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Error: Invariant: cookies() expects to have requestAsyncStorage, none available. #4463

Open flott-live opened 3 weeks ago

flott-live commented 3 weeks ago

Preliminary Checks


Publishable key



Summary Getting this error when signing out using the provided components.

errorMessage: Error: Invariant: cookies() expects to have requestAsyncStorage, none available. file: webpack-internal:///(app-pages-browser)/../../nodemodules/.pnpm/next@14.0.4-canary.36@babel+core@7.26.0_react-dom@18.3.1_react@18.3.1/node_modules/next/dist/client/components/headers.js methodName: cookies

Can be related to : . Got fixed by reverting to ^6.0.0 just before this change got merged

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Step 1


"use client"

import { UserButton } from "@clerk/nextjs"
import { SignedIn } from "@clerk/nextjs"

export default function UserProfile() {
    return (
        <div className="flex flex-1 items-center justify-end space-x-4">
                <div className="flex items-center rounded-full ring-4 ring-blue-400">
                    <UserButton signInUrl="/sign-in" userProfileUrl="/dashboard/account" />
  1. Step 2


import UserProfile from "@/components/user-profile"

export default async function NewProductPage({ params }: NewProductPageProps) {
    const { user } = await getOrgMetadata()

    if (!user) {

    return (<div >
               <UserProfile />


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BRKalow commented 6 days ago

Hi @flott-live, can you confirm if you're still experiencing this on the latest release? Thanks!