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`update-desktop-database` not working as expected #670

Closed lebensterben closed 5 years ago

lebensterben commented 5 years ago


After adding a desktop entries to $XDG_DATA_DIRS/applications and execute update-desktop-applications, one would expect the entries to show up in gnome, given that the desktop file is valid. But nothing shows up, even after a reboot.

More Details

  1. If I put the desktop file under /usr/share/applications, then after a relogin the application would appear, but not after running update-desktop-applications.
  2. Without specifying a directory, update-desktop-applications would process all desktop files under $XDG_DATA_DIRS/applications.
    • echo $XDG_DATA_DIRS outputs the following: /home/lucius/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/:/usr/local/share/:/var/cache/:/usr/share/
    • By convention, many people put their user desktop application files under $HOME/.local/share/applications, thus I added the $HOME/.local/share into XDG_DATA_DIRS environment variable and execute update-desktop-applications again. But it still doesn't work
    • Even explicitly specifying the directory when running update-desktop-applications, it doesn't work either.
  3. Now run sudo update-desktop-applications -v as its verbose mode, below is the output:
Search path is now: [/usr/local/share/applications, /usr/share/applications]
File "/usr/share/applications/metacity.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-printers-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-universal-access-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/ddd.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Characters.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gtk3-widget-factory.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/simple-scan.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-wifi-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xfce4-terminal.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Weather.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-thunderbolt-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xfce4-settings-editor.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/x11vnc.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Music.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-default-apps-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xfce4-screenshooter.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/thunar-volman-settings.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-system-monitor-kde.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xfce4-terminal-settings.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Evince-previewer.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-background-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xfce4-mime-settings.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-bluetooth-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/ibus-setup-libpinyin.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/synergy.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.DiskUtility.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/hplip.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/exo-file-manager.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/quassel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/geoclue-where-am-i.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xfce-ui-settings.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xfce-display-settings.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/remmina-gnome.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xfce4-appfinder.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/evolution-calendar.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gcm-picker.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/exo-terminal-emulator.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/exo-web-browser.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Terminal.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/vncviewer.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Shell.PortalHelper.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.tweaks.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xfce-wm-settings.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-system-monitor.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xfce-mouse-settings.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xfce4-session-logout.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-display-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-notifications-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/panel-preferences.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-flashback-init.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xfce-session-settings.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/lstopo.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Screenshot.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-shell-extension-prefs.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-privacy-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xfce4-accessibility-settings.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Cheese.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-mouse-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Todo.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Logs.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xfce-backdrop-settings.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/qv4l2.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/geoclue-demo-agent.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Software.Editor.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-power-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xscreensaver-properties.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gkbd-keyboard-display.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/quasselclient.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/virt-manager.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/kitty.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-info-overview-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gtk3-icon-browser.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-applications-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/alacritty.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/nvidia-settings.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gtk3-demo.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/Thunar-bulk-rename.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-keyboard-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/jetbrains-pycharm.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-user-accounts-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-flashback.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/qgit.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xfce4-about.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/org.remmina.Remmina.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/pavucontrol.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-search-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xfce-settings-manager.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/thunar-settings.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-datetime-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/ibus-setup.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/nm-connection-editor.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Calendar.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Shell.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/mutter.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-region-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Evolution-alarm-notify.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/qvidcap.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xfce4-notifyd-config.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/exo-preferred-applications.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xfce4-run.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Calculator.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.ColorProfileViewer.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-control-center.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-removable-media-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-color-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-online-accounts-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-sharing-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/bluetooth-sendto.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/nvvp.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-network-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/exo-mail-reader.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/Thunar.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/ibus-setup-libbopomofo.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/ca.desrt.dconf-editor.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/pidgin.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-wacom-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xfce-wmtweaks-settings.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.seahorse.Application.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/nm-applet.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gcr-prompter.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Photos.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/org.gnome.ChromeGnomeShell.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xfce-keyboard-settings.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gnome-sound-panel.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/htop.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/gcm-calibrate.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/nsight.desktop" lacks MimeType key
File "/usr/share/applications/xfce-workspaces-settings.desktop" lacks MimeType key

We can see a lot of waning about lacking MimeType key. If I execute update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications -v, which directly specify the directory where I store the desktop files, similar errors appears.

So my question is, does those missing MimeType keys prevented the update-desktop-database command to correctly process desktop files and thus caused the problem?

ahkok commented 5 years ago

Those MimeType messages are just warnings. The program will still indicate a successful execution with $? being 0.

lebensterben commented 5 years ago

Those MimeType messages are just warnings. The program will still indicate a successful execution with $? being 0.

I'm still wondering why I cannot add desktop-files successfully...

phmccarty commented 5 years ago

Just to confirm, all mentions of update-desktop-applications in the report should be update-desktop-database, correct?

phmccarty commented 5 years ago

@lebensterben The system-wide mimeinfo cache is located at /var/cache/applications/mimeinfo.cache, and it is updated with an update trigger service, mime-update.service.

When I modify my XDG_DATA_DIRS variable to have $HOME/.local/share prepended, update-desktop-database successfully creates $HOME/.local/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache. Note that I tested the command without sudo, since I just wanted to confirm correct behavior for the non-root case with the modified XDG_DATA_DIRS.

Can you check that scenario again?

I need to think through the overall picture here. Probably, setting an appropriate default value for XDG_DATA_DIRS is a good first step, and the flatpak-specific locations can be added to that default value.

lebensterben commented 5 years ago

@phmccarty When I run update-desktop-database without sudo there are permission errors:

Search path is now: [/home/lucius/.local/share/applications, /home/lucius/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/applications, /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications, /usr/local/share/applications, /var/cache/applications, /usr/share/applications]
Could not create cache file in "/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications": Error opening directory ?/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications?: No such file or directory
Could not create cache file in "/usr/local/share/applications": Permission denied
Could not create cache file in "/var/cache/applications": Permission denied
Could not create cache file in "/usr/share/applications": Permission denied

Except for /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications that doesn't exists, all other directories needs root permission, which is as expected.

There's no other error other than complaints about lacking MIME types, but still the desktop files are not updated. Because the newly added desktop files do not show up in /var/cache/applications/mimeinfo.cache.

P.S. I found that mime-update.service was not active, so I manually restarted it before executing any commands.

thiagomacieira commented 5 years ago

Adding $HOME/.local/share to XDG_DATA_DIRS is not recommended. That is already the default XDG_DATA_HOME. See the spec:

thiagomacieira commented 5 years ago

Ok, looks like we have a case like the MIME cache: the cache is present in the /usr/ dir, which Clear does not support. The cache should be placed in /var/cache instead. Recommendation: install /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache as a symlink to ../../../var/cache/mimeinfo.cache so it can be generated after bundle additions, removals and updates.

lebensterben commented 5 years ago

Adding $HOME/.local/share to XDG_DATA_DIRS is not recommended. That is already the default XDG_DATA_HOME. See the spec:

If if didn't append $HOME/.local/share to XDG_DATA_DIRS, and then update-desktop-database -v would show the following:

Search path is now: [/home/lucius/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/applications, /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications, /usr/local/share/applications, /var/cache/applications, /usr/share/applications]

And actually for some reason XDG_DATA_DIRS is not correctly set,

> echo $XDG_DATA_DIRS 

Ok, looks like we have a case like the MIME cache: the cache is present in the /usr/ dir, which Clear does not support. The cache should be placed in /var/cache instead. Recommendation: install /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache as a symlink to ../../../var/cache/mimeinfo.cache so it can be generated after bundle additions, removals and updates.

First, I found that at this point, these two /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache and /var/cache/applications/mimeinfo.cache are identical.

But interestingly, /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache is newer and sudo update-desktop-database would change it's modified time. Meanwhile, the modified time of ~/.local/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache is determined by the last time I execute update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications. (Note that I unset the environment variable $XDG_DATA_HOME and this directory is not processed by update-desktop-databse.)

And the modified time of /var/cache/applications/mimeinfo.cache, 20:42:48:433418517, is not the same as either of the other two. More interestingly, I've the following findings:

  1. I use zsh and it's history shows the timestamps of commands I executed, around the time when this file was modified, I haven't done anything in shell.
  2. Checking journalctl and I find that, at 20:37, swupd automatically updated from 29289 to 29310, and at 20:42, swupd called post-update helper scripts.
    • Specifically, at 20:42:48,[23514]: gtk-update-icon-cache: Cache file created successfully.
    • And at 20:42:49, gnome-software[2035]: failed to rescan: Failed to parse /var/cache/applications/mimeinfo.cache file: cannot process file of type text/plain

Previously I've built R-studio myself and have it installed under /usr/lib and this afternoon I removed it and installed the new R-rstudio bundle, which is under /usr/lib64/R. I can open it right after the installation without problem. So my guess is, only /var/cache/applications/mimeinfo.cache seems to be working now, which is updated by some post-update scripts.

If I create a soft link as you suggested, then both swupd and update-desktop-database would correctly update it, for both clear bundles and custom desktop entries.

lebensterben commented 5 years ago

Just an update on a more interesting finding related to the problem:

I've a custom desktop file for PyCharm and a while ago I put it in ~/.local/share/applications and it doesn't work. So I put it in /usr/share/applications, and it worked. (So I've two duplicated ones.)

I updated PyCharm today and moved it to a new directory, and modified the the desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications, and left the other untouched.

P.S. The problem reported before is still bothering me, I'd appreciate it if anyone could offer some help.

lebensterben commented 5 years ago

I've found a mysterious way which would let the desktop files show up correctly.


lebensterben commented 5 years ago

This is not a bug by update-desktop-database itself, but caused by not setting environment variables correctly. More details in #742

bam80 commented 3 years ago

@lebensterben could you describe solution that worked for you? Still can't get it to update my .desktop file, I'm on bash.

lebensterben commented 3 years ago

@bam80 post your desktop file here

bam80 commented 3 years ago
[bam@host ~]$ cat ~/.local/share/applications/charmtimetracker.desktop 
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Time Tracker
#Exec=env QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb toolbox run charmtimetracker --hide-at-start
Exec=toolbox -c fedora-toolbox-32 run charmtimetracker --hide-at-start

I fixed Exec command and from console it works, but Gnome seem doesn't see the change. I didn't relogin but wanted to solve problem without..

lebensterben commented 3 years ago

@bam80 Very likely it's because gnome cannot find the icon. It should be located in some sub directory of ~/.local/share/icons

lebensterben commented 3 years ago

Notice that the icon should be named Charm.png for example

bam80 commented 3 years ago

The icon is there and displayed. Just old Exec command executed for some reason.. Interesting, if I start searching for a program in menu and launch via found item - it runs fine. Just default menu item doesn't work. Looks like a Gnome bug. Interesting if it can be reproduced somewhere else.. Then we should report it I think. Thanks.

lebensterben commented 3 years ago

The icon is there and displayed. Just old Exec command executed for some reason.. ...

@bam80 can you try to supply the full path to the icon? And also the full path to the binary

iamarkadyt commented 3 years ago

@lebensterben I read through #742 you seem to mention zshell everywhere. I'm on bash, could you please elaborate more on which environment variables exactly get misconfigured that are causing this issue?

lebensterben commented 3 years ago

@iamarkadyt then it's simply irrelevant.

iamarkadyt commented 3 years ago

Did some digging around. I figured out why my desktop files were not showing up in my app grid:

    - Value in the "Name" field should match the name in the desktop file.
      So that <app-name>.desktop is the same value as in Name=<app-name>.
    - Value in the "Exec" field has to be absolute.
      Example: /home/me/Software/my-binary

Here is the final desktop file example. File name: 'MyApp.desktop'.

    [Desktop Entry]
    Comment=My application description

Posting here since this comes up 1st in search results. Hopefully it will help someone. Re-run "update-desktop-files ~/.local/share/applications" after you make these changes.

lebensterben commented 3 years ago

Both are false!

Name is a localization-specific string, it can have multiple values. It certainly doesn't require Name to match the basename of desktop file.

Exec doesn't need to be absolute path:

The executable program can either be specified with its full path or with the name of the executable only.

lebensterben commented 3 years ago

What needs to be absolute is Icon. And if the icon file doesn't exist, this desktop entry will not show up.

dzintars commented 3 years ago

As an addition to this issue it is useful to use desktop-file-validate ~/.local/share/applications/Application.desktop to get at least some hints if there is an syntax error. There is an example of output:

» desktop-file-validate .local/share/applications/Obsidian.desktop
.local/share/applications/Obsidian.desktop: error: (will be fatal in the future): value "Obsidian.png" for key
"Icon" in group "Desktop Entry" is an icon name with an extension, but there should be no extension as
described in the Icon Theme Specification if the value is not an absolute path