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[Missing License AI Curation][TESTING - DO NOT MERGE] - azure-maps-control/2.1.9 #28555

Closed mpcen closed 1 month ago

mpcen commented 1 month ago

Missing License AI Curation

Component: azure-maps-control v2.1.9

Affected definition: azure-maps-control v2.1.9

File Discovered: license.txt

Suggested Declared License(s): OTHER

Confidence: 95%

Proof and Explanation:

  1. Commercial Nature: The text provided is a commercial license agreement from Microsoft for their software, which indicates it is not an open-source license.

  2. Microsoft Software License Terms: The document clearly states that these are "MICROSOFT SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS" and governs the use of Microsoft Azure Maps Web SDK, confirming its commercial nature.

  3. Restrictions and Rights: The agreement contains specific conditions for installation, usage, and distribution, along with limitations on reverse engineering and modifications. Such terms are typical of proprietary software licenses.

  4. Data Collection and Liability Disclaimer: Sections related to data collection and limitations on liability further indicate a commercial license, common in proprietary agreements, to protect the company's intellectual property and limit their liability.

The terms and explicit licensing language confirm this is not an open-source license and falls under "OTHER" as a commercial license.