cleder / fastkml

Fast 🌍️ <KML /> processing for python
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Interior rings not working properly #355

Closed fitoprincipe closed 1 month ago

fitoprincipe commented 1 month ago

Hi. I have a kml with a polygon that contains 2 interior rings

I leave it here (for reproduction purposes)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<kml xmlns="">
<Document id="root_doc">
        <LinearRing><coordinates>-93.7426720226024,57.4519411370713 -93.6051809086549,49.4316261567984 -80.8643376828499,49.5232868994301 -81.2309806533767,57.4519411370713 -81.2309806533767,57.4519411370713 -93.7426720226024,57.4519411370713</coordinates></LinearRing>
        <LinearRing><coordinates>-91.8663227028478,56.050879726904 -91.7704563496718,53.9897531336206 -90.1407283456804,54.0856194867966 -90.0927951690924,56.002946550316 -91.8663227028478,56.050879726904</coordinates></LinearRing>
        <LinearRing><coordinates>-85.4912102166459,55.90708019714 -85.4912102166459,54.0376863102086 -83.8135490360665,54.0856194867966 -83.9094153892425,55.90708019714 -85.4912102166459,55.90708019714</coordinates></LinearRing>

and the code to verify the error:

import fastkml
testkml = Path("test.kml")

with open(testkml, encoding='utf-8') as f:
    kml = fastkml.KML.class_from_string("utf-8"))

doc = kml.features[0]
folder = doc.features[0]
placemark = folder.features[0]
pol = placemark.geometry

# returns 1 when there are clearly 2 interior rings

I'd love to contribute and fix it myself, but I first need to understand how the package works internally and I don't have much time to do that.


cleder commented 1 month ago

@fitoprincipe can you pull develop and test again?

fitoprincipe commented 1 month ago

Perfect, it works! Thanks @cleder 😃