clemos / haxe-sublime-bundle

Sublime Text bundle for Haxe programming language
Apache License 2.0
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neko nme target #58

Closed jscombs91 closed 11 years ago

jscombs91 commented 11 years ago

Under nme_targets could you add neko to that?

clemos commented 11 years ago

I just added it. Could you please test it and confirm that it works ? Because I don't use NME much...

jscombs91 commented 11 years ago

Works great! On my version I also added the code

if settings.has("haxe-nme-target"): HaxeBuild.nme_target = settings.get("haxe-nme-target")

at the end of the function extract_build_args. This allowed me to set the nme target in the project file so I didn't have to select the target every single time I opened the project.

clemos commented 11 years ago

It's nice that it works :)

As for project settings, it sounds great ! I've been thinking about adding such custom settings functionality to the bundle for a while, but never got time to experiment it properly: I think it's possible to provide a Default setting files at the bundle level (or in the .py, like you did), which can be overriden by either User Settings or Project Settings (priority ascending). Custom haxe path, std path (which seems necessary on some systems) or favorite target could then be easily added to the bundle. If you have some time, since you already added these few lines to, it would be awesome if you could confirm that we can move "haxe-nme-target" to some default preference or setting file provided with the bundle. I would prefer to have them in a config file than in the .py code like you did, because default preference files act as a reference so users can easily know what they can configure through User settings or Project settings. Then I'd happily merge any pull request regarding that :)

Thanks anyway