cleidigh / Localfolder-TB

Thunderbird Add-On to add additional local folders to accounts
Mozilla Public License 2.0
14 stars 6 forks source link

LF - 128.0.1esr (64 bit) #83

Open dpullia opened 1 month ago

dpullia commented 1 month ago

After the release of this version, LF blocks the display of the entire account tree. I tried to install Thunderbird from scratch and create a new empty local folder, it gave an error during creation and it still blocks the account tree. Is there a solution?

cleidigh commented 1 month ago

@dpullia Can you give your os? When you say it blocks the account tree, do you mean the account actions button no longer works? Also, what error did it give? @cleidigh

dpullia commented 1 month ago

The operating system used is W10. Coming from Supernova, after the update the account tree on the left was not displayed but, when an email arrived, it was possible to open it from the banner. I tried turning off LF but nothing changed. I saved the profile, uninstalled Thunderbird, reinstalled, and tried to create a new virgin local folder and it gave me an error preventing me from deleting it (I can't replicate it because I didn't save the screen). I had to uninstall and reinstall. After reinstalling it, putting the original profile back, I removed all the local folders created with LF, restarted it and, at this point, it started working again. I don't know if the problem is related to the fact that my local folders are named as The same problem occurred on my collaborator's PC and, in that case, we directly deleted the folders created with LF (but without deleting the data, obviously)

_ In Italiano

Il sistema operativo usato è W10. Provenento da Supernova, dopo l'aggiornamento l'albero degli account sulla sinistra non era visualizzato ma, quando arrivava una email, dal banner era possibile aprirla. Ho provato a disattivare LF ma nulla è cambiato. Ho salvato il profilo, disistallato Thunderbird, reinstallato, ed ho provato a creare una nuova vergine cartella locale e mi ha dato un errore impedendomi di eliminarla (non riesco a replicarlo perche non ho salvato la schermata). Ho dovuto disistallare e reinstallare. Dopo averlo renstallato, rimettendo il profilo originario, ho rimosso tutte le cartelle locali create con LF, riavviato e, a questo punto, ha ripreso a funzionare. Non so se il problema è legato al fatto che le mie cartelle locali sono nominate come Lo stesso problema lo ha dato sul pc del mio collaboratore e, in quel caso, abbimo direttamente eliminato le cartelle create con LF (ma senza eliminare i dati, ovvimente)

cleidigh commented 1 month ago

@dpullia I will try and reproduce using your folder naming. @cleidigh

dpullia commented 1 month ago

OK thank you! One last additional piece of information. other folders are on the server and the connection is structured as follows: F:\019_Thunderbird\Archive\\ I don't know if the problem is caused by the network location. I have another PC at home, I'll try it there tomorrow to see if the error is repeated

Ok, grazie! Un'ultima informazione aggiuntiva. altre caretelle sono sul server ed il collegmanto è così strutturato: F:\019_Thunderbird\Archivio\\ Non so se il problema è causato dal percorso di rete. A casa ho un altro pc, provo li, domani, a vedere se l'errore è replicato

cleidigh commented 1 month ago

@dpullia That would be helpful. I have never seen the behavior you have described. Also I have tested with my NAS with no issues and other users use network drives. But, v128 is new so there could be new gotchas :-) @cleidigh

dpullia commented 1 month ago


dpullia commented 1 month ago

Ho provato in locale con un nome semplice ed ha funzionato. Ho riprovato con email come nome cartella ed ha funzionato, ma solo successivamente.

cleidigh commented 1 month ago

What did you mean about the folder with the email name "working later? Also is the account tree still not showing?

dpullia commented 1 month ago

Q: What did you mean about the folder with the email name "working later? R: I mean that if the name given to the folder inside thunderbirs does not contain "@", then it works Q: Also is the account tree still not showing? R: If I name the folder without "@" the account tree is displayed

I attach a photo of the test I conducted with a positive result even though the archive already existed error and not error

I think it is appropriate to report the error or release a version that fixes the problem. Good day

cleidigh commented 1 month ago

I was able to partially reproduce your issue. In Thunderbird v115 there is no issue. In v128 I do see the error on creation, however, the account tree is not affected, but it shows the partially created LF. I will have to investigate more. The @ sign may for some reason not work in v128 despite being a valid windows folder name character. @cleidigh ..

dpullia commented 1 month ago

I confirm, on 115 there were no problems with the @ on 128 yes. As for the account tree, in my case a completely white window has always appeared. I'm glad I made a contribution as a tester.

kompre commented 3 weeks ago


I've got the same issue (blank tree) with some local folders that contains the character @ in them, after upgrading to v128 (worked fine in previous version).

Here the bugzilla entry where is detailed in more detail, which also reference this same issue (In quote what I paste what I posted there)

Hey, I've got the same problem after upgrading to 128.1.0esr.

I've tried to remove mail.server.server###.hostname and narrowed it down to the local accounts (created with the extension localfolders) which name have the following naming schema:


the culprit seems to be the @ in the string.

To reproduce, just create a new local folder:

  1. insert a name with @ inside and choose whatever directory path you like
  2. click on All to initiate the message folder
  3. click on OK
  4. an alert window will pop up and thunderbird will be blank at the next startup

(markdown preview is not showing the screenshot, so here the link in case

cleidigh commented 2 weeks ago

@kompre @dpullia I am not sure what I did, however, while I can reproduce the error by setting the local folder NAME to include an @ symbol, but not when the directory includes the @ symbol. The only thing I can think of is that I included an @ in both when I first tested.

So now I can't reproduce what @dpullia saw. The problem with the name seems to be a Thunderbird error with account names that include @. I am going to make a test with minimal code to prove this. @cleidigh

dpullia commented 2 weeks ago

@cleidigh, For me it is no longer a problem; I renamed all the folders. Of course, if we could understand where the problem lies. Big!

PhilippSchlesinger commented 1 week ago

@cleidigh: I also have a likely similar issue first reported at with further information in

The only thing needed to do to get Thunderbird back to work again was changing the generated hostnames in prefs.js in a way that they do not contain an '@'. I did not change account names or directory names though.