clementine-player / Clementine

:tangerine: Clementine Music Player
GNU General Public License v3.0
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shuffle modes - makeover #1152

Open Clementine-Issue-Importer opened 10 years ago

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From keirangtp on December 20, 2010 17:52:33

Discussion about issue #1130 lead to this conclusions:

One possibility for new shuffle modes would be...

... where 'Shuffle albums' is a new mode in which Clementine plays a WHOLE ALBUM sequentially and then skips to another, random, album.

Original issue:

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From keirangtp on December 20, 2010 08:53:41

Issue 625 has been merged into this issue.

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From ivanovnegro on December 20, 2010 09:08:24

Great, thats it.

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From jasiekmarc on December 20, 2010 10:19:06

I have it here:

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From legion1978 on December 20, 2010 11:25:01

cool, would this patch (it is a patch isnt it) work with latest versions?

btw, i have the clementine ppa and i get the updates (revisions).. is there a changelog of those builds?


Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From keirangtp on December 20, 2010 13:40:54


Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From jasiekmarc on December 23, 2010 08:49:57

@legion: Newer version here: There is one issue with my patch, and I cannot really understand, why it is. When you turn on Clementine (with shuffle album) and click 'next' button, it chooses album randomly and plays the first possible track, but the second song played is the first track from a different album. From now it works well.

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From keirangtp on December 23, 2010 08:56:12

Are all four mentioned modes implemented in your patch?

Status: Accepted

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From jasiekmarc on December 23, 2010 09:10:41

No. 'Shuffle album' is redefined to act like 'shufle albums' should, as I never wanted to shuffle inside one album.

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From keirangtp on December 23, 2010 09:12:39

Then unfortunately we won't be able to merge this since your patch will just turn one problem into another. Could you make the patch compliant with the four specified modes? :)

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From rivera.hugo2 on December 23, 2010 17:48:09

We don't have shuffle, we have dynamic song mix!

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From legion1978 on December 23, 2010 22:40:30

i gave a shot to the modified version.. it seems to work ok.. im sure itll make it into the mainstream version soon enough :)

ty guys OSS f*cking rocks!

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From keirangtp on December 23, 2010 23:50:07

I'm sorry but we're going to need all the four modes implemented before we merge this patch. It's possible we're just take jasiek's patch and add the fourth one ourself but it could take some time since there's so much to be done already! If anybody would like to finish the job - please do!

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From jasiekmarc on December 24, 2010 03:59:09

Sure. Tomorrow.

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From legion1978 on December 24, 2010 07:10:43

cool.. hopefully youll figure out the misterious jumping song thing ^.^

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From jasiekmarc on December 26, 2010 18:02:00

Well. It's done somehow: I have attached the patch. I, however, strongly recommend you to consider doing it the right way (as mine can't called be so). The idea, my patch is based on is to have a playlist indexes (Indices they are called) sorted by album name and track number on the second place. Then, if we are at the end of one album, we are walking through the indexes and collecting new list - of first possible tracks of each album (they not every time have track number 1). Then we simply choose randomly one.

The reason, we create list of first tracks every time is, it makes our solution playlist-filtering-proof. It's, on the other hand, not really fast-clicking-the-button-next-proof.

Attachment: clementine-0.6.90~r2503.patch

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From xiong.chiamiov on January 20, 2011 19:13:10

IMO, having both "shuffle by album" and "shuffle by albums" is a bad idea.

[0]: I should note that this does require user interaction when one album finishes. I've never desired this behavior, so I can't make any judgements on how much of an issue this is.

As I alluded to, I think that defining, in UI terms, the shuffling behavior by the building blocks of the shuffle, rather than the range of data being shuffled, makes more sense, because the filter bar does that.

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From goetzchrist on January 20, 2011 20:03:12 I agree with you, the actual names are not the best. But having to filter the playlist manually is not good because you would need to do this after every album, it would not be automatically.

Maybe something like this: Off Tracks Albums Inside albums

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From legion1978 on January 24, 2011 04:40:31

I think youre over complicating statements.. it should be as simple as: -shuffle Off -shuffle playlist (meaning all tracks in playlist) -shuffle [tracks] by album (meaning all tracks in selected album[s]) -shuffle albums (meaning shuffle entire albums)

whatever the names, im still stuck with exaile till this is implemented ¬¬

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From keirangtp on April 13, 2011 09:17:23

Issue 1742 has been merged into this issue.

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From keirangtp on July 15, 2011 05:56:59

Issue 1995 has been merged into this issue.

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From sco50000 on July 30, 2011 16:32:07

I think the current shuffle by album makes no sense. I would expect it to play an album in the regular order and then move on to a new random album and play all the tracks of that one in order, and so on. Plus, the current behaviour of shuffle by album can be easily done by filtering the playlist or just making a playlist of that one album and using shuffle all. It is a bit confusing to have two easy ways to do the current "shuffle by album" behaviour.

It would be simpler and I think easier to understand if we just had: Shuffle off Shuffle tracks (playlist played in random order) Shuffle albums (albums played in track number order, randomly switching between albums)

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From sco50000 on July 30, 2011 16:33:31

Or, if Shuffle inside album is really desired, I like the names in comment 18.

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

_From on September 14, 2011 19:08:37_

Well, I am a klutz when it comes to music players, so I'd like a shuffle tab. Click on the hypothetical arrow next to the shuffle icon (see example button below) and it shows a list pop-up/fan coming from it including such options as- 'shuffle current playlist, shuffle current album, shuffle library' coming up from it to switch the type of shuffle. Or, baring that, a true shuffle rather than a repeating remix order would be a true joy. [Shuffle^]

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From davidsansome on November 27, 2011 07:03:49

This issue was closed by revision b8ee548eb495 .

Status: Fixed

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From legion1978 on November 27, 2011 14:35:44

Thank you my friend.. u guys have made me a very happy man today :)

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From drohhyn on January 19, 2012 06:04:09

I'd like to reopen this ticket, because the implementation has a somehow strange behavior: When I have shuffle albums activated and manually select a song, a new album is selected after playing this song. I would except, that the whole album (the selected song and all songs after it) would be played and afterwards a new album will be started.

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From legion1978 on January 19, 2012 06:20:08

mmm ive been meaning to report this as well. double click will play the track and then immediately jump to the next album. It also happens when starting clementine, which remembers the last track played, so you hit play and it plays and jump right afterwards.

also sometimes playback jump one or two tracks before the end of the album ends. I dunno why but it seems to be time related, cause it mostly happens when playing opera.. which tracks are over 1 hour long. but ive noticed this in some other albums too.

Why i do is just queue the remaining tracks of the album ;)

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From dimitryghost on January 19, 2012 07:45:05

i also experience this problem similarly to comment 27 and 28.

btw, could there be a way to jump to the next album? i used to use "next" button to skip through tracks in a shuffle mode. i am very happy with the new "shuffle albums" mode, and it will gain much more usability if there was a way to skip through entire album. i guess, putting another button for "next album" will significantly clutter the interface, but providing a shortcut/menu option would be very nice.

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From drohhyn on January 19, 2012 07:48:41

Good idea dimitryghost! I think that was the way it was implemented in an older version of amarok and there is a similar function in banshee music player.

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From davidsansome on January 19, 2012 08:05:11

Status: New

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From xiong.chiamiov on May 27, 2012 20:07:00

I'm not sure why this was re-opened, but I'll comment here for the moment since the issue is related; I've noticed that "Shuffle by Album" only plays tracks in the album that are by the same artist.

While most of the time there will be only one artist in each album, this is not always the case. I actually noticed this because Spotify has some broken tags on the Spiderman soundtrack ;) - some tracks are by Pete Anthony while others are by "Spiderman Original Soundtrack". Anyways, Clementine went through and played only those tracks by Pete Anthony, even though they're all ordered together in my playlist.

This was on 1.0.1-363-g36903ee on OS X 10.6.8.

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From david.antliff on July 12, 2012 19:30:49

Not sure if this is related, but I've noticed (v1.0.1) that when "Shuffle Albums" is enabled, and an album finishes, the player moves to a new album in the playlist but doesn't start with the first track - it appears to choose a random track number in the new album, and plays sequentially from there. Sometimes it's track #1 but usually it isn't.

This doesn't seem right, and it's not how Banshee does it.

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From legion1978 on July 18, 2012 23:35:13

The shuffle albums mode has a somewhat odd behavior, but its usable. Once you get to know the quirks, everything's peachy :) hopefully devs will have some time in the near future to revise the code.

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From zurauskis on November 22, 2013 23:40:40

Shuffle by album should use album artist if it's present. This solves random jumping on albums with multiple artist.

Attachment: shuffleAlbum.patch

Clementine-Issue-Importer commented 10 years ago

From arnaud.bienner on November 23, 2013 10:22:36

Labels: PatchAttached

jfftck-work commented 10 years ago

I am also see the random track on "Shuffle Albums" mode and most of the time it does not start with the first track of each album. This is very broken and should be disabled or fixed as it does not work correctly for many people.

entonio commented 5 years ago

I've just installed Clementine. I'd like to have s 'smart' list that would include all songs, but with the albums in random order, with the songs in natural order within each album. Each time I activated the smart list, the order of albums would change. I have tried various options in the UI but couldn't make it work. I can't even use 'shuffle playlist' because it shuffles all tracks regardless of album, even though I have selected Playlist \ Shuffle Mode \ Shuffle Albums. Is it because I'm using flac+cue? At first sight that shouldn't mess up with this, if anything the opposite. I've commented here because I find it strange that the issue is still open.