cleverage / garden-starter-kit

La base de projet utilisé pour le développement static front-end chez Clever Garden
MIT License
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Adding Parker (Stylesheet Analysis Tool) ? #14

Open borisschapira opened 8 years ago

borisschapira commented 8 years ago

Would you love a static analysis of the generated CSS on-the-go, like Parker ?

Use :+1: and :-1: in reactions to vote.

Total Stylesheets: 1
Total Stylesheet Size: 12384
Total Rules: 158
Total Selectors: 209
Total Identifiers: 448
Total Declarations: 362
Selectors Per Rule: 1.3227848101265822
Identifiers Per Selector: 2.1578947368421053
Specificity Per Selector: 18.0622009569378
Top Selector Specificity: 110
Top Selector Specificity Selector: #cookies-monster .more
Total Id Selectors: 3
Total Unique Colors: 42
Unique Colors: #515151,#FFFFFF,#268BD2,#303030,#EEEEEE,#555555,#E5E5E5,#BF616A,#F9F9F9,#7A7A7A,#717171,#505050,#C0C0C0,#9A9A9A,#999999,#CCCCCC,#F5F5F5,#C3F4DC,#002B36,#93A1A1,#151515,#AC4142,#F4BF75,#D0D0D0,#90A959,#6A9FB5,#AA759F,#D28445,#75B5AA,#8F5536,#202020,#EED9D9,#F6E6DA,#FDF2E3,#E9EEDE,#E3F0EE,#E1ECF0,#EEE3EC,#E9DDD6,#111111,#333333,#000000
Total Important Keywords: 2
Total Media Queries: 7
Media Queries: (min-width: 38em),(min-width: 30em),(min-width: 48em),(min-width: 58em),(min-width: 64em),all,only screen and (max-width: 1024px)
nhoizey commented 8 years ago


(carrément !)

ryuran commented 8 years ago

Seems to be a "nice to have". If someone want it, make a pull request.