cleverage / eslint-config

eslint config for Clever Age projects
MIT License
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import/no-extraneous-dependencies #6

Open ryuran opened 5 years ago

ryuran commented 5 years ago

Each time I use this config I have to set this rules. Maybe it should be set by default.


    // Forbid the use of extraneous packages
    // paths are treated both as absolute paths, and relative to process.cwd()
    'import/no-extraneous-dependencies': ['error', {
      devDependencies: [
        'test/**', // tape, common npm pattern
        'tests/**', // also common npm pattern
        'spec/**', // mocha, rspec-like pattern
        '**/__tests__/**', // jest pattern
        '**/__mocks__/**', // jest pattern
        'test.{js,jsx}', // repos with a single test file
        'test-*.{js,jsx}', // repos with multiple top-level test files
        '**/*{.,_}{test,spec}.{js,jsx}', // tests where the extension or filename suffix denotes that it is a test
        '**/jest.config.js', // jest config
        '**/vue.config.js', // vue-cli config
        '**/webpack.config.js', // webpack config
        '**/webpack.config.*.js', // webpack config
        '**/rollup.config.js', // rollup config
        '**/rollup.config.*.js', // rollup config
        '**/gulpfile.js', // gulp config
        '**/gulpfile.*.js', // gulp config
        '**/Gruntfile{,.js}', // grunt config
        '**/protractor.conf.js', // protractor config
        '**/protractor.conf.*.js', // protractor config
      optionalDependencies: false,


    'import/no-extraneous-dependencies': [
        'devDependencies': true,
        'optionalDependencies': true,
        'peerDependencies': true,