clevaway / bond

Send your loved ones a vibe with a lovely sound, so they know you miss them. Anytime you want to, anywhere they are.
MIT License
32 stars 14 forks source link

Functionality focus! #40

Open RonaldColyar opened 3 years ago

RonaldColyar commented 3 years ago


AFTER Basic setup: WE NEED:

0 .Groups 1.Sound listening endpoints(where people can bond and listen to the same song in real time), feature,

  1. Swipe through the songs your lover sent you(at the end of your day when your lover has sent you all of these songs , when you open the app/web app you will get a popup allowing you to swipe through the songs that your lover has sent)
  2. Links to sounds(api)
  3. Bond bot(for new users that have questions , a fun implemetation)
  4. Data surveys for improvement.
  5. location sharing.
RonaldColyar commented 3 years ago

@FotieMConstant @dilanlongla @quiet-programmer

FotieMConstant commented 3 years ago

@dilanlongla did you draw the models based in this functionality focus?

dilanlongla commented 3 years ago

@FotieMConstant sure i did but some functionalities are purely front end such as vibration. So in modeling i concerntrated on data needed to be stored

FotieMConstant commented 3 years ago

@RonaldColyar @quiet-programmer @Jael-dev we have setup the db and the api endpoint. with configured automatic deploys Here's the domain:

quiet-programmer commented 3 years ago

@FotieMConstant is there any form of authentication on the API? like API key?

FotieMConstant commented 3 years ago

Not really at the moment bro, i think that's something we should have right?

quiet-programmer commented 3 years ago

Yeah sure.... but for testing not really needed shaaa

RonaldColyar commented 3 years ago

Sorry guys I started a new job and I been working ! I am back on board