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I can't install clear linux on virtualbox or vspehre, I got no hardware support for kvm_intel #2785

Open akoscomp opened 1 year ago

akoscomp commented 1 year ago

I try to install clearlinux from iso on vmware vspehre 7 and virtualbox, but I got the error: kmv: no hardware support for 'kvm_intel'

The virtualbox run on Dell Latitude with intel cpu, and the vmware on intel xeon processor.

I try with clear-36010-live-server and clear-37760-live-server. With clear-35000-live-server I got the error too, but I can install the os.

Screenshots: clearlinux-37760-virtualbox-efi clearlinux-37760-virtualbox-efi

clearlinux-36010-virtualbox-no-efi clearlinux-36010-virtualbox-no-efi

clearlinux-36010-virtualbox-efi clearlinux-36010-virtualbox-efi

clearlinux36010-vsphere7 clearlinux36010-vsphere7

clearlinux-35000-virtualbox-efi-OK-this-work clearlinux-35000-virtualbox-efi-OK-this-work

With 35000 I got the error, but after that I can login and I can install the system.

bwarden commented 1 year ago

A few things:

akoscomp commented 1 year ago

I switch to debug mode and I test some versions. The last version that works fine is 35230, from 35240 to 35300 I got black screen, after 35360 to 37780 the system show the debug message, but remain unusable. I can't switch between terminals, I can't do anything. I start to test is paralel on vspehre and virtualbox, but I got the same results. After that I switch to virtualbox only. I create a virtual machinde followed the documentation from (set ICH9 as chipset and use EFI).

Tested versions: ich9, efi 35210 - ok 35220 - ok 35230 - ok 35240 - black (debug: EFI stub: Loaded initrd from command line option) 35250 - black 35280 - black 35300 - black 35360 - hang 35400 - hang 35800 - hang 37780 - hang

Some screenshots:

clearlinux-35300-virtualbox-debug clearlinux-35300-virtualbox-debug

clearlinux-35360-virtualbox-debug clearlinux-35360-virtualbox-debug

clearlinux-35400-virtualbox-debug clearlinux-35400-virtualbox-debug

clearlinux-37780-virtualbox-debug clearlinux-37780-virtualbox-debug

akoscomp commented 1 year ago

After hang I wait 10-30 minutes, but without any change. For versions lower than 35230 the boot time takes 5-10 seconds.