clearlinux / distribution

Placeholder repository to allow filing of general bugs/issues/etc against the Clear Linux OS for Intel Architecture linux distribution
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Disable bluetooth after reboot or shutdown #2682

Open sberjava opened 2 years ago

sberjava commented 2 years ago

Bluetooth adapter cannot save state, disable after reboot. version os:

user@lenovo~ $ cat /etc/os-release NAME="Clear Linux OS" VERSION=1 ID=clear-linux-os ID_LIKE=clear-linux-os VERSION_ID=36630 PRETTY_NAME="Clear Linux OS" ANSI_COLOR="1;35" HOME_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="" BUILD_ID=36630


thomas992 commented 2 years ago

Assuming the title means "Bluetooth disenabled after power cycle" I think this should be a feature request "Enable Bluetooth on startup in Gnome Settings" noting the current behavior. It would entail replacing the disabled Bluetooth splash screen with something functional. I think putting an iOS button next to the minimize is bad design they essentially move attention away from where it is supposed to be. Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LAN, and even a monitor that shows you how much data could all fit on one of these pages. It is by design that there is a scrolling menu on the left the right side could be taller.

sberjava commented 2 years ago

It's gnome bug. Need add main.conf