cleidigh / EditEmailSubject-MX

Conversion exercise for Thunderbird MailExtensions
GNU General Public License v3.0
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procedure to Install EditEmailSubject-MX dev version on Thunderbird 68+ ? #13

Closed Sylvain303 closed 4 years ago

Sylvain303 commented 4 years ago


I would like to help and test this Great extension. How do I install the development version on my Thunderbird?

I can write down tutorial, example, screenshot, etc. in return. Also doing bug reporting.

May be just show me how to build the xpi, and I will produce a documentation bootstrap.

Regards, Sylvain.

neandr commented 4 years ago

Hi Sylvain, any support for project is very much welcomed! Thanks for your interest.

The main focus of the project is to describe for addon authors what are the steps to move from a legacy TB60 version to Tb68/7X. As you see this project is very much in a start phase only.

The addon itself (with it current TB60 status) can be downloaded for here. If download a ZIP of the project you will find the required XPI (see the zip directory /EditEmailSubject-MX-master/editemailsubject-original/xpi/) Also there is a branch 'dev_gN' which holds a few first steps on our way. Alternatively the addon can also be found on TB network

Sylvain303 commented 4 years ago

Hi Guenter,

Sorry, I'm too new to TB extension coding to find a working xpi file which I could install on TB 68.2.2 (64-bit) I'm running.

My description may be insufficient: I would like to install EditEmailSubject on TB68. Which doesn't work any more.

Screenshot_2020-01-16_06-52-12_TB68_install_fail_editemailsubject-2 1 2b1 xpi

I found cmds.txt which seems give some packaging instruction. Is that enough? I mean, just ziping stuff? No compilation, signing?

I suppose most of the code is in:

wc -l ./src/chrome/content/editemailsubject.js
335 ./src/chrome/content/editemailsubject.js

Which is quite short.

I understand your goal to use this extension as an example to migrate from legacy extension to the new MailExtension format. So giving my newbee status about TB extension. Go for it.

Steps draft: (could be edited in the Wiki or a separate MarkDown file)

  1. Read this doc (new format description) (may be here or this one or HelloWord)
  2. In your repository create a new branch
  3. copy stuff from here to here
  4. change this part following those rules (may be an helper to produce the new structure) (ex: manifest.json)
  5. build the extension with this script (some bash helper, or windows .bat or such)
  6. try install the xpi from the Add-ons Manager (graphical steps, some are provided in debug mode in HelloWord)


I tried to follow Debug steps found in HelloWord loading ./EditEmailSubject-MX/EditMailSubject-MX/webextension/manifest.json but nothing seems to happen.

Hope that more clear. (for me a bit more) Regards, Sylvain.

neandr commented 4 years ago

Hi Sylvian, please note what I said before:

The addon itself (with it current TB60 status) can be downloaded for here The current code you find is NOT working on TB68! It's for TB60!

We're in WIP here. And our whole project is to show to other addon developers which steps are necessary to get it ready for TB68/7++. For sure we will just show one way and there may be others. But all of them need a lot of technical conversions and they are more complex than going for cmds.txt or the HelloWorld example.

Stay tuned ;)

Sylvain303 commented 4 years ago

Thanks, I realized that the code is not working. It wasn't clear from my point of view.

I will document myself a bit more and try to figure out how to help, here. Especially this extension is so useful that it need to be fixed soon.

If you have any more link that can put me on the right path, post it here. I will document the issue subject, too.

Regards, Sylvain. (French Firstname, note the order of the vowels) :wink:

jobisoft commented 4 years ago

I started to make the addon compatible with TB68, which is the first step to get it compatible with 74 or later.

As written in that issue, I have not fixed the IMAP storage mode, only the local storge mode and I still have a few questions which I raised in that issue. Maybe you can help out.

Do you know how to build an XPI out of the TB68 branch?

Sylvain303 commented 4 years ago

Hi @jobisoft

Thanks for the update. Unfortunately I'm currently too busy to find the time to extend my knowledge to understand a TB Extension.

No, I'm not aware of how to build a TB extension. I'm currently using TB68.5.0 (64-bit) under xubuntu 18.04

Could you tell me?

I've post something above in but I need to restart again, now.

jobisoft commented 4 years ago

You can download the current test version here:

Can you take a look at this issue, where I ask for confirmation, that this version is fully working?

jobisoft commented 4 years ago

Forgot to post the issue I was referring to:

jobisoft commented 4 years ago

The release page now includes a link to an XPI file for each release to be downloaded. I also updated the main Readme which is loaded on the main repository page:

neandr commented 4 years ago

Would prefer not to use the for storing the XPI releases. Githup has a "release" page: and the XPI history is stored there already. /(Suggestion: delete the dir ..///EditEmailSubject-MX/tree/master/xpi totally)/

Also the instruction for installing the XPI should include the note about D&D of the XPI from the /..///EditEmailSubject-MX/releases/ to the TB/AddonManager page /(seems to be the easier way)// /

Am 19.03.20 um 12:18 schrieb John Bieling:

The release page now includes a link to an XPI file for each release to be downloaded. I also updated the main Readme which is loaded on the main repository page:

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jobisoft commented 4 years ago

@neandr : The idea behind having them in the repository directly: If you clone it, you have the XPI as well. I added downloadlinks to the release page. So far, you where the only one, who added his XPI there directly :-)

I also added download instructions to the README, is that enough? What is missing?

jobisoft commented 4 years ago

@neandr : Furthermore, l prefer the download link in the description over the XPI in the assets, because users do not see the content of the assets until they click on them. My idea here was to make it as simple as possible.

But of course we can decide otherwise.

neandr commented 4 years ago

Holding all XPIs in that dir has the beauty a download/zip of the project has everything. But also it will be a fat package and unnecessary fat with the whole xpi history. Think for that reason github has the "Releases". For me a link in the ../xpi directory would be more that enough, if at all

Am 19.03.20 um 13:12 schrieb John Bieling:

@neandr : Furthermore, l prefer the download link in the description over the XPI in the assets, because users do not see the content of the assets until they click on them. My idea here was to make it as simple as possible.

But of course we can decide otherwise.

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Sylvain303 commented 4 years ago

Hi @jobisoft

Thanks for releasing!

I downloaded from the github releases thanks, and installed from file.xpi

When the extension asked to restart TB:

Thunderbird had a problem and crashed.

To help us diagnose and fix the problem, you can send us a crash report.

A second restart from the crash report, succeed.

To you want me to do some more testing? Should I report more missing feature about this extension? Ex: updating the Subject: when inside the mail Tab (Enter on a email)

Regards, Sylvain.

jobisoft commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the report! If you find the time, you could try if the crash is reproducible: uninstall, restart, install again -> crash every time?

Regarding features: currently we want to check if all features of the old version work in v3.x. Is the missing feature you mentioned just missing in v3.x but present in v2.x? In either case you can create a new issue and provide the details, but I think we will not add entirely new features now, but only after the update for TB78 has been finished. But this is just my own opinion.

RealRaven2000 commented 4 years ago

@neandr : The idea behind having them in the repository directly: If you clone it, you have the XPI as well. I added downloadlinks to the release page. So far, you where the only one, who added his XPI there directly :-)

I also added download instructions to the README, is that enough? What is missing?

I second gNeandr's opinion. xpi should be an asset in the releases list, it's not necessary to have it in the actual source tree. Remember you could commit something without building every time (but hopefully still have something that can actually build using the script). Releases however should always have an installable xpi in them.

jobisoft commented 4 years ago

Ok, changed it.

I will miss the xpi in the repo however. Having to go to to get it, req. an online connection, which is not always present when I am on the road. Manually building it req. staching local changes and switching tags. It makes a simple task rather complicated. Furthermore, I do not see a difference between a "download link" in the release page, which points to the xpi in the main tree, compared to an "asset link" which points to a special storage location on But well, I got outnumbered.

jobisoft commented 4 years ago

@Sylvain303 : You no longer need to install dev versions:

We are now able to upload our released version to the origianl ATN page and you will get updates automatically again, if a new version has been released. But you need to remove your current dev version and install the official one from ATN.