clementine-player / Clementine

:tangerine: Clementine Music Player
GNU General Public License v3.0
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intermittent playback on samba directory (always buffering) #4953

Open algazarra opened 9 years ago

algazarra commented 9 years ago

this might be a duplicate of #278 and #2126

I'm on lubuntu with Clementine v1.2.3 I can play my samba directories outside my local network with no problems using VLC. Clementine plays for half a second then it tries to buffer. buffer gets to 100% and plays the song for another half second then buffer again.

I also tried playing other samba folders both on other and my local network. VLC or mpd have no issues but clementine keeps trying to buffer. This severely diminishes my use for Clementine.

mariestaver commented 7 years ago

I'm having the same issue on OSX 10.11.6, Clementine 1.3.1 ... the app seems to work fine otherwise, but buffers constantly while playing from any network-attached (smb) location. Sometimes restarting the app will make the problem go away for a few songs, but then it returns, seemingly randomly. I really, really hope there's a fix, because I hate ITunes with a passion, and Clementine was definitely my favorite alternative.

cemelmaci commented 6 years ago

please see here answer from @ferrouswheel

I posted this as a reply to #3653 on the original issue tracker but apparently it was eaten by the migration to github. Since I just ran into this frustrating bug again I thought I'd post my fix on this issue:For anyone else pulling their hair out over this this issue: turns out that a recent kernel change re: cifs could be to blame.If you check the mount.cifs man page, there is a option "cache=loose". This was the default before kernel 3.7. Afterwards it changed to "cache=strict".Switching back to cache=loose fixed the issue for me.

davehill734455 commented 5 years ago

Windows Clementine to Linux samba server? Try setting up the share as read-only.

I had this problem earlier this year running Clementine on Windows 10 playing music on a Linux smb (samba) server. I couldn't see a way in Windows to change the cache setting as in the mount.cifs tip above (naturally). Digging a little deeper, it seems that the cache setting is concerned with file locking and edits to the original file by other processes. It occurred to me that setting the share from the Linux machine as read-only might take the cache setting out of the picture - so far (several months), it seems to have worked, and the problem reappeared when I accidentally switch back to read-write access.