Forked from with Catkinizing changes. The package contains utilities for dealing with occupancy grids, represented as nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid objects, including coordinate conversions, shortest paths, ray tracing, and constructing from laser scans.
I had some errors when building the package first and fixed those. Please not that the enclosed cmake module which finds the Eigen3 library is published under the BSD-license.
What I did in details:
Employ cmake module to find the Eigen3 library
Get rid of deprecated link_libraries cmake command
Create dependencies on generated messages
I had some errors when building the package first and fixed those. Please not that the enclosed cmake module which finds the Eigen3 library is published under the BSD-license.
What I did in details:
Employ cmake module to find the Eigen3 library Get rid of deprecated link_libraries cmake command Create dependencies on generated messages
Best, Andi