clehner / git-ssb

social coding on secure-scuttlebutt [migrated to git-ssb]
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Can't clone using ssb #10

Open cazala opened 6 years ago

cazala commented 6 years ago

Hi @clehner !

I've setup a pub in a DO droplet: and I can't clone any repo on my local machine using ssb:

git clone ssb://%ALMgAp5VaIx3WFaBTkgzKlPss7CG+2X+M4h5syyIEDg=.sha256 test
Cloning into 'test'...
Repo not found with ID %ALMgAp5VaIx3WFaBTkgzKlPss7CG+2X+M4h5syyIEDg=.sha256

Everything works fine when cloning via http tho:

git clone test

I'm running the server using sbot server --host

Any ideas why?

Is this the right place to ask this or should I go to scuttlebot?

hackergrrl commented 6 years ago

It's possible that your local sbot's friend graph doesn't reach out far enough to find that message ID. Your pub, however, may have a greater / different reach. Can you look up the user who published the repo (@TOTA0XKC1/7twKSij6+96ts6gU0fnfYLBMoiCAWCVjY=.ed25519) on your local sbot?

cazala commented 6 years ago

Okay I managed to make it work by doing sbot invite.create 1 on my server and then sbot invite.accept {code} on my local machine, after that cloning worked just fine. So if people want to clone my repos they will need me to give them an invite first? Is that the only way?

hackergrrl commented 6 years ago

Nice! That worked because you connected that user to your friend graph, which is friends and friends-of-friends. When you're friends with a big public pub (here's a list), your friend graph grows greatly, which increases how reachable your git repos are.

hackergrrl commented 6 years ago

I think cel is archiving his github repos, so you may want to use the Issues section on that repo. You can just run git-ssb-web locally (which comes with git-ssb) and visit that website and find the git-ssb repo there. Good luck!