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exa package request #2652

Open ReFleXzZ opened 2 years ago

ReFleXzZ commented 2 years ago

Official package name: exa

License (must be an OSI approved Open Source license): MIT License

Download URL of latest release: (Source) (Usual Binary Release) (Binary Release w. Musl library)

Latest release date (must be recent): 12 Apr 2021 last commit: May 2022

Description: (Copied and Pasted from original GitHub Page):

exa is a modern replacement for the venerable file-listing command-line program ls that ships with Unix and Linux operating systems, giving it more features and better defaults. It uses colours to distinguish file types and metadata. It knows about symlinks, extended attributes, and Git. And it’s small, fast, and just one single binary.

By deliberately making some decisions differently, exa attempts to be a more featureful, more user-friendly version of ls. For more information, see exa’s website.

EDIT: Added the normal binary release I originally wanted to post.

insilications commented 2 years ago

This rust app is very good.

original-tinozza commented 2 years ago

This rust app is very good.

Cant' agree more.

Just for your convenience here a list of alternatives of classic command line tools rewritten in rust (exa is part of the list).