16 to 0.75-17):
     Brett T. Warden - perl-IO-Async: Autospec creation for update from version 0.74 to version 0.75


Updated packages:
     grpc                                1.24.2-3        -> 1.24.2-10      
     perl-AnyEvent                       7.17-21         -> 7.17-22        
     perl-Specio                         0.44-25         -> 0.45-26        
Changes in package perl-AnyEvent (from 7.17-21 to 7.17-22):
     Brett T. Warden - Remove explicit framework dependencies

Changes in package perl-Specio (from 0.44-25 to 0.45-26):
     Brett T. Warden - perl-Specio: Autospec creation for update from version 0.44 to version 0.45
     Brett T. Warden - Add runtime dep XString
bwarden commented 4 years ago

Test needs to be updated to avoid running through all possible event backends, as we intentionally only include a small selection of them in perl-basic. perl-graphics and perl-extras provide the rest, particularly those which are part of a large ecosystem.