clearloop / leetcode-cli

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leetcode test 1 error #117

Closed jiaqiwang969 closed 1 year ago

jiaqiwang969 commented 1 year ago

[INFO leetcode_cli::plugins::leetcode] Sending code to judge... error: invalid type: sequence, expected a string at line 1 column 221

vshlemon commented 1 year ago

I get the same error (with different column number) when doing leetcode test <id>

The error seems to be a Rust error, I am writing leetcode solutions in Python, stored in default .leetcode/code location

The previous language for solutions was Rust, which is what I originally pulled the Problems in via. leetcode list and leetcode pick <id> - only after using leetcode edit <id> with Rust as the language, did I switch the language to Python - not sure if this is the cause for the error i.e. submissions for tests are still being sent as Rust ones even though the solution is in Python...

choikangjae commented 1 year ago

As morristai mentioned earlier, you can fix that issue with:

cargo install --git

It will update your leetcode-cli with newer version, so don't bother to delete the old version.

And you can make sure the latest version is installed with:

$ leetcode -V
# result -> leetcode-cli 0.3.12

code section in ~/.leetcode/leetcode.toml should look like:

editor = "lvim"
lang = "python3"
edit_code_marker = false
comment_problem_desc = false
comment_leading = "///"
start_marker = "@lc code=start"
end_marker = "@lc code=start"
test = true
pick = "${fid}.${slug}"
submission = "${fid}.${slug}.${sid}.${ac}"
clearloop commented 1 year ago