clehner / git-ssb

social coding on secure-scuttlebutt [migrated to git-ssb]
256 stars 15 forks source link

my fork of a repo is labeled as the upstream owner #9

Open ph1l opened 6 years ago

ph1l commented 6 years ago

I created a repo with user Zeno (@ZENOvuVKVJx41hZ+7H4D/eOd7NjhfGX3JK7HrRuvziQ=.ed25519), forked it with user elektron (@hTXM9yV6EZ6nXcT3QopcwhSWrC008EnaGhoo/UNzX3g=.ed25519), and git-ssb shows the owner of the forked repo as Zeno not elektron.

I think this is a display bug, because patchbay displays the git-repo creation with the correct author:

  "key": "%MxEx1lw04d8sJzYZZL9wlwANSUfiD8DdLMOVNVyewBk=.sha256",
  "value": {
    "previous": "%tXnAWrGITDk64v2iENamkf7M1fVCGnrO9KaZiUN9NCI=.sha256",
    "author": "@hTXM9yV6EZ6nXcT3QopcwhSWrC008EnaGhoo/UNzX3g=.ed25519",
    "sequence": 114,
    "timestamp": 1509993693347,
    "hash": "sha256",
    "content": {
      "type": "git-repo",
      "upstream": "%oamqyRWwL1fGYQG2oEEDnRTMY5OidxyO/SPLd0A6XSc=.sha256"
    "signature": "qsLDStaM/zmNMnibF9MZhFwbnb2m6lMbyF7ua9erDgB9X9VzCmJOSvfCrO9/UxJTaBk6DYzcPIZCh4ChIFARCg==.sig.ed25519"
ssb@x61s-4280:~$ git-ssb version
git-ssb 2.3.6