clevertech / YiiBooster

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[SUGGESTION] Rename select2 widget #658

Open soee opened 11 years ago

soee commented 11 years ago

When working with Select2 widget code i found note that this name should be changed. So my proposition is: AdvncedSelect or AdvncedSelectBox (but there is some jQuery plugin called Advnced Selectbox so i would stick to the first option).

Discuss :)

hijarian commented 11 years ago

Indeed, I thought about it, too. However, my suggestion is just TbSelect or at most TbSmartSelect. The very purpose of YiiBooster is to enhance the existing controls and provide completely new ones, like datepickers. So, select enhanced by YiiBooster should be called just select, as I think. However, it'll be more preferable in future to create new separate widgets for dropdown, multiselect, tag select and dropdown with input. All of these controls will be implemented by select2 widget internally, but when requesting them, use will not need to specify all needed combinations of parameters. Desktop GUIs do such separation of various selectors for decades already.

digitalcrab commented 10 years ago

Sounds good! In a few days i will make a decision about this and maybe in new release version we will rename it and divide it to some widgets.