When trying to fetch a user who has authenticated via microsoft, the client throws since the authentication strategy enum cannot be validated. This also occurs when trying to list all users of my application when at least one user has authenticated via Microsoft. Please add the value to the accepted list of enum values.
clerk = Clerk(bearer_auth=clerk_api_key)
outlook_test_user = clerk.users.get(user_id=outlook_test_user_clerk_id)
ValidationError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[13], line 1
----> 1 outlook_test_user = clerk.users.get(user_id=outlook_test_user_clerk_id)
2 print(outlook_test_user)
File ~/.local/share/virtualenvs/-be-pxHlHy8Q/lib/python3.11/site-packages/clerk_backend_api/users.py:767, in Users.get(self, user_id, retries, server_url, timeout_ms)
765 data: Any = None
766 if utils.match_response(http_res, "200", "application/json"):
--> 767 return utils.unmarshal_json(http_res.text, Optional[models.User])
768 if utils.match_response(http_res, ["400","401","404"], "application/json"):
769 data = utils.unmarshal_json(http_res.text, models.ClerkErrorsData)
File ~/.local/share/virtualenvs/-be-pxHlHy8Q/lib/python3.11/site-packages/clerk_backend_api/utils/serializers.py:120, in unmarshal_json(raw, typ)
119 def unmarshal_json(raw, typ: Any) -> Any:
--> 120 return unmarshal(from_json(raw), typ)
File ~/.local/share/virtualenvs/-be-pxHlHy8Q/lib/python3.11/site-packages/clerk_backend_api/utils/serializers.py:130, in unmarshal(val, typ)
123 def unmarshal(val, typ: Any) -> Any:
124 unmarshaller = create_model(
125 "Unmarshaller",
126 body=(typ, ...),
127 __config__=ConfigDict(populate_by_name=True, arbitrary_types_allowed=True),
128 )
--> 130 m = unmarshaller(body=val)
132 # pyright: ignore[reportAttributeAccessIssue]
133 return m.body
File ~/.local/share/virtualenvs/-be-pxHlHy8Q/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pydantic/main.py:193, in BaseModel.__init__(self, **data)
191 # `__tracebackhide__` tells pytest and some other tools to omit this function from tracebacks
192 __tracebackhide__ = True
--> 193 self.__pydantic_validator__.validate_python(data, self_instance=self)
ValidationError: 4 validation errors for Unmarshaller
Input should be 'phone_code', 'email_code', 'reset_password_email_code', 'from_oauth_discord', 'from_oauth_google' or 'from_oauth_apple' [type=enum, input_value='from_oauth_microsoft', input_type=str]
For further information visit https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.8/v/enum
Input should be 'admin' or 'from_oauth_discord' [type=enum, input_value='from_oauth_microsoft', input_type=str]
For further information visit https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.8/v/enum
Input should be 'oauth_google', 'oauth_mock', 'from_oauth_google', 'from_oauth_discord' or 'oauth_apple' [type=enum, input_value='from_oauth_microsoft', input_type=str]
For further information visit https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.8/v/enum
Input should be 'oauth_google', 'oauth_mock', 'saml', 'oauth_discord' or 'oauth_apple' [type=enum, input_value='oauth_microsoft', input_type=str]
For further information visit https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.8/v/enum
When trying to fetch a user who has authenticated via microsoft, the client throws since the authentication strategy enum cannot be validated. This also occurs when trying to list all users of my application when at least one user has authenticated via Microsoft. Please add the value to the accepted list of enum values.