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shadowsocks-libev bundle #1730

Open debiansid opened 4 years ago

debiansid commented 4 years ago

Shadowsocks-libev is a lightweight secured SOCKS5 proxy for embedded devices and low-end boxes. shadowsocks-libev github page

lebensterben commented 4 years ago

shadowsocks and its derivatives are important utilities for people living in certain countries to get free access to the internet.

There are two points worth mentioning:

ahkok commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the background. Is there a specific branch that is most maintained?

debiansid commented 4 years ago

This one is well maintained

lebensterben commented 4 years ago

@ahkok shadowsocks-libev indeed is well maintained.

Since autospec currently doesn't support go and rust packages, we can exclude derivatives developed in those languages from consideration, at least for now.

But we may need to ask for more comments on which derivative people want. For example, how does shadowsocks-r comparing to shadowsocks-libev?

debiansid commented 4 years ago

shadowsocks-r is in python and not maintained anymore.

lebensterben commented 4 years ago

shadowsocks-r is in python and not maintained anymore.

@debiansid I haven't used any of those for several years. Is there a list of all its derivatives so we can examine each of them?

debiansid commented 4 years ago and I include shadowsocks-libev maintainers here

RebelliousWhiz commented 4 years ago

shadowsocks-r is in python and not maintained anymore.

@debiansid I haven't used any of those for several years. Is there a list of all its derivatives so we can examine each of them?

I have been using Shadowsocks and its alternatives for many years since I got back to this country that you cannot mention.

Shadowsocks-libev is indeed the most maintained and up-to-date shadowsocks.

ShadowsocksR used to be a great alternative, but the maintainer stopped maintaining because some shitty drama happened. I observed the whole thing.

Shadowsocks-libev adopted some ideas of ShadowsocksR, and here it became the most popular and the most supported Shadowsocks so far.

All the official maintainers of Shadowsocks are gathered under, you can find shadowsocks in go lang and others. I never tried them, since shadowsocks-libev has the most features and stability.

I didn't observe any other derivative that is popular or well maintained enough. I guess it gets even more popular since the Jigsaw uses it as it's core.

Those people who are maintaining shadowsocks-libev are really nice, maybe you want to talk to them directly to get some ideas.

I hope what I said could do you some help.