cleishm / jsmockito

Javascript mocking framework inspired by the awesome mockito
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Verifier for "unknown" / "at least" number of invocations #19

Closed mllrjb closed 11 years ago

mllrjb commented 11 years ago

It doesn't look like there is a way to verify that there were 'at least' or an 'unknown' number of interactions with a mock.

For example, I want to verify that got called at least once, but don't care when else it got called. Having to verify the actual number of times can lead to fragile code.

I run into this frequently, when I'm doing a check/set of a value between two objects, and testing the logic that handles the check/set. I want to verify the check and set got called, but don't care how many times the check ran.

cleishm commented 11 years ago


That sounds like a good thing to have, and should be fairly simple to add. Would you like to submit a pull request?

Cheers, Chris

cleishm commented 11 years ago

Actually - this was a good way to remind myself of the codebase. So I just added atLeast & atMost verifiers.