clemens-tolboom / uml-generator-php
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Syntax error for dot-command #17

Closed clemens-tolboom closed 10 years ago

clemens-tolboom commented 10 years ago

Running $ json2dot . | xargs -t -I {} dot -Tsvg -O {} I get

dot -Tsvg -O ./lib/Drupal/Component/Archiver/
Error: syntax error in line 4
</table> ...
in label of node node_0

Inspecting file $ less ./lib/Drupal/Component/Archiver/

graph "Class Diagram" {
  node [shape=plaintext]
  node_0 [
<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" cellborder="0">
<tr><td align="center" href="!lib!Drupal!Component!Archiver!ArchiverException.php/class/ArchiverException/8">ArchiverException</td></tr><hr />

I think the last

is not allowed there. Do we really need HR or can we do without?

clemens-tolboom commented 10 years ago

I removed the HR before the /TABLE and the error disappeared.

I'm not sure that's the solution and tried to construct a simple test for it but failed for now.

MartijnBraam commented 10 years ago

It seems it's invalid syntax to have a <HR> in a table without rows both above and under it. so it fails if a class only has properties or only methods