Open seansan opened 5 years ago
Can be updated in public function categoryAction()
// SNH CUSTOM 4-2-2019 CHANGED DB FETCH and added ->addAttributeToSelect('page_title')
$categories = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')
->addAttributeToSelect('page_title') // 2. ADD FETCH DATA HERE
->addAttributeToFilter('path', ['like' => "1/{$rootCategoryId}/%"])
->setOrder('entity_id', Varien_Db_Select::SQL_ASC)
$items = [];
foreach ($categories as $category) {
//Get children categories
$children = $category->getResource()->getChildren($category, false);
// SNH CUSTOM 4-2-2019 CHANGED CATEGORIES FETCH FROM: $category->getName() to $category->getPageTitle(),
$data = [
'id' => (int) $category->getId(),
'name' => $category->getPageTitle(), // 3. SUBMIT DATA HERE .... CAN ALSO BE EXTRA FIELD OF CLERK SUPPORTS IT
'url' => $category->getUrl(),
'subcategories' => array_map('intval', $children),
Please add category Title Chooser in config
Some websites use two attributs for categories
The TITLE can be quite short something like "White"; suppose in a menu like "Shirts->White"; however the page title on the page is "White Shirts" taken from another attribute
Default should stay default 'name' but one should be able to change it in the backend
Quick and SImple win ; also goes for M2