clempaul / dreamhost-dynamic-dns

A Dynamic DNS updater for use with the Dreamhost API
90 stars 39 forks source link

Idea\request #23

Open WoodardDigital opened 2 years ago

WoodardDigital commented 2 years ago

(first time asking stuff on GitHub, If I need to move this feel free to holler at me)

Is there a way to configure which domain or subdomain this targets? IE: leave alone, but set values for

edit: adding this so it makes sense what my end goal is, I want to be able to use this to auto set the dns of the subdomain for vpn connections to my home network the more digging I am doing I don't think it is easily possible.

Hopefully I am explaining that where it makes sense, I've been staring at this for a bit but don't see a way for me to add it in.

clempaul commented 2 years ago

Hi @leatherman1998, the script should only be updating the record that you specify with the -r option.

If you set that to that's the only record it'll update - it won't touch the record.

If you're seeing different behaviour would you mind giving a bit more information about what changes it's making please - it's possible there's a bug.

WoodardDigital commented 2 years ago

I'll go back in and double check my stuff sometime this weekend... I am probably screwing it up then.