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`@clerk/nextjs@5.2.0` cause a build warning in NextJS middleware #3660

Closed arvinxx closed 1 day ago

arvinxx commented 2 days ago

Preliminary Checks


Publishable key

no need, it's a build time issue


here is the build log:

   Creating an optimized production build ...
 ✓ (pwa) Compiling for server...
 ✓ (pwa) Compiling for server...
 ✓ (pwa) Compiling for client (static)...
 ○ (pwa) Service worker: /vercel/path1/public/sw.js
 ○ (pwa)   URL: /sw.js
 ○ (pwa)   Scope: /
 ⚠ Compiled with warnings
A Node.js module is loaded ('async_hooks' at line 3) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime.
Learn More:
Import trace for requested module:
A Node.js API is used (MessageEvent at line: 28) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime.
Learn more:
Import trace for requested module:

you can see the error from @clerk/nextjs. please remove this usage:


Next.JS: 14.2.4
@nextjs/clerk: >=5.2.0
LauraBeatris commented 2 days ago

Hi @arvinxx, thanks for raising the issue! We're working on a fix for it and it should be released soon.

LauraBeatris commented 1 day ago

@arvinxx The fix has been merged and will soon release a patch for @clerk/nextjs! 🫡