clerk / t3-turbo-and-clerk

A t3 Turbo starter with Clerk as the auth provider.
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Error in the Github build check related to publishableKey and prerendering pages #86

Open busta-design opened 1 year ago

busta-design commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug I had an error in the Build, lint and type-check process. It says: @acme/nextjs:build: Error: @clerk/nextjs: Missing publishableKey. You can get your key at and @acme/nextjs:build: Error occurred prerendering page "/". Read more: (this error is for all the pages).

I already have a publishableKey and it is being used as a ClerkProvider prop, so I don't understand the issue.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a PR
  2. Look at the Build, lint and type-check process error.




Additional context I tried to print the publishableKey in the console.log, and it was correctly printed.

busta-design commented 1 year ago


jakewies commented 1 year ago

I see this happening as well in my PR's CI. I'm trying to determine if this issue is resulting in failed Vercel builds (where the build just hangs).

gtgaitoKu commented 9 months ago

I am also having this issue, wondering if anyone has found any new information?

Telos8840 commented 8 months ago

I came across this thread while troubleshooting the same issue. I'm not using this repo template, but I am running a similar CI/CD pipeline. What I did to fix this was the following:

Passed the publishableKey to the ClerkProvider


I moved the GitHub env vars into the build step instead. Based on the ci.yml in this repo, that would look like this:

- name: Build, lint and type-check
  run: pnpm turbo build lint type-check

Lastly, NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY and CLERK_SECRET_KEY need to be set as secrets inside your repository settings.

Hope this helps!

humancodex commented 5 months ago

I want to address some serious issues we are encountering in the production deployment of our solution based on Next.js, version "13.1.6". When attempting to access the page "/Admin", we encounter the following error:

Error occurred prerendering page "/Admin". Read more: Error: @clerk/nextjs: Missing publishableKey. You can get your key at

Error occurred prerendering page "/marketplace". Read more: Error: @clerk/nextjs: Missing publishableKey. You can get your key at

_app.js <ClerkProvider {...pageProps} publishableKey={process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY}> <Component {...pageProps} /> It's important to note that the Clerk publishable key is fetched from the environment variables. Specifically, it should be available as NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY.

The project structure : Captura de pantalla 2024-04-04 205510

We are deploying on vercel

Upon further analysis, we have identified that the error lies in the absence of a publishableKey required by Clerk for the proper functioning of our application. This key is essential for authenticating and authorizing requests with Clerk.

mackzheng commented 2 months ago

i use "@clerk/nextjs": "^5.1.4" and

step1: if your project contain src/app your need put middleware.ts in /src/

step2: .env.local you need config

middleware.ts is like this:

import { clerkMiddleware,createRouteMatcher } from "@clerk/nextjs/server"; //const isDashboardRoute = createRouteMatcher(['/dashboard(.)']); //const isAdminRoute = createRouteMatcher(['/admin(.)']); const isPublicRoute = createRouteMatcher(['/','/sign-in(.)', '/sign-up(.)']); //you need achieve clerkMiddleware interface in the middleware.d.ts file /**

export default clerkMiddleware((auth, request, event) => { if(!isPublicRoute(request)){ auth().protect(); } }, { publishableKey : your_publishableKey secretKey: your_secretKey domain:"your_domain", signInUrl:"https://your_domain/sign-in", signUpUrl:"https://your_domain/sign-up", afterSignInUrl:"https://your_domain/dashboard", afterSignUpUrl:"https://your_domain/dashboard", isSatellite: false, });

export const config = { matcher: ['/((?!.+\.[\w]+$|_next).)', '/', '/(api|trpc)(.)'], };

elias1991xNataly commented 1 month ago

Hi, i had the same problem because I was doing it in next's and vercel and I tried with the publishable key inside the clerk provider and didn't work. But as soon as I put the environment variables inside the deployment section of Vercel deployment everything was solved. Maybe it was a rookie mistake of not knowing that. Hope It helps.

Captura de pantalla 2024-07-11 a las 17 08 19
nekonee commented 1 month ago

Hi @elias1991xNataly can you tell me how did you reach those settings? I'm having some issue finding this particular page based just on your screenshot. Any help would be appreciated!