The provided text clearly indicates that the software is commercial. It mentions the need to agree to an End User License Agreement (EULA) for Progress KendoReact, which is a strong indicator of a commercial license. Additionally, the text refers to obtaining commercial licenses and trial license terms, further supporting the commercial nature of the software. Therefore, the declared and discovered licenses are labeled as "OTHER" with 100% confidence.
Missing License AI Curation
Component: kendo-react-dialogs v6.1.1
Affected definition: kendo-react-dialogs v6.1.1
Suggested License: OTHER
File Discovered:
The provided text clearly indicates that the software is commercial. It mentions the need to agree to an End User License Agreement (EULA) for Progress KendoReact, which is a strong indicator of a commercial license. Additionally, the text refers to obtaining commercial licenses and trial license terms, further supporting the commercial nature of the software. Therefore, the declared and discovered licenses are labeled as "OTHER" with 100% confidence.