clearpathrobotics / clearpath_simulator

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[ERROR] yaml file not found #29

Closed Peenut173 closed 5 months ago

Peenut173 commented 5 months ago

Please provide the following information:

I suppose it is related to the launch file not finding the robot.yaml file but I'm not quite sure about that.

To Reproduce Provide the steps to reproduce:

  1. clone the repository
  2. colon build --symlink-install
  3. ros2 launch learpath_gz
tonybaltovski commented 5 months ago

Did you create a robot.yaml?:

Peenut173 commented 5 months ago

No, but I have a husky.yaml file with the same kind of implementation in a clearpath folder. I was thinking of replacing robot.yaml by husky.yaml in my launch file but I don't know if it is correct

tonybaltovski commented 5 months ago

The generators look for robot.yaml to generate the needed launch files. Could you copy this as your robot.yaml and try again?

Peenut173 commented 5 months ago

I can try, where should I create the yaml file?

Peenut173 commented 5 months ago

okay, i created the robot file in the same folder as my previous husky one. I get another error message: [ERROR] [launch]: Caught exception in launch (see debug for traceback): executed command failed. Command: /opt/ros/humble/bin/xacro /home/peenut/clearpath/robot.urdf.xacro is_sim:=true gazebo_controllers:=/home/peenut/clearpath/platform/config/control.yaml namespace:=a200_0000 Captured stderr output: error: No such file or directory: /.urdf.xacro [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/.urdf.xacro' when processing file: /home/peenut/clearpath/robot.urdf.xacro


[ERROR] [ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1]: process[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] failed to terminate '5' seconds after receiving 'SIGINT', escalating to 'SIGTERM'

[ERROR] [ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1]: process has died [pid 7390, exit code -15, cmd 'ruby $(which ign) gazebo warehouse.sdf -v 4 --gui-config /media/peenut/programmes/ros_projects/cs8813/husky/clearpath_ws/install/clearpath_gz/share/clearpath_gz/config/gui.config --force-version 6'].

tonybaltovski commented 5 months ago

@Peenut173 can you provide the robot.yaml you are using please? Is it the default?

Peenut173 commented 5 months ago

certainly, here is the file: serial_number: a200-0000 version: 0 system: username: administrator hosts: self: cpr-a200-0000 platform: cpr-a200-0000: onboard: {} remote: {} ros2: namespace: a200_0000 domain_id: 0 rmw_implementation: rmw_fastrtps_cpp workspaces: [] platform: controller: ps4 battery: model: ES20_12C configuration: S2P1 attachments:

tonybaltovski commented 5 months ago

Can you edit extras to be:

    urdf: {}

rather than:

  urdf: null
Peenut173 commented 5 months ago

I did it, but still have the error messages

luis-camero commented 5 months ago

Hi @Peenut173, would you mind checking that you have the latest changes, i.e. git pull in clearpath_config.

Also, please attach the generated /home/peenut/clearpath/robot.urdf.xacro so we can take a look at where it is that the '/.urdf.xacro' is being referenced.

Peenut173 commented 5 months ago

I just saw that robot.urdf.xacro is in /media/peenut/programmes/ros_projects/cs8813/husky/clearpath_ws/src/clearpath/. husky is the folder where we clone the repository. Here is what the file contains:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Also I have no clearpath_config folder in /home/peenut, which is also something I have just noticed. I finally can not find any clearpath_config in my folder. I believe this is not normal but we just cloned the git in husky folder, so it should be there if I am not mistaken?

luis-camero commented 5 months ago

The clearpath_config should be under /media/peenut/programmes/ros_projects/cs8813/husky/clearpath_ws/src where you seem to have cloned and built it. That is where you should call git pull to get the latest changes.

Peenut173 commented 5 months ago

Okay, I got the clearpath_config repository and now I see the robot on the simulation. I still have some error messages, for instance: [ERROR] [1706049581.601866904] [a200_0000.joy_node]: Couldn't open joystick /dev/input/ps4. Will retry every second.

But I think this is due to something else, like a node that is not running and as soon as I'll run it the error message will disappear if I am correct?

luis-camero commented 5 months ago

Yeah, that is expected behaviour if you do not have a PS4 controller connected. It is the standard we use for our robots, so we use it on simulations too.

It seems that your issue is now resolved and you no longer have an issue launching the simulation.